“There is No Such Thing as a Heartbeat at Six Weeks” – Stacey Abrams Argues Fetal Heartbeat is a “Manufactured Sound” (VIDEO)

September 22, 2022 in News by RBN Staff

source:  gatewaypundit


By Jim Hoft
Published September 22, 2022 at 7:30am

Failed Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams claimed that a fetal heartbeat at 6 weeks is a fabrication and just a “manufactured sound” in a newly released video.

Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams can be seen spouting lies and misinformation about fetal heartbeat alongside other speakers in an unearthed video.

“There is no such thing as a heartbeat,” Abrams claimed.

“It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body away from her,” she said.

Watch the video below:

“Dr.” Stacey Abrams’s claim is incorrect.

According to Healthline, “a fetal heartbeat may first be detected by a vaginal ultrasound as early as 5 1/2 to 6 weeks after gestation. That’s when a fetal pole, the first visible sign of a developing embryo, can sometimes be seen.”

“But between 6 1/2 to 7 weeks after gestation, a heartbeat can be better assessed. That’s when your doctor may schedule your first abdominal or vaginal ultrasound to check for signs of a healthy, developing pregnancy.”

Radiologist Pradheep J. Shanker, who also refuted the claims made by Abrams, has a great explanation about fetal heartbeats via a series of tweets.

“Dr. Stacey Abrams, MD has thoughts, people. Stacey Abrams if you wish to be educated, I’d be more than happy to show you the actual heartbeat of a six-week-old fetus. It’s not an imaginary thing, no matter how much you want it to be,” Shanker wrote.

“And look how Democrats are perfectly happy with Stacey Abrams spreading scientific misinformation to young people (who are nodding along, even though they are being told a lie). Apparently, misinformation only matters when it is inconvenient?”

“Is the fetal heart fully developed? OF COURSE NOT. But it is still contracting, in the process of its development. I could go through the embryology of this…but I hated embryology. Note that by five weeks, the fetal heart has four chambers, an aortic tract, and contracts.”

“What many doctors say that this is a ‘manufactured’ sound means that you can’t hear it with a stethoscope. Which is meaningless, because then…why even use a stethoscope? Why not just put your ear to the belly (as they did hundreds of years ago)?”

“Ultrasound picks up density and motion. It can certainly pick up cardiac contraction. And furthermore, ultrasound does NOT pick up electrical activity (that is another bit of misinformation).”

“If you want to support abortion, fine. But don’t lie about what you are doing,” Shanker said.

Another Twitter user also responded to Abram’s claim.

“Stacey Abrams is pushing a theory here that ultrasound machines, used in hospitals now all over the world, were designed by a cabal of men, to manufacture a sound beat on purpose, in order to convince women to keep unwanted pregnancies. This is beyond QAnon sh*t,” Stephen Miller wrote.

It can be recalled that Abrams said she supports abortion ‘until the time of birth’ in some cases, as reported by The Gateway Pundit.

When asked by the show’s host if she believed there should be any limitation on abortion, Abrams answered: ‘Viability is the metric and that if a woman’s health or life is endanger then viability extends until the time of birth.’