What Are You Celebrating This December 25th?

December 19, 2019 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff


By Je suis Spike for RBN

Most people I see seem to celebrate Christmas as an end-of-the-year-headlong-rush-into-hedonistic-excess.
I don’t know about you, but it seems that even many people who are celebrating the birth of the Christ aren’t doing The Savior real justice.  Let’s just think this through for a second.  When you celebrate somebody’s birthday, whether a friend, a good neighbor, a co-worker whom you don’t really care for, or a parent or child, what happens?  How do you celebrate?  What is the one thing in common when you celebrate those birthdays?
A cake.
Yes, a cake that says, HAPPY BIRTHDAY [NAME HERE].
So, this December 25th, if you’re celebrating the birth of the one with the name by which you must be saved, Jesus, show the world; prepare a HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS cake.  I know, from experience, that those commercial cake-makers will love it, and there will be no lawsuits.
Or bake your own.
Thank you for baking,
Je suis Spike