The Greatest Pardon of the 21st Century, (and the First by a Black/Asian Person who Identifies as a Woman)
July 24, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff
By Je suis Spike, for RBN
New Contest: Provide Answer in Minutes and Seconds.
Assuming President Biden resigns, (tonite, Jan 15, whenever), how long before – I gag saying it – President Harris blanket pardons Joe, his family, and other co-conspirators, (Bobolinski excepted) from actual crimes, all the while saying there actually were no crimes, but “if ‘compassionate Joe’ accidentally ran technically afoul of the law while providing bread to the poor,” well, come on…heh heh heh heh heh heh henh henh henh hehn, ad nauseum?
Will President Harris* pardon Donald Trump (but not others) from alleged and generally uncommitted crimes?
There are upsides to to Harris and Democrats for “pardoning” President Trump about October 25th.
Harris demonstrates to the low-information voter Democrat capacity for forgiveness.
Make President Trump look bad during election, as though he actually committed crimes.
Even after Oct 25: Possibly take “standing” away from President Trump if he attempts to seek prosecution (justice) as President or file suit as a private citizen.
You must understand, the evil have been war-gaming these things for thousands of years.
Right… Spike is making divisive talk.
It’s not divisive if true.
Thank you,
Je suis Spike
Do you ever get the feeling that, while the concept of standing is important, it’s used when it shouldn’t be used just to get cowardly Justices from, ironically, taking a stand?
* Of course President Biden may issue a pardon for President Trump with the same results.