Man Exposes Feds at Council Meeting, Gets Arrested on Spot

October 12, 2015 in News by RBN

Investment Watch Blog

“Tyranny is knocking at the door folks…

Minding blowing video has surfaced online of a Texas man being arrested while attempting to expose the federal government’s questionable activities in his community during a public city council meeting. Mike Hanson, a resident of Gonzales, Texas was placed in cuffs and charged with ‘disrupting a meeting’ and ‘resisting arrest’ during the October 6th meeting as he attempted to warn others of the federal government’s infiltration of local law enforcement.”

How long until this hits all our towns?

In fact it has. It’s called “Regional Government/Governance Councils” or the UN Megaregions 2050 Plan. This is being mandated by the Feds upon locally elected city councils and county government, all across America. Even here in Texas Then FORCED upon you by your “elected” officials.

Check your local area–they are all across America.

When did you elect these people? What they are, is councils that direct YOUR elected leaders into what they much achieve over a region in order to recieve federal $$.

If you want to know about these, and their effect over you, I highly reccommend this guys channel below. He has a long long video list of what they have been doing, how they act, what you are liable for in their eyes, and exposing them every chance he gets. One of many in the area–well worth watching.

Here’s a couple of them:

The guy is legit, the story is legit.

He is doing the same thing that many other activists are about the totalitarianism being executed by not just this administration. This has been going on a very long time, the planning at least.

Here’s another Patriotic American Cali activist worth noting here: