WATCH: Judge Jeanine Made THIS Eerie Prediction About What’s Coming for Trump
March 8, 2016 in News, Video by RBN Staff
via: Angry Patriot
Judge Jeanine is one of the conservative pundits who has openly come out in support of Donald Trump. She is someone who is sick and tired of seeing career politicians take advantage of the American people and has managed to put her finger right on the pulse of this election.
She recently offered some observations and was adamant, “there’ an insurrection coming. We are fed up. We’re sick of the lies, the veils, and the games.”
People are getting upset with Donald Trump over his language or how he acts, but he is doing nothing more than expressing the overall frustration of the people of this country. People forget, he is NOT a career politician, but a frustrated American just like the rest of us.
The establishment spends a lot of time and energy going after Trump, yet ignores “Barack Obama’s condemnation of those who cling to God and guns,” rights guaranteed to all of us by our Constitution!
I think her prediction is already happening. The insurrection is well on its way and we have millions of Americans rising up against the system to vote for Donald Trump.
That “insurrection” got much stronger this weekend after Mitt Romney’s speech to endorse anyone other than Trump! After the voting results came in Saturday, it was obvious the movement is gaining more strength, not losing momentum as Romney had hoped.
American politics is changing, and doing so very quickly. For years, millions of Americans were content sitting idly by and letting everyone else dictate how the country was run. Today, that has all changed and most of these people are heading to the booth to vote for Trump!
The insurrection is not going to happen Judge Jeanine, it is already happening!
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