Totalitarian Collectivism
August 25, 2015 in News by RBN Staff
We’re led to believe everybody opposes it and disagrees with political correctness, but yet everybody’s scared to death of it. So who is it?
Well, it’s the power structure wherever you happen to be. – Rush Limbaugh
All out Warfare on Political Correctness
The bastion of Totalitarian Collectivism is based upon a culture of political correctness. Before authoritarians impose their rigid formulas for shaping and defining a false reality, the ground needs to be prepared for molding public opinion. The details and narrative of mind control works best when people have already adopted an urbanity of collective singularity. The nature of “TC” is the next level beyond political correctness.
Peer pressure may be expected during school adolescence but part of growing up requires a level of maturity to distinguish between facts, moral conduct and social values arrived at through sound and rigorous intellectual scrutiny. The primary source of mental malady comes out of media. As the media covers their daily inventions from papier-mâché substance from toilet paper sagas the public sinks deeper into the fog of war. The conflict that pervades the minds of the remaining rational thinkers becomes a struggle for survival.
Analyzing the merits of the dished out information from the media barons, is an experience like being put on the “Strappado Wrack” of political torture. While these media outlets share the spotlight that places the focus on the intended outcome, the strings of propaganda are being pulled by government intervention in the reporting process.
Rarely are the barbs of establishment mass medium used as an attack on the ruling elites. When a lonely threat rises out of the “PC” orthodoxy, the reams of paper used to put down a rabid dog come at no expense. Protecting the appointed order is the purpose behind professing the conformity of compliance.
Eradication of dissent is the supreme use of applying political correctness to the national consciousness. One way or the highway has become stick to your side of the center line or get run off the road. Meaningful political discourse is almost impossible in an environment where socialized purity has become a fatal blood disease. The Sepsis condition caused by an overwhelming immune response to accepting a fictitious version of certainty is a terminal infection.
A glaring example of the beginnings of an upside down world is outlined in Political correctness has replaced British Politics! It is noteworthy that the two primary totalitarian European regimes of the twentieth century were engaged in their own versions of ideology dogma.
So how did it all start? Political Correctness started in a think tank (called The Frankfurt School) in Germany in 1923. The purpose was to find a solution to the biggest problem facing the implementers of communism in Russia. Why wasn’t the wonderful idea of communism spreading? Read the short history here, the full history and purpose here or watch a 22 minute documentary here.
The Frankfurt school recommended (amongst other things):
- the creation of racism offences
- continual change to create confusion
- the teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
- the undermining of schools and teachers’ authority
- huge immigration to destroy national identity
- the promotion of excessive drinking
- emptying the churches
- an unreliable legal system with bias against the victim of crime
- dependency on the state or state benefits
- control and dumbing down of media
- encouraging the breakdown of the family
It was no coincidence that the same themes of cultural destruction affect the British Empire after the “so called” victory over fascism. The cultural Marxism that emerged in the post war era has an undisputed record of causing the decline and destruction of Western Civilization.
Missing in the conformist and accepted version of recent history is the role and influence of the tribal architects of de-constructing traditional values and Christian heritage. Admitting the linkage of the war on humanity with the tenants of “Political Correctness” is a crucial step in the bitter struggle to overcome the movement to stamp out the free exchange of knowledge and backdrop of our common bonds.
In a series of videos from Red Ice Creations, entitled Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness is an unfinished documentary directed by the late Byron Jost (A Line in the Sand). The focus of the documentary is the role of the organized Jewish community in creating political correctness. Interviewees include Dr. Kevin MacDonald, Dr. E. Michael Jones, Dr. James Sanchez, and Canadian free speech activist Paul Fromm.
Review the evidence and ask who exactly benefits from the devastating dismantling of our European legacy? A “PC” culture is not compatible with individual freedom or social liberty.
The last fifty years has seen the acceleration of attacks on all aspects of Western thought, morals and political discourse. In a New Yorker essay, Not a Very P.C. Thing to Say, Jonathan Chait is quoted: “The PC movement has assumed a towering presence in the psychic space of politically active people in general and the left in particular.
From the BBC, Anthony Zurcher comments on the substantial danger in allowing a “PC” culture to sack the landscape in, A political correctness war that never really ended.
“Chait defines this new political correctness as mainly an internecine war among liberals, where “more radical members of the left attempt to regulate political discourse by defining opposing views as bigoted and illegitimate”. It is at its heart, he says, illiberal and anti-free speech.
Among the examples he cites of modern-day PC extremism are calls for white males to “check their privilege”; trigger warnings on articles and college curricula; small slights called “microagressions” that, taken together, create a hostile environment for the unempowered; demands for inclusive language for trans-gendered persons; and protests that have prevented controversial lecturers from appearing on university campuses.”
Sincere traditionalists defend free speech, but the war against true American values and a rational way of life was started by the very pseudo intellectuals, who are converts to the sick and demented collectivist handbook written in a Marxist language and implemented by the monolith media and education indoctrination structure.
The natural counter weight to such an endemic perversion can be seen in the Donald Trump phenomena. “PC” is grounded in culture but is realized in economic despotism.
Donald Trump vs. Davos Man appears in The Economic Populist.
“Trump’s economic policies and theoretical framework challenge the Establishment’s basic operating assumptions to the core. The Establishment economic policy is globalist neoliberalism. They want to decrease the importance of national borders and national sovereignty in order to make the world safer for international finance and commerce, hence their support for mass immigration and sovereignty compromising “free trade” deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Trump’s opposition to “free trade” deals and open borders and unabashed advocacy of economic nationalism directly challenges the Establishment consensus in a way that no other candidate dose. All the major candidates in both parties with the possible exception of Bernie Sanders actually take Establishment neoliberal presumptions for granted.”
Trump, the person is not the issue, but his economic nationalism is at the core in the clash against the “PC” war against civilization. The Radical Reactionary column, Playing the Trump Card for Political Correctnessaddressed the initial reaction to his candidacy. Since that time excitement has transitioned into a movement. The “Silent Majority” that gathered to attend the Mobile, Alabama rally understand that the enemy of the nation is the mindset that talks tolerance, while advocating and promoting the elimination of all that is worth preserving and defending.
Jeff Crouere writes in the Christian Post, Donald Trump Wins in Battle Against Political Correctness.
“America today is replete with cowards who are afraid to “tell it like it is.” Fortunately, one of the rare truth tellers is running for President. Let’s see if the American people want the truth or if they want to maintain their belief in fiction, supported only by politically correct lies.
Today, our problems are so severe, it is time for not only tough talk, but, more importantly, strong action. Political correctness is a very serious affliction that has done incredible damage to our country. It will eventually destroy America if it is not pulled up by the roots and finally eradicated.”
Are you one of those cowards who are so timid to think about, much less, discuss the origins of the “PC” doctrine? Progressive academia is a sewer of tribal censorship. The stakes cannot be higher. The very survival of our society is being shattered by allowing the “PC” proponents from going unchallenged.
The enthusiasm for Trump recognizes leadership and guts. To paraphrase Douglas MacArthur, there is no substitute for results.
For any citizen who has retained even the most modest level of brain cells, you must see the truth in the Trump statement: “You know, this country is so politically correct. Nobody wants to take a stance on anything.”
Now you know this is the prevailing posture for professional politicians, but what about you, your family, neighbors and fellow workers? There is no escape from the combat. The totalitarian collectivists are dedicated to your destruction. You are neither a victim nor a bully, but a target for elimination. Act accordingly at your own peril