An Uncertifiable Election 2024

October 9, 2024 in News by RBN Staff

source:  newswithview


By Lex Greene

October 9, 2024

In order for any election to be certifiable, it must be verifiable. We must have total election transparency, lawful procedures, unbiased reporting, secure voting mechanisms, and proof that only legally eligible American voters were able to vote in the elections. If we cannot verify that the elections are lawful and secure, then the elections will not be certifiable.

Thanks to historic measures taken by party elites, especially today’s democrat party, the American people have none of these certifiable requirements today. This is not theory, it’s a fact, easily proven to anyone who wants to see the truth. Only those who do not want to see the truth, or don’t want you to see it, will deny it. This includes politicians from both political parties, the entire news media, partisan search engines, and censored social media platforms.


What’s already under way in early voting, and will take place on November 5, 2024, is the most unlawful, unsecure, non-transparent, and unverifiable election cycle in 237 years of history since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. This election will not be legally certifiable, and I’ll explain why.

  1. Numerous democrat-controlled states are blocking election officials from requiring any form of legal ID to vote. California just made it illegal for any poll worker to even request ID from voters, a state with millions of illegal aliens. Who’s voting?
  2. Numerous states have been issuing State IDs in the form of Drivers Licenses, and registering illegal aliens to vote at the DMV, for years now. That’s how “illegal aliens” (aka ineligible voters) got on to so many States voter rolls illegally. States that have “same-day motor-voter” laws have made illegal voting even easier. The elections will be long past before anyone can identify illegal votes that should have never been cast or counted.
  3. The Biden-Harris Department of Justice (DOJ) is suing states for removing “known ineligible voters” from their State voter rolls, while democrat-controlled states like Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, refuse to remove “known ineligible voters” from their voter rolls, an estimated 218,000 of them in Arizona alone.
  4. In 2022, Congress adopted new Election Certification rules, making it impossible for even members of congress to challenge the legitimacy of the elections.
  5. States like Michigan have even unlawfully amended their State Constitutions and rushed through new election laws since 2022, making it illegal for anyone in the State to challenge election results even when the evidence is clear and compelling. They have also unconstitutionally made it a “crime” for any election worker to challenge or expose election fraud happening in broad daylight.
  6. The Michigan Secretary of State Benson has been in an illegal collusion and election tampering operation with all other “swing states” to establish unlawful, unsecure, non-transparent and fraudulent systems in each. She also stands in violation of at least three court orders to clean Michigan voter rolls and was just recently ordered to withdraw her unlawful Election Guidelines and issue new lawful guidelines before the elections.
  7. In excess of 20-million illegal aliens have been intentionally flooded into the USA by the Biden-Harris regime in just the past four years. They have been dumped in carefully chosen voting districts. Combined with democrat’s efforts to block voter ID requirements, it will be impossible to prevent millions of illegal aliens from voting in the 2024 elections, in direct violation of U.S. Election Codes that make voting by non-citizens illegal.
  8. The same unsecure elections hardware and software in question from 2020 and 2022 remain in service throughout the country. Over the past four years, more than 100 lawsuits have been filed in both State and Federal Courts seeking to enter evidence of blatant election fraud into the courts, and in every case, these suits were rejected by the Courts with no evidence allowed, on the legally faulty premise of “lack of standing” or “lack of Court jurisdiction.” They have told 320 million Americans that they “have no standing” to challenge blatant election fraud.
  9. All Election Integrity efforts all across the country have been blocked by our Courts, ridiculed by the media, and honest citizens even prosecuted and jailed for trying to expose the reality that the current USA election systems are no better than that of Venezuela, Russia, or China.
  10. The American people know it, but they are scared to stand up against it, having witnessed how the democrat’s machine threatens everyone who dares to speak out on the subject.
  11. Democrats who want to eliminate the Electoral College altogether, have also interfered with the Constitutional purpose and authority of the Electoral College, making it nothing more than a rubber-stamp process for the fraud everyone knows is happening.
  12. The hurricane damage in Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, parts of Tennessee and South Carolina, has rendered the good people in these affected areas unable to vote in the 2024 elections. They are still without power, cell service, landlines, internet, food and water as they fight to save their neighbors and secure themselves, absent any real help from the Biden-Harris regime. Election results in these states will be “uncertifiable” just because citizens won’t be able to vote. The clean up and restoration will take a very long time, with another hurricane headed towards them ahead of the elections.


