Upstate NY Girl Scouts to Allow Transgenders to Join Their Troops

May 23, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

Source: | By MICHAEL WARE 

h/t: Freedom Outpost

The Girl Scouts of Northeast New York will begin accepting transgender members.

Boys in Girl Scouts

We should have seen this coming. There is no doubt that this was the next logical step. Once the Gender Dysphoria camel had his/her/it’s nose inside the tent, we could expect nothing less than the whole camel.

Now, as there is a battle over where people can use the restroom heating up, a mainstay in the development of girls has now decided that it would denounce the what is special about womanhood.

WNYT reported last month:

For 104 years, a pillar of Girl Scouts has been inclusion – race, religion and ethnicity. Now, Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York is adding gender assignment to that list.

A proposed policy change means the 10,000 girls in hundreds of troops in upstate New York will embrace a child who was born a boy but now identifies as a girl. The Council did not previously have a formal policy but after two recent instances that came to light, felt it was important to spell out its commitment to inclusion.

“We are an organization that can serve that child as a girl through our programs and offerings.”

So, if you are in the New York area, it should not shock you to find that your daughter or granddaughter has a boy in her Girl Scout troop. Neither should you be shocked that you will soon open your door to a little boy selling their famous cookies.

You should especially expect this since this has recently been made official.

News 10 reports:

The Girl Scouts of Northeast New York will begin accepting transgender members.

The new policy will allow people who identify as girls to be members of the organization.

What no one has mentioned is the next step to which this move will undoubtedly lead; and that is to leaders who suffer from Gender Dysphoria. If we accept children who suffer from this mental condition, then we have no reason to reject adults with the same condition.

Of course, only a bigot would point out the inherent danger in such a move.

Article posted with permission from