August 16, 2022 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff
source: blacklistednews
The last 2.5 years have seen Covid, Ukraine and Climate Change take centre stage in the media. We are also being warned of a manufactured food and energy crisis as we head into winter. All the above have The World Economic Forum & Agenda 2030 in common.
The latest “big news” in the media are Transgenders & LGBTQ 🏳️🌈. How on earth could that have anything to do with WEF & Agenda 2030 ? The answer I’m afraid is everything. Let me explain.
First came Pride month in June. According to the BBC web site
“Pride month is about acceptance, equality, celebrating the work of LGBTQ+ people, education in LGBTQ+ history and raising awareness of issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community. It also calls for people to remember how damaging homophobia was and still can be. Pride is all about being proud of who you are no matter who you love”
Now that all sounds very admirable but is that really what the LGBTQ movement is all about.
The World Economic Forum has been actively promoting the LGBTQ movement since at least 2015 when they published an article called
Davos and the LGBT agenda 2015
In 2018 they published another article called
What Davos taught me about supporting my transgender child
It was in 2019 though when things really started to ramp up globally with the creation of The Partnership for Global LGBTIQ+ Equality (PGLE).
“The Partnership was announced at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting on January 22, 2019 in Davos, Switzerland. The founding members were leading multinational companies Accenture, Boston Consulting Group, CISCO, the Coca-Cola Company, Deloitte, Deutsche Bank, EY, Edelman, Johnson & Johnson, Mastercard, Microsoft, P&G, PepsiCo, PwC, Salesforce, and Scotiabank.
The Partnership for Global LGBTIQ+ Equality is an initiative of BSR, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the World Economic Forum”
Let’s briefly unpack that. All the founding members from Accenture to Scotiabank are WEF members as is the United Nations.
2019 was a significant year. Event 201 took place in October and the arrival of Covid was formally announced on Dec 31st 2019. Just as a brief aside, the world’s deadliest pandemic ended in 1353. It was called the Black Death and it was estimated that between 75m and 200m died. Coincidentally Covid appeared 666 years later. 666, funny that 😉
2019 was also the launch of Ireland’s National LGBTI+ Inclusion Strategy 2019 – 2021
They even wrote up a 19 page report on what it would entail.
As we know The Great Reset was formally announced by Klaus Schwab and his minions on June 3rd 2020. He published an article called
Now is the time for a ‘great reset’

as well as a video with Prince Charles, Kristalina Georgieva (IMF) and António Guterres (UN) at the launch of the Great Reset.
Interestingly though on that exact same day on June 3rd 2020 an article appeared on the WEF site called
Great Reset: Why LGBT+ inclusion is the secret to cities’ post-pandemic success

Isn’t it amazing that this article was ready to go on that same date. It couldn’t have been pre-planned at all or could it.
Why in the middle of a “pandemic” would an article on LGBT be deemed so important that it would have to be published. Yet they are calling it the “secret to cities post-pandemic success”
Why is it a “secret” ?
The answer is because LGBTQ and Gender Equality is central to UN Agenda 2030. It is number 5 on the list of SDG goals.

It is also central to The Great Reset. You can see from this image below that I have highlighted LGBTI Inclusion on one of the spokes.

Now if you are on the WEF site and were to click on LGBTI Inclusion you would be taken to this image

Remember that back in 2019 the report in Ireland was called
Launch of Ireland’s National LGBTI+ Inclusion Strategy 2019 – 2021
National LGBTI+ Inclusion is the exact same term being used. This is a global movement being driven by the WEF & UN. So whenever you read an article about Transgenders and LGBTQ you know there is an agenda behind it.
Like everything the WEF does, they dress up an agenda in a positive light whilst not revealing the real purpose. They do give clues though with articles they wrote in 2022 called
Why LGBTQ representation should be a priority for business and media
Why the road to stakeholder capitalism begins with diverse boards
Savage Reality in his excellent video on Bitchute picks apart the real agenda of SDG 5 “gender equality”.

In the 2019 video at around the 16 minute 20 sec mark, a UN representative refers to gender inequality as being “This global pandemic that effects all countries”. Would you really refer to gender inequality as being a pandemic. To say it was a curious choice of words would be something of an understatement. It’s almost as if they knew what was coming.
Frequently the UN talk of UN women in the video yet the agenda is very UNwomen and UNmen run by UNelected officials of the UN.
When the UN say they want to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls what they mean is they want to promote LGBTQ and feminist agendas whilst marginalising families.
They admit gender equality cuts across and is central to all 17 SDG’s. This makes perfect sense when you see the amount of coverage it gets in the press. Then there is also the little topic of depopulation and how that ties into SDG 5 which Savage Reality explains really well.
But everything doesn’t seem to be going to plan at the moment. In late July it was announced the Tavistock gender identity clinic was being closed in the UK.
The HSE which is Ireland’s health service was warned that Irish children as young as 5 were at risk by being referred to Tavistock which had mistreated trans patients.
You would think that this would be newsworthy yet RTE who are Ireland’s national “woke” broadcaster refused to cover it on one of their flagship Sunday programmes, yet still managed to cover every other topic in the papers. RTE are also the Irish governments propaganda arm so it should come as no surprise.
It has now emerged that the HSE will continue to refer people to the Tavistock Clinic. This is quite staggering.
The plot thickens even more. According to the Daily Mail
“Tavistock transgender clinic could face mass legal action ‘from 1,000 families of children who claim they were rushed into taking life-altering puberty blockers’ weeks after NHS shut it down in wake of damning report”
In Ireland, Independent journalist Eilish O Hanlon wrote a piece called
Women must be free to speak without fear of trans backlash
which was roundly condemned by the Trans community.
But that isn’t all. Klaus Schwab once said the WEF has infiltrated governments globally with Young Global Leaders. They are also trying to infiltrate female sports with male “trans players”.
One such incident was in a GAA match in Ireland. This widely circulated picture caused a real hullabaloo (the girl is a teenager).

We all know the expression “men against boys” but this has now reached the absurd with “men against girls”
The biggest news of all though was The Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) banning “transgender women” from female contact rugby.
This from a health and safety perspective makes 100% sense. Many incorrectly said the IRFU were banning “transgender women” from playing. They didn’t, as they are still perfectly entitled to play in the male category. This decision was applauded by 99.9% of people.
Yet the 0.1% still felt they had to make a song and dance about it. Leo Varadkar, who will be leading the country soon again, said nothing about all the Irish children sent to the Tavistock clinic when he was previously in power. Not a word.
However, within hours of the IRFU revising their rules on trans players he was urging them to reverse their decision. Yet again he was totally abusing his position of influence.
And here is precisely why men shouldn’t be playing against women.
One such comment was very accurate in their appraisal of the situation.
This “depth of the capture of the Irish government by lobby groups pushing gender identity theory” is exactly what it is. Isn’t it interesting that the WEF sent out their acolyte and WEF Young Global Leader Leo Varadkar to bat for their side.
The very same RTE who refused to discuss the Tavistock Clinic were then only too happy to speak to an “Irish transgender athlete who can no longer play the game”. Except that’s a lie, he can play in the male category. That’s what the propaganda arm of the government do best. They lie repeatedly to push Agenda 2030, the agenda they never openly discuss.
Their sole intention is to implement Agenda 2030 no matter what the cost. They are beginning to make a lot of mistakes in their pushing of SDG number 5, namely “Gender Equality”.
More people are beginning to wake up to the fact that the Irish government and media are captured by the WEF however they are slowly beginning to find their voices…