What are military UN trucks doing in Virginia? Bemused motorists spot white ‘combat vehicles’ on the interstate

June 28, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

via: The Daily Mail

Military U.N. vehicles have been spotted in Virginia, shocking motorists and sparking conspiracy theories.

The white trucks, equipped with large off-road tires, were seen being transported on Interstate 81 on Friday. They appear to be Alpine Armoring’s Pit-Bull VX SWAT Truck models.

Jeff Stern posted photos of the vehicles on Facebook, writing: ‘Can’t begin to tell you how many of these I passed today on 81 near Lexington VA. Interesting times ahead!’

U.N. vehicles have been spotted in Virginia, shocking motorists and sparking conspiracy theories

U.N. vehicles have been spotted in Virginia, shocking motorists and sparking conspiracy theories

Fernando Johnson questioned online: ‘Tactical Vehicles, with bullet proof glass? Whatever could those be for, and why are UN vehicles here, in THIS country?!’

Meanwhile, Vincent Sammons noted on Facebook: ‘They are sealed against gas too.’

Another online commenter said: ‘We have U.N. vehicles being shipped on U.S. highways. One has to wonder why?’

Bobby Wayne Guinn posted on Facebook that he had witnessed similar scenes in Texas.

He wrote: ‘Wondering why 30 United Nations vehicles, fully loaded with combat-prepared troops, were driving down our highway in Dallas, Texas.’

The white trucks, equipped with large off-road tyres, were seen being transported on Interstate 81 on Friday

Jeff Stern posted photos of the vehicles on Facebook, writing: 'Can't begin to tell you how many of these I passed today on 81 near Lexington VA, Interesting times ahead!'

Jeff Stern posted photos of the vehicles on Facebook, writing: ‘Can’t begin to tell you how many of these I passed today on 81 near Lexington VA, Interesting times ahead!’

His post sparked website Liberty is viral to ask: ‘Are these U.N. troops here preparing for economic collapse in America? Is this related to Iran ships approaching the U.S. border?’ while Alex Jones posted a video warning of the ‘U.N. takeover of America.’

The U.N. is an intergovernmental organisation with 193 member states.

Its objectives include maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, protecting the environment, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict.

DailyMail.com has reached out to the U.N. for comment.

Alpine Armoring has not responded to requests for a statement.


The trucks appear to be Alpine Armoring’s Pit-Bull VX SWAT Truck models which cost from $225,000 to over $300,000. Here’s what you get for your money: 

An image from Alpine Armoring's catalogue shows the vehicle specifications

An image from Alpine Armoring’s catalogue shows the vehicle specifications

The VX weighs in at 16,600lbs.

Seating for two plus eight crew.

Windows do not roll down, instead there are locked gun ports on the vehicle that can be opened to shoot bullets out or accept documents in and are even big enough to pass through a can of soda. Glass is a mini,

The roof hatches on the Pit-Bull VX

The roof hatches on the Pit-Bull VX

Internal fans can keep bad air out, such as in the event of a gas attack, or bring fresh air in when reversed.

PA system to speak to the outside world.

Remote-controlled spotlights on the roof and pairs of red and blue strobe lights are mounted to each four sides of the vehicle.

Every window on the vehicle is filled with ballistic glass that’ll shed small arms fire like they’re pebbles and even resist a close-range shot from a high-powered rifle.

There are nine gun ports.

The angled roof and floor are designed with anti-mine protection in mind and can repel modern frag explosives.

The windows on the Pit-Bull VX

The windows on the Pit-Bull VX

Every door overlaps with ballistic steel so no stray bullets can penetrate at an angle.

Vehicle length is 239ins and width 98ins. It’s 100ins in height.

Wheels are 20ins x 11ins and are heavy duty for off-roading.

Three hatches on the roof.

Fuel tank is fully protected and encased in ballistic steel.

*Information courtesy of Jalopnik and Alpine Armoring