Denationalizing America Into A Nightmare Future

October 22, 2024 in News by RBN Staff

source:  newswithviews

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 21, 2024


“The budget should be balanced, the treasury refilled, public debt reduced, the arrogance of officialdom tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero

Douglas Murray wrote a European bestselling book: The Strange Death of Europe.

When millions of people migrated and are migrating into America in the 20th and 21st century, which they have now at over 140 million third world souls, they do not, will not and cannot relinquish their languages, their customs, their dress, their religions and their world views. In other words, the American people are being “denationalized” to a point that no one identifies as “American.”

If you visit Detroit, Michigan, you will not be greeted as a fellow American by the dominant 300,000 Syrian Islamists who chant, “Death to America.” You won’t see Old Glory being flown, but you will see Palestinian flags along with Hamas flags being flown. You won’t hear English at the local restaurant. You won’t see Christian churches, because mosques have replaced them. In fact, if you are a Jew or Christian, you are not welcome in Detroit’s Muslim dominated areas. You WILL see women wearing burkas that turn them into “non-beings” as required by the Qur’an. Oh, and the majority of those immigrants live on welfare from your tax dollars.

A trip to Minneapolis, Minnesota would find you landing in Somaliland, which is dominated by 125,000 immigrated Africans that find no affinity with America or Americans. They absorb welfare, enjoy welfare lives, yet fail to become educated or contributing members of that area. An American would not be welcome in their communities.

A trip to Miami would show you dozens of other ethnic tribes and languages that you would feel totally out of place. If you’re Caucasian, you would be in a very severe minority. If you speak English, you won’t understand the dozens of languages spoken in Miami. If your children attended schools in South Florida, their education would be lowered to the lowest common denominator of “dumbing down” a classroom.

A trip to Chicago would find you dodging bullets. This past 4th of July, 117 people were shot over that weekend, with over a dozen killed. Because it’s a “Sanctuary City”, it festers with tens of thousands of homeless migrants being paid to live in hotels at your expense for as long as they like. That’s brought to you by the U.S. Government, Harris-Biden, and your U.S. Congress.

In Denver, Colorado, foreign gangs roam the streets and take over apartment buildings where they plan their shoplifting sprees, pickpocketing, stealing cars, and living in hotels provided by that “Sanctuary City.” How do I know, I live near Denver, and the nightly news used to shock us, but now days, just about as normal as Chicago.

As to Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, Santa Anna didn’t have to conquer the Texans at the Alamo, he just had to wait until most of Mexico, Central and South America migrated into the Lone Star State. The Dallas Cowboys are no longer “America’s Team”, because you won’t find too many “Texans” to represent Texas.

And, Los Angeles? What a complete and total nightmare of millions of third world illegal aliens who could care less about our laws, the U.S. Constitution, speaking English, engaging in an education, or identifying themselves with anything “American.” When you add the 175,000 homeless Americans and illegal aliens, you’ve got a stinking toilet of humanity degrading everything as to what once was, an All-American city.

What about that fabulous “City by the Bay” in Tony Bennett’s song about San Francisco. Today, it’s a crime-ridden multicultural nightmare played out with 50,000 homeless pissing and defecating in the streets, shops closed, hotels closed, Whole Foods pulled out, and taxpayers fleeing because of robberies, pickpockets, murderers running at large, no respect for our laws, and drugs on EVERY corner and near schools. San Francisco may be one of our most dysfunctional cities in America, right alongside Los Angeles. Ditto for Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington.

As noted in an earlier column, Harris-Biden have forced the United States into growing at 10,000 to 15,000 people net gain, DAILY. That’s in the vicinity of 4 million more people added, net gain, annually. But, they are not Americans, and they don’t ever expect to become Americans.

Why do you think we have all of a sudden become an anti-Jewish society? All those Palestinian flags flying all over those college campuses should give you a hint as to what’s coming.

And yet, more Americans are more interested in who wins the next NFL game rather than if their own country will survive this immigration invasion.

Historians are going to remark that we were as stupid as the Romans. We were as stupid as Great Britain. We were as stupid as Germany. We were as stupid as every country in Europe that allowed an invasion of incompatible cultures and religions to inundate them into total loss of their cultures, languages and civility. They did it to themselves. They “de-Europeanized” themselves, their civil societies, their cultures and their way of life.

Guess what? America follows right in Europe’s footsteps. We are being “denationalized” at a rate of speed never seen in the history of the world.

Some say we deserve it because we conquered the Native Americans right out of their home continent. Others say we deserve it for our part in slavery. Some say it’s “cosmic payback” on a grand scale.

As an American who visited all those cities in the past two summers, I can tell you that if we keep speeding along this current path set upon us by Harris-Biden, there’s no way in hell we’re going to survive what’s coming.

President Theodore President said, “The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, or preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.” 1904.

“America’s immigration policies have launched us into a risky experiment never tried by a modern day country or any country in history,” said Dan Stein, , “What remains to be seen is if this country has the capacity to accommodate and assimilate an unending wave of mass immigration. Failure to do so will result in a balkanized, fragmented, strife-torn and dysfunctional America.”

As you can see immigrants add clashing cultural conflicts that arise at the drop of a hat. In states across our nation, they wave their own country’s flags, promote polygamy as their cultural right, female genital mutilation, honor killings, home school in their own rituals and create enclaves that are fast balkanizing.

As you can see in Springfield, Ohio, or any small berg being forced to incorporate incompatible illegal aliens, we’re all on a rough road leading us right into the depths of cultural and demographic hell.

“You don’t know my people—-the squalor, superstitions, the fatalistic sloth that they’ve wallowed in for generations. You don’t know what you’re in for if that fleet of brutes ever lands in your lap. Everything will change in this country of yours. They will swallow you up.” Jean Raspail, Camp of the Saints

Fellow Americans, we are being swallowed up at the hands of our own elected leaders.

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