UK: Boris Johnson Named New Prime Minister, Grapples with Leaving the EU, But Says He Won’t Cooperate with Popular Brexit Party
July 24, 2019 in News, Video by RBN Staff

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has said he is open to an electoral pact with Boris Johnson, so long as the incoming PM upholds his leadership election commitment to leaving the European Union by October 31.
Writing in the Daily Telegraph, Farage declared that a general election is required to deliver Brexit and get any deal through the Commons, predicting that a Brexit-Tory alliance would “smash” the Labour party.
He is going to have to risk his longed-for position as PM to ensure Brexit is enacted properly.
There is no prospect of a meaningful Brexit thanks to the views of most sitting MPs. And any attempt to prorogue Parliament will lead to the PM being brought down by his own side.
The inescapable truth, therefore, is that he must hold an autumn general election. That is his only way out .. [and] for this strategy to work, he will need the support of the Brexit Party.
If he is able to convince us, then together we would electorally smash the Labour Party, he would assume a big working majority, and he would go down as one of the great leaders in British history.
However, Johnson has ruled out a deal with the Brexit party and has said he does not want an early election.