Despite the billions spent to create a public perception that Kamala Harris is leading in the Presidential race, most Americans inherently know that this is a numeric impossibility. Kamala Harris finished dead last in 2020, the most unpopular candidate seeking the DNC nomination in 2020, with less than 1% support from her own party voters.

During her four years as Vice President, she has been almost entirely invisible to the public, other than a steady diet of cackling photo ops that made her look like a complete drunken airhead. Her public approval rating as VP has been even worse than her showing in the 2020 DNC primaries. Then, as party powers forced the elected DNC nominee, Joe Biden, out of the race, and coronated Harris as their 2024 candidate without a single vote from a single American, even millions of democrat voters are enraged to have their votes cancelled in the most undemocratic act in presidential campaign history.

Making matters even worse, Harris then chose the extreme left communist Governor of Minnesota as her running mate. Both have made total fools of themselves every time they wander off script, when we actually get a rare glimpse into the maniacal minds of these two mental midgets.

To be kind about it, hell would freeze over before a majority of legal American voters would ever vote for the most undemocratic, extreme left, empty-headed, Presidential ticket in all of American history.

So, there is no way on God’s green earth that the democrat party can allow anything remotely close to a legitimate election to take place. They’d rather burn the entire country to the ground, than give up unjust unbridled power just because the people won’t vote for them.

Let’s be honest here…Harris didn’t need a single American voter to become the party nominee. What makes you think she needs more than a handful of legitimate, but deaf, dumb and blind stooges to defeat the most popular political figure in the world since Ronald Reagan? Biden did it from his basement in 2020, with the help of what Biden called “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD ORGANIZATION in the history of American politics!”

They don’t need you, they just need unlawful, unsecure and non-transparent elections. U.S. Code makes voting by non-citizens” illegal! But a number of democrat-controlled “sanctuary” states have adopted unconstitutional laws on the matter.

However, such elections are “unverifiable,” and thereby, “uncertifiable.”


The more than 100 lawsuits filed over the past four years were intended to prevent what’s happening right now. Not a single court in the country has allowed any hard evidence to be presented, or any serious questions to be asked.

So, the American people are headed into uncharted waters here. Things like this have happened in 3rd world countries for centuries. But the USA has never been here before.

We have an unprecedented full-blown constitutional crisis on our hands and the democrat party, and their operatives, including social media trolls, have made it quite clear, they will do anything to maintain political power of the USA.

Nothing has worked to prevent the inevitable here, simply because the American majority, while fighting for their candidate in an uncertifiable election process, failed to stand together behind all who have been fighting for election integrity for the past four years.


There’s actually no plan for what to do when the constitutional crisis results in an uncertifiable election. The democrats will likely declare a State of Emergency and claim they will hold power until some future (unknown) date when maybe we can try to hold another election.

But make no mistake, because the American people have not dealt with these issues long before now, the USA is highly unlikely to ever see a legitimate election again in our lifetime, if ever.

If you think the upcoming elections will be decided by you, the legally eligible American voter, you haven’t been paying attention for a very long time!

Meanwhile, the true “State of the Union” is on the brink of total collapse. Obama did it, he “fundamentally transformed America.”

And Americans let him do it!

In case you are wondering, the only Court in the country that has the authority to stop what’s happening is the U.S. Supreme Court. Laws are not “law” if they are “unconstitutional.” The Supreme Court has just one supreme duty, and that is to uphold and defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights, in protection of all legal American electors, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to prevent the people from taking matters into their own hands. They still have time to do it, and if they don’t, then what comes next will be the direct result of their inaction.

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