Democrat Voters Want a Communist America

August 12, 2024 in News by RBN Staff

source:  newswithviews

Authored by Devvy Kidd and not AI

August 12, 2024

Reality is the curse of the sane.”  Jonathan Kellerman, The Murder Book

How could I make such a statement?  Because it’s true.  How many legal Democrat (and even “independent”) voters have ever read the Communist Manifesto?  Have even taken the time to read the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto?

For decades millions of foolish Americans have jumped on the garbage truck called socialism having no real understanding socialism is the major stepping stone towards communism.  Socialism, dictionary:  1. Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.  2. The intermediate phase of social development between capitalism and communism in Marxist theory in which the state has control of the means of production.  3. Any left-wing ideology, government regulations, or policies promoting a welfare state, nationalisation, etc.

“The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.’” Margaret Thatcher who was the first female PM of Britain from 1979-90.  Thatcher was known as “The Iron Lady” because she was tough, didn’t “walk back” and refused to compromise with the corrupt.

Progressives are full blown Marxists.  Oh, they might huff and puff and say that’s not true but well-crafted Soviet style brain washing indoctrination methods were slowly inculcated using America’s schools even before I was born.  By the time impressionable (and sometimes rebellious) young Americans got out of high school or colleges, they believe America is a democracy which it is not. That capitalism is evil and stomps on the down trodden.  Socialism is heaven for everyone!

Over the past three decades I’ve educated myself on what I either wasn’t taught in civics classes or have simply forgotten being I’m now 75.  One thing that has never wavered in my mind is the miracle of the birthing of this constitutional republic, capitalism and while I didn’t know all the finer intricacies of brain washing, I’ve always known socialism and communism are a deadly poison.

Many times, I have cited the superb work of deep researcher Jeri Lynn Ball whom I had known when I lived in Northern California in the early 1990’s.  The average, good, decent America just trying to “pursue, life, liberty and happiness” really have no clue as to the bigger picture.  Too many can’t be bothered learning or too under educated to understand DC double speak (same for state legislatures).  Washington, DC and most of the unconstitutional cabinets and agencies are infested with socialists, collectivists  and communists.

One of Jeri’s books is Masters of Seduction:  Beguiling Americans Into Slavery and Self-destruction. Published in 2000; copies are rare (Amazon, Textbook X) and expensive.  However, Jeri wrote a 20-page overview which I’ve cited so many times but Americans need to read it if they haven’t already.  Bit of the intro:

“What are the unheard-of facts, the unsuspected truth? Is it true that Americans are the targets of a full-scale psychological war? Is it true that there has been a deliberate attempt to attack their minds, to undermine their institutions and beliefs, and to obliterate the United States? Is it true that to achieve these ends the masters have gained virtual control of America’s educational system, the universities, the entertainment industry, and the media? If so, how have they acquired this enormous power and why they are attempting to manipulate the thoughts and emotions of the whole American people?

“Masters of Seduction zeroes in on the answers, showing that Communist masters who ran the “former” Soviet Union and East Bloc nations during the Cold War are still in control of these hapless countries today and that they are waging psychological warfare, using the same powerful secret weapon to subjugate Americans that they used to enslave their own people. The Russian totalitarians, Red Chinese, and their globalist American “partners” are using this secret ideological weapon, among other things, to achieve world domination. This book provides overwhelming documentation which proves that Communism is not dead and that it’s spreading like cancer. In fact, America itself is now in imminent danger of being devoured by this pernicious, rapidly-spreading evil…

“Bill Clinton, Al Gore, former President George Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev, and other New World Order architects are relentlessly pursuing the “Program of the Third International adopted at the Sixth Party Congress in Moscow in 1928. The new communitarian masters are seducing Americans into the New World Order and carrying the communistic, global environmental program to its conclusion—a world police state.

