Cure for CANCER – Cannabis
December 7, 2015 in Video by RBN Staff
We all know how horrendous cancer is. Just this past year I watched my mother get more and more ill until she could no longer hold out, or so they told us. They increased her Morphine and shut off her Oxygen. All the while there was a natural substance that my father and brother as Judges had sentenced people to jail for possessing. A substance that one could not possibly overdose from, and which not only cures disease but is also a major preventative to keep the body from coming down with. I travelled to Colorado to see exactly what was going on that people said was so amazing. What I saw would change, has changed my life forever. In memory of my mother Barbara Jean and my brother Jon, both who lost their lives to what people at the top have known for a very ling time was curable. What I expose I do for them. They would want the world to be well. Enter Rick Simpson. Please enjoy this presentation.