URGENT! Disrupt ‘the Party,’ Save the Nation . . . Become a Precinct Committeeman; Here’s How
April 8, 2021 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff
April 8, 2021
By Mark Anderson
RBN Host; director, STOP THE PRESSES! News Association
Hear ye! Hear ye! Fellow citizens, lend me your ear!
Jim Condit Jr., who joined me on my “STOP THE PRESSES!” show April 2, 2021 to continue exposing how the U.S. electoral system’s security is so compromised that it’s “like a house without doors,” doesn’t just talk about the private vote-counting syndicate’s criminal racket of counting the votes of U.S. elections out of public view—as bad as that is. He also offers solutions.
As he explained on that radio appearance, fed-up Americans are going to have to do more than just get informed; they must take the next crucial step—the one the “powers that be” don’t want you to take—and put that knowledge into action. And what better action, Condit says, than taking over the smallest political subdivisions, the precincts?
Precincts are sub-county political units that are typically 10 or 12 streets around your house for which people are elected to represent those areas. Those elected are known as Neighborhood Precinct Committeemen. They’re instrumental in determining who leads the political parties at the county and state levels, which means they play a pivotal role in nominating candidates for political office at all levels, and determining how the votes are counted during elections at the polling stations in each county.
A critical point here is that newly elected precinct committeemen who know “the score” could stop the current process of votes being counted, outside the local voting stations, by the secretive software manufactured by the “big three” voting machine companies that comprise a private vote-counting syndicate. Instead, these committeemen could, and should, demand that each polling station use only paper ballots that are hand-counted immediately after the polls close, in full public view (in-person and via live video feed, observable to all online) BEFORE THE BALLOTS LEAVE THE POLLING STATION. Repeat—before the ballots leave the polling place. The chain of custody must never be lost, not even for an instant.
“We are losing the country because we don’t know about this precinct system. It really is, if properly understood, the most powerful office in the land. Look for videos that explain this further soon on www.NetworkAmerica.org,” Condit said.
Condit is advancing this grassroots revolution via the website www.NetworkAmerica.org. A letter that he recently sent out to supporters and would-be supporters, which gives notice of regular online / phone-in meetings that all interested persons are encouraged to attend, explains this idea further as follows:
Dear Network America Friends –
For a long time NetworkAmerica.org has been inactive and without leadership for the new people coming into the system – people seeking to run for Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman (NPC) and join with tens of thousands of others to take back our nation. Most of you receiving this alert had joined our list at some time in the past, which is how we sent you this email. Others emailed us thanks to attorney Dan Schultz’s appearance on the Steve Bannon Show.
We are RE-activating again.
We had one national conference call on Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 8 PM EST which is 5 PM PST.
We skipped Easter Sunday, and are holding another national call on Sunday April 11, 2021 – same time, 8 PM EST / 5 PM PST. You are invited.
Please go to:
https://networkamerica.org/conference-call-schedule/ to learn how to join this Sunday’s [April 11] call. You can participate online with your computer, ipad, other tablet, or smart phone, or by phone only on any cellphone or landline. Details are on the page linked just above.
With our country in dire shape and in need of your help, we will be going over how we – together — can mobilize hundreds of thousands in the Neighborhood Precinct Committee (NPC) Strategy, and take back the destiny of our nation in a relatively short time by taking control of our local county Party organizations, and of our Congress and White House, as well as elected positions at the township, municipal, county and state levels.
(By the way, a Jit.si computer-conferencing software training session we had announced for Thursday night, April 8 – has been postponed.
To join the Network America email announcement and information list, and get a reminder on the day of the call, please send an email to info@NetworkAmerica.org. Thank you.
Jim Condit Jr., Director