“Mikhail Gorbachev is one of the chief architects of the New World Order and is collaborating with Clinton, Gore, Bush, et al. to recreate America in the image of his beloved Russia—one of the most corrupt, crime-ridden, and polluted lands in the world. So it is necessary to delve in depth into Gorbachev’s personal philosophy and masterplan for world domination.

“Mikhail Gorbachev is the former President of the Soviet Union and former General Secretary of the Communist Party. He is the current President of Green Cross International, the environmental organization which is advancing the Communists’ 1928 global environmental program.’”

The birthing of the massive hoax, Global Warming now known as Climate Change” began after the 1928 convention in Moscow.  It’s now a cult-religion and key tool of the Communist International Party as they believed it to be one of the biggest sledgehammers to destroy capitalism – especially in the U.S.

Communism is EVIL and it must be crushed in this country.  Jeri explains exactly how the Communist International intend to take over the world. How to create the “new Soviet Man” and when the push started: “In 1928 Communists formally adopted “The Program” for building a new global communitarian social order composed of the ruling elite (the masters) and subjugated masses (the slaves).’

Back in 1998, I put on a convention in Santa Clara, Calif for the Wallace Institute.  One of my dearest friends (who passed away in 2019) Ret. Brigadier General Ben Partin (bio) delivered a must watch presentation on TWA Flight 800, WACO and “The Program” (that segment begins at 27:45; watch here.  Ben was an expert on “The Program”.  We cannot defeat our internal enemies if we don’t understand how they operate, who they are and who they target to poison the minds of not just Americans, but mankind all over the planet.

Book:  The Communist International 1919-1943 Documents, Volume II 1923-1928, Jan Degras.  If anyone thinks all of this is just hooey by “the right”, get on your knees and prepare to be fitted for chains of slavery AND your precious children. Communists absolutely believe killing capitalism and turning America full communist, they’ll be no more wars.  What BS.  War is big business.

Degras’ collection of documents explains just how the Communist International intended to bring communism right to your front door and they have been successful to the point of what we’re seeing today with the Ho Harris/Tampon Tim team running for president and VP.  Someone wrote she’s got a 5-year old’s brain in an adult body.  And she’s for sale, just get me into the Offal Office!

Labor unions world-wide were number one on their list to infiltrate. On page 446 of Degras’ book, chapter on:  The Sixth Congress of the Communist International, just as Jeri covers in her overview, the Sixth Congress was held in Moscow from July 17 – Sept. 1, 1928 and dozens of delegates from the U.S. were there.  That’s a provable fact.

I have a hard copy of Degras’ book, 571 pgs not counting the appendix.  However, it is available free at SCRIBD.  Click here.

The Venona Secrets:  Exposing Soviet Espionage and America’s Traitors by Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel.  “Romerstein was head of the Office to Counter Soviet Disinformation at the United States Information Agency from 1983 to 1989. He had previously served as a professional staff member for several congressional committees, including the House Intelligence Committee and the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Now retired, Romerstein continues to write and lecture on the subject of Soviet espionage.

“Eric Breindel studied at Harvard College, the London School of Economics, and Harvard Law School. Named senior vice president of News Corporation in 1997, he was also a syndicated columnist and the moderator of Fox News Watch, a weekly national public affairs television program. Previously, he had served more than a decade as editorial page editor of the New York Post and worked on the Senate Intelligence Committee. Breindel died in 1998 at the age of forty-two.”

The Committee on Un-American Activities was abolished; the communists and socialists in Congress made sure that happened.  I have so many post-its stuck in The Venona Secrets, but take page 22 as an example: “In carrying out the work of strengthening and leading the anti-war and anti-imperialist people’s movement it is absolutely essential that the Party carry on a systematic ideological and political struggle against the social and democratic and bourgeois reformist influence in the workers and progressive movement.

