December 6, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff


By Je suis Spike, for RBN


Rethinking the Pledge of Allegiance



Consider carefully your words.  Those who cannot define a woman are not to be consulted for anything and certainly not appointed to the Supreme Court.  A Supreme Court Justice admits that she is so void of cognitive ability that she cannot define “woman” (Hint:  Adult human female).  This cedes much power to biologists.  Do you suppose that she can define “human” or “animal” then?  Does she know the difference?  Maybe she’ll use an old Supreme Court maneuver, “I cannot define it, but I know it when I see it.”  Every American ought to be beyond disappointed that such a thing could even happen in America.

If you understand that the misuse of words can lead to error and worse, such as such an imbecilic Supreme Court Justice, please consider this.



     If you want to teach others that ours is to be a republic, not a democracy, learn this:  ONE NATION is a democracy:  SEVERAL STATES, united, is our republic.  The electoral college is for SEVERAL STATES; quit calling our home ONE NATION.

As I allude to the Pledge of Allegiance, the value of the difference between ONE NATION, (democracy),  and SEVERAL STATES, (a republic), will become clear.  Please, educate your neighbor as though the survival of your liberty depends on it.

The united states Constitution uses the term NATION to refer to our home zero times.  But several times the terminology SEVERAL STATES is used to refer to our home.  This is significant.  Our home is a UNION of SEVERAL STATES; our home is not ONE NATION.

Were our home ONE NATION, how could the people choose an executive but by democracy, you know, majority rules?  We know that democracy is a great way for a majority to tyrannize a minority.  Recall the example of Democracy being demonstrated as two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for supper.  (I dismiss the parliamentary system for reason at this time.)



     However, the ELECTORAL COLLEGE was specifically made for a UNION of SEVERAL STATES to come together to choose an executive to be common to all of the people of the SEVERAL STATES, and all with an eye to protecting minority.

When you pledge allegiance to the flag, (which we’ll discuss in its entirety next time), referring to our home as ONE NATION you do disservice to yourself and your neighbor and all the people of our home.

Please, consider a change.  FROM: “…and to the republic for which it stands, ONE NATION…” [Emphasis mine.] 

Making a change TO:  “…and to the republic for which it stands, [A] [ONE] UNION …”



      Were we to adopt this change it would give us a tremendous opportunity to explain to those who have bought into the lie that the ELECTORAL COLLEGE should not be used, but that the executive should be elected by popular vote.

And, wow, do we need to educate a few people.

Thank you for reading this,

Je suis Spike


Sometimes what we call a sovereign independent state is also considered a nation-state.

For irrefutable proof that our home is a union of several states, please take note of the wording that set the terms of rapprochement between our union and Great Britain after the founders of this union won liberty, defeating The Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire, George III, (who had more monikers than Apollo Creed), as our home was not referred to merely as the united states, but each former colony individually recognized as “free sovereign and Independent States” in the very short and very readable Treaty of Paris.  It’s only 2,000 words.  Check it out; you will have read 742 words, here, if you read all of the post script.

Excerpted from the treaty:  His Brittanic Majesty acknowledges the said United States viz., New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, to be free sovereign and independent States.


Some more titles for Geroge III:  “…the most Serene and most Potent Prince George the Third, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, Arch- Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc..”  [No kidding it actually uses etc.]