Trump Says Georgia Recount Is ‘Meaningless Tally,’ Calls for Audit of Absentee Ballot Signatures

November 21, 2020 in News by RBN Staff

By Randy DeSoto

President Donald Trump called Georgia’s recount a “meaningless tally” because it did not include a proper review of the signatures for absentee ballots.

On Friday, Georgia certified its election results after a hand recount, which saw Trump gain approximately 1,300 votes against presumptive president-elect Joe Biden due to multiple counties failing to properly account for all ballots cast.

The final tally showed Biden topping Trump by 12,670 votes, or 49.51 percent to 49.25 percent.

“The Governor of Georgia, and Secretary of State, refuse to let us look at signatures which would expose hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots, and give the Republican Party and me, David Perdue, and perhaps Kelly Loeffler, a BIG VICTORY,” Trump tweeted.

“Why won’t they do it, and why are they so fast to certify a meaningless tally?” he asked.

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Trump campaign senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis also dismissed the hand recount as being inadequate to ensure the integrity of the election.

“This so-called hand recount went exactly as we expected because Georgia simply recounted all the illegal ballots that had been included in the total,” she said in a Thursday statement.