WATCH farmers roll out HUNDREDS of tractors in German cities protesting new eco-rules — RT World News

October 24, 2019 in News by RBN Staff


via: email

Hi Barbara,
24 October 2019
Thanks for your highly valued comment, and please pass on the emails below, preferably without my email address included.
I’ve commented much more below, hopefully to help New Zealanders understand the enormous tragedy that has taken place today, that is sadly going to profoundly negatively affect all of us in our beautiful country soon! Really, in my view, the farmers have now passed the point of no return and have now begun their deadly descent into the dark abyss – that unfortunately, as their financial viability declines, will sooner or later inevitably drag us in the towns and cities along with them.


I don’t know if you are aware of it or not, but almost unbelievably, after all my own dire warnings, your own, and a few others as well, warning our NZ farmers and agriculturalists about the evil United Nations Agenda 21, Agenda 30 and Vision 2050 (all part of the same Socialist global plot to destroy farmers and drive them from their land to create world starvation and famine) ALL of New Zealand’s farming leaders today actually signed up to the plan with the NZ Government!—s-agenda-2030-vision-2050/  “Globalism Through U.N.’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, And Vision 2050”


Believe it or not, Hon Damien O’Connor, our Socialist NZ Minister of Agriculture and Minister of State for Trade and Export Growth, announced at midday today, that he had reached an agreement with ALL NEW ZEALAND FARMING LEADERS including Federated Farmers, to implement the [Agenda 21/30 plan] proposals on Climate Change, meet ETS requirements with the Zero Carbon Act and the Paris Agreement – making New Zealand the THE FIRST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD TO DO SO! This was announced on The Country Show, Radio Newstalk ZB at 12 – 1 pm today, 24 October 2019. What a degenerate pack of imbeciles our NZ farmers really are! All this, while thousands of farmers in Europe right now are actively protesting against these very same proposals in tens and tens of thousands!


And just to make sure I’m only dealing in verifiable facts, here is the actual New Zealand Government News Release about it titled, World-first plan for farmers to reduce emissions jointly released by NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (Labour Party), Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters (NZ First Party) and  Hon James Shaw (Green Party) with a summary of all the sordid details:


I thought I would  add a little bit more and a few more links to this total email to help people fully understand the PROFOUND INTERNATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE of what has tragically happened here in New Zealand today.


Firstly, for those who haven’t seen it before, here is a superb summary of Agenda 21/30:  “Rosa Koire. UN Agenda 2030 Exposed”


UN Agenda 21, farmers, and the Liquidation of the kulaks (wealthy middle class peasant farmers)


Most people don’t know that much of UN Agenda 21 as it relates to farmers, is based on Stalin’s Communist liquidation of the Kulaks as a class, but now through Climate Change laws of suppression of farmers’ property rights, rather than through direct Russian Marxist military confrontation. Agenda 21 through Climate Change is enormously deceptive, much more so than Stalin’s brutal frontal attack of the kulaks. It is a mixture of neo-Fascist/Marxist socialism to get rid of anyone who is considered ‘INDEPENDENT’ and wealthy, prior to setting up a global Socialist dictatorship. Socialism promotes ‘INTER-DEPENDENCE’ and hates ‘INDEPENDENCE’ of any sort. To high level Socialists, apart from genuine Christianity that promotes independence of thought and action (which all Socialists hate), farmers and property-owners (capitalists) are their next primary targets and enemies. That is why the first thing Stalin did when he came to power, was not only burn down churches, he tried to liquidate millions of  Kulaks (wealthy middle class peasant farmers) as a class. When you understand exactly what Stalin did, it is much easier to understand how and why Agenda 21 is deviously being used through Climate Change to destroy farmers and convert all rural populations to Socialism. Here following are three short YouTube clips about how and why Stalin brutally destroyed the kulaks as a class:


1)  “27th December 1929: Stalin calls for the ‘liquidation of the kulaks as a class’


2) “Dekulakization”


3)  Google Search this title:  “4.9.2. Collectivisation Begins – Stalin’s Revolution from Above”


