WARNING: Pentagon Targets People With Secret Weapon! [Transcript]
December 16, 2021 in Columnists, News, Video by RBN Staff
Source: The True Defender | Posted by: Addison Wilson | October 27, 2021
“Well, these operations just don’t stop. You have people who have either a political or financial interest in having them continue.”
Everything has begun as a psychological operational tactic by the US military to use against terrorists from abroad.
It seems that it ended up as a Democrat Party tactic to destroy Trump in the 2020 election.
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Dr. J. Michael Waller represents the defense expert and is the first person to realize this. Take a look at the video here.
And the Red Voice Media provided the transcript.
”Scott Wheeler: What is defeat disinfo?
Dr. Jay Michael Waller: Defeat disinfo was an entity run in the spring-summer of 2020 by military people, former military people supportive of Joe Biden, and it was designed to enhance a disinformation narrative about Russian collusion and all these other things that have been disproven. But they were using their military prestige to make their own disinformation seem like it was anti disinformation.
Scott Wheeler: Using their own disinformation wrapped in a cloak of this is anti disinformation?
Dr. Jay Michael Waller: Right. To confuse the public. To get people angry. To make people fearful. To energize a base that for Biden, that really wasn’t there because he was so bland and out of touch that there was very little enthusiasm. So it was to it was like a psychological warfare operation aimed at the American public by former military officers who had been involved in counterinsurgency to treat the American public as an insurgency and to squash it as one would squash an insurgency.
Narrator: Dr. Waller would know because he helped develop these techniques to be used against America’s enemies abroad.
Dr. Jay Michael Waller: As a civilian, I was involved in helping prepare elements of what became the counterinsurgency manual issued by the military under Nagl. Most of my parts were removed. They related to psychological warfare and using psychological warfare to a more robust way against the enemy. Well, Nagl didn’t use that in the army manual, but he did use it in 2020 against the American public.
Narrator: John Nagl is a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel and a leading expert on military counterinsurgency tactics.
Scott Wheeler: And these are guys who know how to use that?
Dr. Jay Michael Waller: Sure, yeah. Former General Stanley McChrystal was on the board of the firm that was manufacturing this. John Nagl, former lieutenant colonel, and another former lieutenant colonel of his name, Yingling were, seemed to be the architects of it now. This was the people who designed the counterinsurgency manual against al Qaeda, and the Taliban were the ones who came out in 2020 to weaponize these types of technologies and techniques against people who supported President Trump.
Narrator: According to Waller, the retired military officers created a sophisticated computer algorithm that tracked pro-Trump messages on social media and paid influencers to counter those messages with anti-Trump propaganda. But that’s not all they did.
Scott Wheeler: To Lieutenant Colonel’s Nagl and Yingling, they wrote a letter and made it public, but it was aimed at the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Milley, right?
Dr. Jay Michael Waller: Yes, this letter showed some type of an internal network of former military officers and what one presumes we’re still active duty military officers to literally remove President Trump from office. They were anticipating an electoral confusion about the vote and about the tallying of the vote. They were predicting that perhaps President Trump would not leave office because there was no real tally of a real vote. Now. This is in July and August of 2020. This was way before the November crisis about accuracy of the counting of votes and all these other problems with the tallying. They were saying in July and August. We need to be prepared to remove Trump militarily. And the big mistake that they made was they show their hand when they called on General Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to intervene personally to have the president of the United States removed by force from the White House.
Narrator: In the letter authored by the lieutenant Colonel’s Nagl and Yingling accused President Trump of “assembling a private army capable of thwarting not only the will of the electorate but also the capacities of ordinary law enforcement,” basically saying Trump is an enemy of the American people. But it wasn’t just this group of retired military officers saying this in August of 2020, Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi called not only Trump and enemy but Republican members of the House of Representatives as well.
Nancy Pelosi: And sadly, the domestic enemies to our voting system and our honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States.
Scott Wheeler: What would they say now, do you think? Do you see evidence that it ended after the election? Or do you think it’s still there still this operation ongoing operation taking place?
Dr. Jay Michael Waller: Well, these operations just don’t stop. You have people who have either a political or financial interest in having them continue.
Narrator: It appears they haven’t stopped. And January of this year, Pelosi again called her Republican colleagues the enemy.
Nancy Pelosi: When the enemy is within the House of Representatives.
Scott Wheeler: Applying counterinsurgency tactics to politics in the U.S. may explain Democrats labeling their political opposition and Trump’s supporters that dangerous insurgency, whether or not it will continue to be effective as a political strategy remains to be seen.” – RED VOICE MEDIA
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