UN Secretary General Calls for Massive Crackdown on Internet Freedom – Daily Stormer
December 26, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
source: dailystormer.su
by Andrew Anglin
The head of the United Nations is calling for a crackdown on free speech on the internet, claiming that the ability for people to choose what they believe is a “pandemic.”
This guy is almost as bad as the Pope!
The head of the United Nations is calling for a crackdown on free speech on the internet, claiming that the ability for people to choose what they believe is a “pandemic.”
This guy is almost as bad as the Pope!
UN Secretary General António Guterres has issued a stark warning about increased dependence on digital technology, which he claims is heightening vulnerability to harm and abuse – particularly in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
Speaking in a UN web summit, Mr Guterres said “health and lives” have been put “at risk” by “the shadow pandemic of misinformation about Covid‑19”.
With a Covid vaccine to be disseminated across the UK within the next few days, and other countries with their own vaccines in the final stages of testing, a major concern from Mr Guterres is the interaction between conspiracy theories and public opinion on inoculations.
Mr Guterres suggested conspiracy theories “threaten to reduce the uptake and effectiveness of vaccines that become available”.
The dangers of the world wide web are not limited to misinformation on Covid, however, with the talk also referencing the growing harms caused by “the proliferation of online hate speech, and the withdrawal into social echo chambers [that] will continue to undermine social cohesion and reduce trust in science, in institutions and in each other” as well as the online sexual harassment of women, girls, and children.
If you take just one step back, you find that it is a truly astonishing thing to claim that the free flow of information is going to “undermine social cohesion.”