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August 10, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff


By Je suis Spike, for RBN

Just spitballing here…

Is it possible that the Secret Service is as much a protector of the Deep State as protector of the President? Sure the Secret Service is employed to protect the life of the President; we are all in agreement on that.

But, is it possible that the Secret Service is ALWAYS around the President not just so that the President is protected but to make certain that the President cannot get out any pronouncement that is not approved by the Deep State?

Reverse Praetorian Guard?


This thought occurred to me during the Presidency of the Bush the Younger, (no hero of mine, just as his dad was not).

Recall how Bush the Younger arrived at the USS Abraham Lincoln for his “Mission Accomplished” photo op on 1 May, 2003; he landed on the carrier in a Lockheed S-3 Viking which can seat 4.

Do you know who, in addition to two members of the flight crew and the President, was aboard? A Secret Service agent, that’s who.


Did the Secret Service fear the flight crew’s intentions regarding the President? Would it have been possible, (if George W. Bush wasn’t his father’s son), to get a message out to the people through the pilots if he did not have a praetorian baby-sitter?

Obviously, I’ve seen too many Hollyweird movies.

Is it profitable to speculate about such things?
