The Praetorians (Former Headline: April 7, 2022 by American Freedom News by Z Man …)
April 8, 2022 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff
source: americanfreedomnews
by Z Man
The video of former president Obama visiting the White House recently made clear that the current president is not really in charge. Joe Biden was seen staggering around the reception looking for anyone to acknowledge him. It was possible he had no idea where he was at the time. Biden’s increasingly deranged public rantings suggest he is reaching his expiry date. The question being quietly debated in Washington is when and how he will be removed from office.
The fact that this question has been normalized since before he was installed in the position speaks to how much things have changed in America. No one really thinks Joe Biden is in charge of himself or the executive branch. It is just assumed that he is a place holder who will be replaced in his first term. Every president represents a coalition of elite interests, but none have been viewed as a figurehead. This is a big change that in time will be seen as an inflection point.
There is plenty of speculation about the when and the how the real decision makers will remove Biden from office. Maybe they have a Lee Harvey Oswald in training, one of those Trump loving white supremacist from their mythologies. That would justify another round of state sponsored terrorism. Maybe they just force him out due to poor health in the hope of making him a sympathetic figure. Of course, who replaces him is another fun question to ponder.
That is all fun stuff to debate, but the question no one bothers to consider is who is making the decision on Biden? No one has provided a clear explanation for who picked him back in the primary. It was clearly not the voters. The party forced everyone to quit after the South Carolina primary, but how did that work? If it was just the party why did they wait so long? The timing suggests someone came to the aid of the party with new tools.
We got a hint of who is really calling the shots recently. The government of Pakistan has not been enthusiastic for the sanctions regime against Russia. Last week, some powerful Pakistani generals suddenly backed a no-confidence vote for prime minister Imran Khan in the parliament. Khan was wily enough to see it coming so he dissolved parliament before the vote and called for new elections. People who know Pakistan suggest he will win that vote and remain in power.
Everyone assumes the reason the Pakistani generals tried to topple Khan is they got word from America that it would be good for business. Aligning with America against Russia would mean new bribes and equipment. That promise could only come from the American military. There is little interface between the American political class and the Pakistani political class. There are close relations between the respective military and intel agents of both countries.
We only have to go back a couple of years to the color revolution against Trump to see the same finger prints. The lead in that caper was the intelligence community, but we learned that the top brass of the military was in the loop. General Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said this. The FBI, CIA and Senate Intelligence Committee were at the center of the Russian collusion hoax and spying operation against the Trump campaign.
Currently, it is a handful of neoconservatives in the foreign policy elite who are running the war against Russia. None of the decisions thus far have involved anyone outside that narrow group. It seems rather clear that no one bothered to consult the financial class about the sanctions regime. No one in Congress has been in the loop or has bothered to ask any questions about it. The lack of debate or dissent is an important clue.
Another unnoticed clue is the highly coordinated mass media campaigns that have become a staple of American life. After George Floyd’s overdose, we were deluged from every corner with antiwhite propaganda. The content providers had a BLM campaign ready to go and the rioters were organized and ready. We have just witnessed the same coordinated media campaign on behalf of Ukraine. Where did the TV presenters get those Ukraine lapel pins?
Operation Mockingbird was a CIA program early in the Cold War to manipulate the media. Half a century ago, the far-left activist Carl Bernstein wrote a long article on the collusion between the CIA and the mass media. Today the mass media is full of “retired” intelligence officers working as pundits. The point is that the secret police infiltrated the media long ago and continue to run it. The fifty intel agents who swore Biden’s laptop was fake agree with this.
Like the Q source that Bible scholars think is a written collection of primarily Jesus’ sayings, the people in charge remain a mystery. We can know they exist from the clues we can see. The common elements that exist in these various events suggest a common set of hands. Those hands come from the wilderness of mirrors that is the intelligence community. This community is like a miasma that permeates all of the ruling class institutions.
It is tempting reduce this to a handful of shadowy players who operate from a hidden lair, but in reality it is probably a collection of people. It is called the intelligence community because it is mostly an informal collection of people and institutions that come together for a common purpose. The change we have seen recently is that it is the intel community calling the shots, rather than the semi-permanent political elite using the intel community to remain in power.
In the fullness of time, the Biden period will be seen as the time when this shadowy group of figures became the Praetorian Guard. They moved from keeping the elites in power to picking the elites who will hold office. That arrangement was a disaster for the Roman Empire and given the situation with Biden, this arrangement is looking like a disaster for the Global American Empire. That said, there is no sign of a Constantine out there, so this is the new normal.