We Let the Vampires In

September 6, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

via: Faith & Heritage


As Conservatives trudging through the mire of a revolutionary era, we find ourselves in a growing state of stupefied awe at the belligerent banality of the Left. And, no matter our relation to them, we must at last begin to call them for what they are – evil.

Like the proverbial vampire, the Liberal entered our civilization only by permission of the householder. From the 1960s forward, Conservatives took an attitude of forbearance by minimizing the moral rot of the Liberal as a lack of understanding, or mere youthful naïveté. Thus came the many iterations of that Reaganite idea: “Liberals think Conservatives are evil, but Conservatives know Liberals are just confused.” This perspective would also be justified upon the assumption that “all men are basically good and have an innate desire for freedom,” as American Christendom had conceived it. All of which are patently false notions, and Liberalism by its own right.

Albeit under the circumstances, even if short of sympathy, we can somewhat understand our fathers’ declension on account of the fact that the countercultural revolution was then (at least above ground) punctuated by a generation gap: a generation who grew up in the normalcy of Lord’s Day services, biblical gender roles and family structure, private property, and racial segregation were endeavoring to cope with the fact that their children whose way they paid through college in hopes of giving them better lives than their parents before them, had come home spouting all manner of ungodly platitudes antithetical to Christian civilization. Many, showing themselves traitors against country, race, family, and Christ, were no doubt disowned on account of it; but many parents were also coaxed to a position of toleration and, yes, sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public consoled themselves – really, deluded themselves – that all little Johnny’s and Suzy’s Marxian talk of equality was merely the fruit of sheltered inexperience and a lack of calluses to be remedied by the rhythm of alarm clock, work whistle, mortgage, and rituals domestic. Call it the Archie Bunker doctrine: much in the vein of what would come to be called “compassionate Conservatism,” Archie dismissed the inane platitudes spouted by Gloria and Meathead as mere childish misconceptions which would no doubt be remedied by age, experience, and a little dirt under the fingernails.

Meantime, Meathead and Gloria were working out the logistics of of commandeering the halls of power, banning Christianity, imprisoning Conservatives, and genociding the White race out of existence. Their liberalism did not dissipate with age and experience, as forecast by their parents. It merely donned cufflinks, or in Hillary’s case, a shoulder-padded pantsuit. Meathead and Gloria grew up to be Bill and Hillary.

Yes, we tend to preoccupy ourselves with critique of the one-time counterculture-come-dominant culture, but we must reckon too with the fact that the blame lies at our feet first. Judgment cometh first to the house of God. We were the adults in the house. We failed in that we remanded our children’s minds to the care of our enemies, whether we knew it at the time or not; and once that seed bore its sour fruit in the Weltanschauung of that generation, we chose to forebear their treason as if it were but adolescent eccentricity rather than the cankerous evil which it was. We mustn’t forget that such forbearance was Eli’s policy in regard to his sons (1 Sam. 2:22ff.), and it proves no more palliative to us than it did to him. So we see the Reaganites had it exactly backward: the Liberals are evil and the Conservatives were naive. Speaking of our own apostate WASPs no less than the Talmudists before them, we let the vampires in.

Our hope lies in the fact that this night has an end and the dawn shall expel them. Post tenebras Lux.