[This course lecture video in this above #3 link titled, Stalin and Stalinism in Russian History by Professor Irina Filatova about the kulaks is nothing less than superb! If you listen carefully to what she says, it will become extremely obvious that many of the devious tactics currently being used by not only the NZ Government, but all around the world by the Climate Change Socialist globalists to drive the middle class wealthy farmers off their farms, cause a massive drop in farm production, create a massive drop in livestock numbers etc., by targeting the richest farming areas and richest farming countries  to create a global famine – all comes directly from Stalin’s first Five Year Plan to collectivize farming (nowadays corporate Fascism) in the Soviet Union and in particularly the Ukraine. Stalin’s first and second Five Year Plans incidentally were written by a Marxist Jew in London named Israel Moses Seif, which today explains why the City of London is the main global ring-leader behind Climate Change Green eco-Fascism.) Indeed, if you watch the YouTube video of the Netherlands farmers protest on October 16th 2019, you will see many farmers holding placards up titled, “NO FARMERS – NO FOOD!” as they realize the impositions being made against them will culminate in famine. Also, you will see a photo to which Professor Filatova refers of the kulak peasant farmers, under duress of being shot, voting to join Stalin’s socialist ‘collective farms.’ In a very real sense, that is what has happened to many farmers here in New Zealand today who do not agree with what their treacherous leaders have signed. Sadly, we don’t hear much about them because the media is controlled and censors most of these people. Most of the ‘environmental’ attacks against NZ farmers now comes from new ‘socialist regional councils’ with  environmental police and ‘environmental courts’  that have been set up around the country, based on the Communist regionalization of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Do you know what the Russian word ‘Soviet’ literally means? Yes, you guessed it –‘councils.’]

From: Barbara Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2019 11:34 AM

To: jack

Subject: Re: Fw: WATCH farmers roll out HUNDREDS of tractors in German cities protesting new eco-rules — RT World News


Hi Jack, great stuff!

Good point about people like us, with no vested interest, jumping up and down about what is being done to the farming sector, while they ….  I’m told that they are feeling too demoralised.

Useful to have those links to different demos.

I take it, it’s OK to share? Or forward (ie with email showing)?


On 24/10/2019 10:27 AM, jack wrote:




Hi Kevin,




Many thanks for this link.  Yes, I too, picked up on the Internet yesterday the big farmer protests in the Netherlands now are also spreading to France and Germany. How long can our socialist Government  in collusion with big business, Australian and NZ mongrel mainstream media – keep wickedly censoring all this from our farmers and general public I don’t know!


What I’ve found interesting is that the size of the protests have uniquely nothing to do with the actual numbers of farmers or populations of various countries concerned. Surprisingly I have found they are primarily the result of how well informed and how docile or apathetic each nation’s populations and farmers generally are. For example:


1) The Netherlands currently has a total population of 17 million, yet tens of thousands of farmers are protesting with the biggest farmer protest in European history at The Hague on 16 October 2019 (censored by NZ media) with another even bigger one planned for next week. (Plenty on YouTube about it).

2) France currently has a population of 67 million, yet only “thousands” of farmers were protesting yesterday. A large protest, but nothing compared to the Dutch.

3) Germany is even worse and much more docile, with a population of 83.5 million, their farmer protests yesterday were much smaller even again than the French.

3) HOWEVER, when it comes to New Zealand (and Australia as well) with slightly less than 5 million people here in NZ. It seems, I am ashamed to say, we are the most ignorant, docile and apathetic nation of the lot. While being primarily an agricultural exporting country of only about 5 million people, almost totally dependent on agriculture and with 40% of our nation’s exports coming from pastoral farming alone,with the same draconian UN Agenda 21/30 policies being proposed here right now by our socialist Government as is happening in Europe, yet to date,  I have not heard a single word of complaint about UN Agenda 21 from Kiwi farmers at all. Or even any mention about these massive farmer protests in Europe that even a kindergarten child can access on his computer over the Internet at night after school. Such an enormous level of general apathy, indifference and docility is unforgivable. It is a national disgrace, and if nothing is done soon to reverse it, surely the negative repercussions are going to be enormous for all our agricultural producers, and ultimately ourselves in the cities!


The thing that really upsets me and makes me so angry the most is that you and I are not even farmers with no vested financial interest in the land at all, and yet, it seems, we have more concern about what is happening than the majority of our farmers themselves! Simply incredible!


I will leave your excellent link at the top, and add four more revealing YouTube links to the French and German farmers protests yesterday.


Please pass on to as many people as possible, especially farmers!



Jack. N.Z.




The Dutch Farmers Protest! best footage of the day collected




WATCH farmers roll out HUNDREDS of tractors in German Cities protesting new eco-rules – RT World News


LIVE:Farmers protest German state agriculture policies in Bonn


Germany:Tractors block Bonn as farmers rally against agricultural reform




LIVE: French farmers protest in Strasbourg against planned EU agricultural reforms


France: Farmers flood Strasbourg to protest agricultural reforms