Video: UK Thought Police Pay Man Home Visit Over “Offensive” Facebook Comments

July 19, 2020 in News, Video by RBN Staff


A video out of the UK shows plain clothed police officers visiting a man’s home over “offensive” comments he posted on Facebook during a political discussion.

After getting involved in the online exchange, the man was surprised just a day later by cops turning up on his doorstep and asking him to make an appointment at his local police station.

The officers in the clip make it clear that their visit is because of a Facebook post, but refuse to specify what the man had posted and how it was against the law.

The man asked what he is potentially being charged with, to which the officer responds “malicious communications,” which he defines as making comments on an online forum “deemed to be offensive.”

The man denies that he ever said anything “malicious” and was merely engaging in political debate.