The Taker – The Irish Savant
April 18, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
We all know the type: The Taker. The kind who, irrespective of personal wealth, wriggles out of buying his round, the type who contributes nothing in group situations, instead watching closely for any opportunity for personal gain, the type who takes credit for a work colleague’s achievement, the type who in a sporting context will go for personal glory and fail when a simple pass to a colleague would have resulted in a guaranteed score. The Taker. Every interaction and transaction is analysed for the possibility of personal gain. To him personal loyalty means nothing. He’ll use people until they’re no longer useful and then drop them without a second thought. Such people are born that way and remain that way all of their lives.
Ladies and gentlemen I present to you Bill Gates, philanthropist, pictured here with close friend Jeffrey Epstein. In fact a more unlikely philanthropist would be hard to find. The supreme Taker. Gates as a billionaire – that’s billionaire – was known in Seattle for redeeming discount vouchers when shopping. Who was described by Steve Jobs as ‘a talentless bum who stole everything that made him his money’. And that assessment is coming from an expert given that Jobs stole the Apple concept from PARC. The depths to which Microsoft, shaped in Gates’ image, would descend were legendary. It was SOP for them, even when the company was worth tens of billions, to bilk small developers out of their products and incorporate the functionality in the next version of Windows.