The Unholy Trinity for War
February 7, 2019 in News by RBN Staff
Source: WHTT |
The Federal Reserve, Christian Zionists, and the Current White House
The Federal Reserve System (FED, hereafter), is primarily responsible for the course of our sickening national debt, now about $22 trillion dollars. Christian Zionists are a new player in the war game, and are ardent supporters of the present White House occupant.
We Americans are not used to challenging the truthfulness of the little-understood FED. On January 30 we were told the FED agreed with our President that they would not raise the so-called discount rate by 1/4 of 1%, as had been expected. But, who is the FED and what is its authority? We are constantly told the FED is just another division of our government put there by Congress in 1913 for our financial welfare, stability, and protection. In the following pages, we will briefly examine these promoted notions, and expose some fat holes in them.
We will examine the carefully protected aims of the FED, and show that its purposes are, and always have been, to finance wars. And, that the motive for getting us into wars is to give its banker allies someone to finance. It has been said, “War is the banker’s payday.” This is a fact that should need no proving!
All one has to do is look at the US war record since the FED came into existence in 1913. For instance, It took less than 4 years from its get-go to push US into WWI. And, the FED has funded every war since! Presently, we will discuss how the Federal Reserve System created these war debt dollars, and how it, the FED, has come to own $4+ trillion of our US debt, probably without putting up a dime of its owners’ cash.
But first, let’s discuss how we might hold off three or four pending wars supported by all three of these interlocking factions, the FED, Christian Zionists (most, but not all of them), and the present White House occupant.
It is indeed strange that support for future wars depends on the thoughts and votes of a giant religious faction know as Christian Zionists. This group supports war indirectly, but for most, unwittingly, by supporting any action that is deemed to be beneficial to the State of Israel. This religious revelation began some 35 years after the FED became law. With the partitioning of Palestine in 1948, its influence mushroomed after the introduction of the revised Scofield Reference Bible edition of 1967. Christian Zionism was not believed to be a factor in WWI, WWII, Korea, or Vietnam.
Christian Zionism, by our definition, is the belief that the present day State of Israel is the fulfillment of Bible Prophesy, found mostly in the Old Testament. And therefore it is reasoned that the Jewish inhabitants of modern Israel must be honored as God’s “chosen people,” no matter what their acts. Some prominent Christian Zionist leaders have even publicly prayed for war against Iran and Iraq, which they consider Israel’s enemies. (see: “Bill Moyer’s Journal: CUFI,” and “Challenging a War-Willing Church“)
Christian Zionists are a large support base for the current occupant of the White House. He is the latest in a series of war-friendly presidents who depend upon Christian Zionists for their margin of victory at the polls.
Note that most current Ωwar targets are Muslim-controlled countries, including Syria, Iran, and in the past, already destroyed Iraq, Libya, South Sudan, and Afghanistan. The current White House has ingratiated itself to the Zionist-leaning Christians by condemning anyone who seems to be Israel’s adversary. A recent example is a Presidential speech about the Mexican wall in which the President referred to the great success of the Israeli wall around Palestine. (see: “Christian Zionism: The Tragedy & the Turning, Part I“)
There would be little or no money for war without the FED. It’s a reasonable assumption from its war record that the primary purpose of the FED is getting the USA into war, for purposes of gain and for those who control and profit from war. Does anyone fail to see that war has become continuous in the last 30 years?
To cover for itself, the FED openly lies about its purpose, and always has. It also lies about who its owners are. Let us look briefly at the FED’s own statements from its website, for if we can understand who controls it (never mind trying to trace down the hidden ownership), we will be able to see through the FED. We note and observe that no FED leaders ever talks about war; they hide what they do by ignoring the subject, as they go about financing the next conflict. And, the major media is no help, either, and rarely challenges the Fed about the truthfulness of anything that it says. But the fact that the FED lies about who owns it, controls it, and how it is funded, speaks loudly for itself.
Careful researchers, including Eustace Mullins in his 1985 book, “Secrets of the Federal Reserve,” have concluded that the FED was created by agents for the Bank of England, which is that country’s Central Bank. This writer concludes that the FED’s purpose can be seen in what it has accomplished: war and giant debts overhanging our “republic.” I repeat, war and debt are the FED’s purposes! To keep this secret, the FED has promulgated two gigantic lies from which it never deviates. Its truth is revealed by its lies.
Lie # 1: No one owns the Federal Reserve System.
In its own language: “The Federal Reserve System is not ‘owned’ by anyone.” (link to “Who Owns the FED“) Response: The mere suggestion that a business with $4 Trillion of US bonds on its balance sheet, is without owners is a ludicrous and desperate lie. We know FED ownership is carefully disguised, but who controls it is the issue, because its owner need not put up money for its multi $trillion banking operation. Its balance sheet costs it little or nothing, because it is authorized and franchised to create money! To re-emphasize, it’s who controls the FED that is the issue. Never mind how cleverly they have concealed its ownership!
As serious students of the FED, we have discovered that it is not controlled by the US government, but by international central banks and mega-bankers from outside the USA. (We will not attempt to prove what should be self-evident, but will recommend several books that we think have proven it to our satisfaction.)
Lie # 2: The FED’s purpose is to create public stability and prosperity.
Quoting it: “The Federal Reserve performs five key functions in the public interest to promote the health of the U.S. economy and the stability of the U.S. financial system.” (link to “Overview of the Federal Reserve System“) If indeed, as we say, the FED’s primary purpose is to engage in profiting from war by financing it, how can it also be for these noble-sounding purposes of “serving the public?” Who’s public? How can a bank that creates dollars out of vapor and has funded some 20 wars (placing American citizens behind $22 trillion of debt in the process) possibly be working “in the public interest?”
Lie #3: Dangerous Statistical Near Lie
The FED contends that 2017-2018 inflation was less than 2% per year, and still is. We consumers know full well that our living costs are going up much faster than 2% annually. The Fed justifies paying low-interest rates on government bonds by distorting inflation downward. Low-interest rates mean bond buyers are willing to accept less from treasuries they buy. This is another gross distortion by the FED in the interest of funding war, while placating the White House, whose occupant has stated he is a “low interest rate person”.
We hear, of course, that Mr. Jerome Powell, appointed by our President as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the FED, helps run or influence it. The White House has also appointed several other “voting” Fed board members. We conclude that they are all more whitewash, to make the FED look “American.” It does not take much imagination to see why this President might want low-interest rates and argue for them. If we stop to think for ourselves for just one minute, we can readily guess that the present White House occupant is probably the most indebted president in the history of our nation. His entire business history has been “borrow and build,” and he is not without bankruptcies in his business background. How else would one own golf courses, lavish resorts all over the world, and giant skyscrapers, without being a bankers’ friend and a leveraged borrower?
We have no way to know the President’s assets and debts, without investing years of research. We have been denied his tax returns, whereas all the rest of us, including past Presidents, must expose our worth. Low interest is good for all borrowers. Why should we not love both our President and the FED for championing low-interest rates? It is because the interest rate argument is simply a diversion. The real issue is, will the FED fund a series of future wars laid out for us as possibilities? The answer is “Yes,” if we voters let those wars happen with Venezuela, Iran, Syria, or even Russia itself. The FED will fund war because that is its purpose, and the debt will be stacked on top of the American people.
One more detail must be understood. The FED has caused Congress to charter it as a bank. This means the FED can create credit money at any time by buying the government securities it is issuing. The money-creating ability is the secret of its massive bond financing and bond-buying program. The FED has acquired its $4 Trillion-plus portfolio of Treasury-issued security by issuing checks drawn on itself! It has probable not paid a dime of hard dollar cash for its portfolio. The FED balance Sheet is a fraud! Several writers to whom we refer you will explain this in detail.
Summing it up: The FED’s record speaks for itself. It took less than four years from the time Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, for our internationally, near-virgin nation, to attack England’s hostile enemies in Europe, chiefly Germany, in what became the most bloody engagement in US history. The total death count was about 17 million humans.
After WW 1 ended in 1918, peace lasted only 23 years, about the time it took almost one generation of America’s youth to mature and become voters. Again, the internationalist bankers dragged Americans back into Europe, expanding the war to Japan for WWII that is thought to have killed as many as 70 million souls.
Since this time, the intervals of peace between foreign wars and occupations have been shortened. And if we consider that the FED has continued to sell US bonds for the financing of other countries that are in continuous wars, including Israel. USA warring activities since Korea and Vietnam have been continuous, all financed by the FED’s silent bond selling campaign, which deficits continue under the current White House, with its mindless Christian Zionist support.
Unfortunately, everything that the FED does, and all who support it, need to be challenged. We Hold These Truths thinks the place to start is in Christian Zionist churches and schools, exposing our impossible to repay war-debts. (“Christian Zionism: The Tragedy & The Turning, Part I”)
Charles E. Carlson
Amazon offers many books about the FED, but only a few by authors we know and have come to respect. I suggest the following for a starter, by a dedicated researcher who once stayed in my home:
“Secrets of the Federal Reserve,” Eustace Mullins
Also, from We Hold These Truths: “Federal Reserve’s Role in Financing America’s Wars.”