Whopping Tales Of The Mainstream
June 1, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
Source: vidrebel
There are perks for being able to lie to TV audiences with a straight face. Matt Lauer was making $25 million a year just to co-host NBC’s morning program. He had perks. He demanded a button be placed on his desk so that he could electronically lock Gentile women inside his office. But that was before The MeToo# Movement.
You wonder why the Media pays so much money? More on that later.
The one qualification that all Mainstream Media personalities must have is their ability to read Whopping Tales from the teleprompter so the couch potatoes at home are not disturbed by anything resembling the truth.
A case in point would be 911. On September 10, 2001 there were two events of note. In a Pakistani military hospital American officials interviewed Osama bin Laden. On the CBS Evening News Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld admitted that he and the Comptroller of the Pentagon Rabbi Dov Zakheim could not account for $2.3 trillion in DOD spending that had gone walkabout during the previous Clinton administration.
Now is where we encounter Whopping Tales that require multi-million dollar salaries. On the evening of the tenth of September someone called the men at the COMEX vault in World Trade Center Tower 4 which was 4 levels below the ground level and ordered them to load up a billion dollars in gold and silver onto trucks to move them out. Now the sheeple would be quite disturbed if they knew the boss was blowing up buildings with Americans locked inside. So this is what you must believe or rather say with a straight face: The men and women in Washington DC who run this country are above reproach so if they had advanced knowledge of 911 they would have told workers at the WTC to not come to work that day. The obvious conclusion is that Osama bin Laden had left the hospital in Pakistan, had proceeded to his cave in Afghanistan and while en route called the COMEX, impersonated David Rockefeller and ordered the men to load up the trucks with gold and silver.
On the morning of September 11, 2001 there were over 50 civilian and military accountants in the Pentagon busily looking for the missing $2.3 trillion. A hijacked airliner flown by a man who was not qualified to fly a Cessna single engine propeller plane made a 270 power dive to avoid hitting the DOD top brass and came in a tree top level – something only military jets are capable of doing – hitting the building in the exact spot where the accountants were.
Approximately 55 accountants died on the morning of September 11th. Nobody since then has really bothered to look for missing money. Dr Mark Skidmore and his graduate students using federal government websites as sources has documented that $21 trillion has gone missing from the DOD (Department of Defense) and HUD (Housing and Urban Development) from 1998 to 2015. The Mainstream Media has chosen not to respond other than to make snide comments in magazine articles.
Mark Twain said that America has the best Congress money can buy. The Congress responded by passing a law that gives any theft of any amount of money a National Security exemption. If an accountant asks you what happened to those billions of dollars that went missing in your department, all you have to do is claim a National Security exception. Why is that? I suppose that if the Congress and the Media let the people know they had let Wall Street Bankers steal $21 trillion that the voters would get angry. We are now in times where 41 million Americans have lost their jobs and the GDP declined 51.2% so the DC Swamp Creatures should feel threatened.
The killing of the accountants could be easily explained by the News Media by saying Muslims do not like all the paper work accountants make them fill out.
Jim Willie did tell us that the Treasury Department in the 1990s sold 2.2 trillion dollars more in Treasury bonds than were required to finance the debt. Jim Willie has a PhD in statistics and no banker or government official has yet come forward to dispute his claim. Are you aware that the evidence for this theft of 2.2 trillion dollars was in the offices of Cantor Fitzgerald at One World Trade Center on 9-11-2001 and that all evidence was conveniently vaporized?
But today the sheeple are protected from nasty questions because any bureaucrat anywhere can claim a National Security exception.
I have one more Whopping Tale to examine.
We could go back to Arlen Specter who rose to fame by devising the Magic bullet theory of the JFK assassination. But my next Whopping Tale involves another Kennedy Assassination. In 1968 Robert Francis Kennedy was running for President against Richard Nixon. He had won the California Democratic primary and was slated to be nominated at the Convention in Chicago. He was shot in the back at close range at an upward angle.
Sirhan had an 8 shot handgun. 13 shots were recorded. Sirhan was in front of the candidate standing at the same level. The three Magic Bullets in this case somehow went up and did a loop near the ceiling and angled down in a circular fashion and came back up just a couple feet from the floor where they emitted powder burns so RFK’s autopsy would reveal powder burns from a gun shot upwards from a distance of a foot or so away.
To qualify for your multi-million dollar salary as a teleprompter reader, you must be willing to let Wall Street steal money by the tens of trillions, blow up buildings with Americans inside, fund a bioweapons plandemic program to kill millions people, unleash a vaccine that could kill hundreds of millions and let Wall Street assassinate any honest man or woman who dare to defy them.
In short you must be willing to smile and to lie while presiding over the death of billions of people. That is why they pay so much.
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