“It is also necessary that the Party and the communist youth organization broadly popularize the Leninist position of struggle against the imperialistic war and against militarism and carry our serious work within the Army and Navy, as well as among the reserve officers of the training cade (ROTC) and the civilian training center for the youth (CCC) and make sure that the members and cadre of the Party and youth organization receive military training and master is art and science.”35

Just like the WEF (World Economic Forum) which has a special program for young adults either just graduating from high school or college to go home and promote their poison to elected officials, usually at the local level.  Reading the Venona Secrets made me sick to my soul.  Available on Amazon and a dozen other on-line bookstores.

Next is The Secret Team:  The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World by L. Fletcher Prouty; forward by Jesse Ventura.  A question asked in that excellent book:  Who, in fact is in control of the United States and the world?  That was 2011 and what’s the illegitimate president of these united States of America doing this weekend?  Why on the beach in Delaware napping between ice cream cones.

Witness by Whittaker Chambers, 1952 (799 pgs not including Index): “It throws more light of modern communism, on the tangled complex of motives which led men and women of goodwill to immolate themselves on the alters of a fancied historical necessity, than all of the hundred great books of the past combined.” Available on Amazon and many on-line bookstores. The big push for college campuses to indoctrinate young impressionable minds really came during the Viet Nam war.  The end product was and still is Marxism, collectivism.

Legal Insurrection Through Lawfare, Part 2 by Kelleigh Nelson covers a new book (2024. 379 pgs not including Notes) by J. Michael Waller.  Big Intel:  How the CIA and FBI Went From Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains.  If you missed her column, do read both parts.

All these excellent books cover a lot about the ‘cold war’, (some available on audio), Waller’s excellent book brings us forward. Chapters 6-8 cover important history as was laid out in Jeri Lynn Ball’s, Masters of Seduction – and where it all began in Moscow.  It is a treasure trove of proven corruption.  Available at Amazon and many on-line stores.

The here and now.  Biden was shoved out the door.  Allegedly, the mob bosses behind that coup besides Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi and a few others was – act surprised:  Hildebeast Clinton.  So loved by brain dead women out there who seem okay Hillary had no problem with her slut husband screwing women from 16-50 as he climbed the ladder of power in Arkansas and then soiled OUR White House; the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Paula Jones and the rape of Juanita Broadrick.  No woman with an ounce of self-respect would have put up with Billy, but Hildebeast lusts for power and train loads of money to live a luxurious lifestyle.

One of the most important books about Billy is Crossfire: Witness in the Clinton Investigation by L.D. Brown (1999)) Amazon: “L. D. Brown has been a witness to almost all of the alleged offenses circling around Bill Clinton in Arkansas: misuse of state funds for sexual liaisons, Whitewater, illegal campaign fundraising and bribery, as well as cocaine use and cocaine smuggling.

“Through his cooperation with prosecutors and congressional investigators, Brown has learned the inside story on Robert Fiske’s and Kenneth Starr’s operations and on congressional hearings. But most of all, L. D. Brown can tell the story of the methods used by the Clinton White House to control potentially damaging witnesses. Most of what is written in this book has been told under the penalty of perjury to investigators for Congress and the Office of Independent Counsel. Documentation for many events has been included in an appendix. However incredible as some details may seem, they are backed up by evidence including recent disclosures confirming an incident involving Brown in England.” (Book available at Amazon and many other on-line bookstores.

Diana West is a superb writer and researcher.  For those Hillary supporters who think she’s the quintessential example of a champion of women and empowerment, take off the rosy glasses and see the real Comrade Hillary Clinton, read West’s short book, 109 pgs not counting notes (2019): The Red Thread:  A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy (video embedded, interview):  “Arguably, no  one has done more to examine the actual motivations of the individuals behind what accounts to an anti-Trump coup d’etat than Diana West…Starting in 2017, she issues a series of essays on her blog under the rubic of what she called The Red Thread.

“These essays connected the myriad, insidious player – both those who are part of the Deep State inside the U.S. government (many of them holdovers from the Barack Obama administration) and others outside it, notably, those centered in Hillary Clinton’s presential campaign and the Democratic National Committee.”

The Marxist Influence, my column, Feb.18, 2005: “Price dedicates this research to Richard S. Welch, American CIA Chief-Agent who was assassinated in front of his family, Christmas 1975, due to collaborations between Soviet KGB operatives and the Marxist-terrorist IPS group. The same group Bill Clinton’s close friend and advisor, Derek Shearcr, then held membership in, which Hillary Clinton later funded and praised, and from which Bill Clinton chose several appointees.”

Now we have Kamala Harris as the Communist International Party’s new mouth piece.  How many Americans know what collectivism is and how it relates to Marxist ideology?  How it destroys free nations and how it has been destroying America year by year?

We Believe in the Collective!“– Kamala Harris Goes Full anti-American at United Auto Workers Union Hall in Detroit (VIDEO). Kamala Ho Harris just told the country she is fully committed to Marxism and collectivism – not the same thing, she just adjusts her lies and propaganda for each audience.  G. Edward Griffin, one of the most intelligent people I’ve met in my journey all these decades (and a real gentleman,) explains collectivism in this video (22:08):  Collectivism and Individualism Explained by G. Edward Griffin

Everyone should get this DVD and share it with friends in groups:  Cultural Marxism: The corruption of America.  “Produced by James Jaeger, the documentary shows how a group of Marxist theoreticians, calling themselves The Frankfurt School, plotted the corruption and overthrow of non-Communist nations by systematically undermining their cultures.

“Called Cultural Marxism, its goal is the use of art, music, education, and media to condition people to accept the essential elements of Marxism without identifying them as such. After a few generations of this conditioning, Marxism becomes the new reality without a violent revolution and even without awareness that a revolution has occurred.

“If you want to know how the nations of the world became increasingly Marxist in form, if not in name, here is the strategy.”

If you know someone who identifies as a Democrat, ask he/she to watch the DVD and give their opinion.  People are flattered you want their opinion and it’s an excellent way to plant the seeds of truth.  I’ve done it over the decades.  Millions of Democrats have zero understanding of the limitations placed on Congress and so they keep demanding more and more and more and for mother government to take care of them from cradle to grave walking right into a communist trap.

They have no idea what the federal deficit/debt means nor do they care our purse is long empty.  We keep hearing about the “radical” agenda of Ho Harris and running mate, Walz, (who belongs in a straight-jacket).  It isn’t just radical, it’s the final  and complete destruction of our republic and the loss of all our rights while the government’s jack-booted thugs for a paycheck have their boots on your throat.

It’s us up to us to call these traitors out (non-violently, of course) and parents around this country to continue fighting back against the lies and propaganda being pounded into their child’s head every day.  Their innocence is being stolen and they’re being deliberately dumbed down to be little better than oxen under the yoke.

People ask me all the time how can I read so much? First, I don’t work for a living; I gave up my career and paycheck 31 years ago when I starting researching this “one world order” agenda. I knew I had to do what I could to educate my fellow Americans as to the real dangers facing our republic. Second, I’ve always been a reader.  Sure, I played outside with my two brothers, but mostly it was books for me.  Grew up in a poor family with no propaganda box (TV).  No watching anchors like Walter Cronkite, considered “the most trusted man in America.”

And just like the liars for hire today on the stupid tube and cable networks, the deception and lying through omission is nothing new.  Here’s a prime example.  Once retired, “the most trusted man in America” showed his true beliefs. Obscene:

Walter Cronkite and the New World Order (Video)

Or, if you prefer, here’s a transcript in full of another one of his speeches glorifying a world government:  A speech by Walter Cronkite — United Nations, national sovereignty and the future of the world, May 24, 2005, RenewAmerica staff

“A speech by Walter Cronkite Upon receiving the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award, on October 19, 1999, at the UN Delegates Dining Room in New York City”

Exposing these evil doers is essential as well as becoming part of the solution.  There’s no sitting on the fence now. Get prepared for the worst and pray for our America.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

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