Ukraine (RBN RELATED) media coverage in 2009 on Bio Labs in Ukraine and creating deadly pathogens

March 17, 2022 in News, Video by RBN Staff


Sent via – and commentary by – Keith Rodgers

Joseph Moshe H5N1 Ukraine Plague Warning (2009)

United States:
Even upon admitting by Victoria Nuland to Sen. Mark Rubio that the US did in fact have Bio “Research” labs in Ukraine…
The State Dept. and others have since denied the same.

However, this video was from 2009 where the man Joseph Moshe – assumed Israeli scientist – had called into an RBN broadcast to send the alarm that in the Ukraine they were working on pathogens which were to be released possibly for the H1N1 outbreak.

From the video the viewer can see the response of the Police/SWAT for his alleged threat against then-President Barack Obama.
Also seen in the video, he was arrested after the use of active denial weapons and tear gas, and — according to the report — was then whisked off to Israel.

Nothing has been heard of him since.



See Also:


CIA Director William F. Burns–Capo of World’s Biggest Spreader of Lies and Misinformation–Is Spreading The Big Lie that Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine was “Unprovoked” ‘


CIA Director William F. Burns–Capo of World’s Biggest Spreader of Lies and Misinformation–Is Spreading The Big Lie that Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine was “Unprovoked”