Heads Up – RED ALERT!!! – Top 10 Communitarian Buzzwords

June 22, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff



Submitted by Lark in Texas


Heads Up – RED ALERT!!! – Top 10 Communitarian Buzzwords

What others label as Agenda 21 buzzwords… or the language of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the Great Reset, the New World Order… communism, fascism, Fabian socialism, SDG’s [as in Sustainable Development Goals], etc….

… I tend to simply label as communitarian

… or as is our subject for thisbday… communitarian buzzwords.

Niki’s and Nordica’s revised 2012 ebooks – two books in one – titled as “2020: Our Common Destiny” and “The Definitive Anti-Communitarian Manifesto” display two chapters in the Appendices – one is titled simply “Communitarian Buzzwords”; and the other is cleverly titled… “Big Mother’s Double-Tongued Dictionary.”


Both reveal, and even list, “turns of phrase” and/or “terms of art”… which are simply typical examples of contemporary Orwellian newspeak, of that which I stylize, of course… as communitarian

These are merely some ubiquitous examples of deceptive political language that is bandied about today as if almost a contagion – a virus of the mind  if you will – akin to how genes can be altered by viruses typically found in nature…

… and otherwise referred to as memes… or as “units of cultural replication”… as some have defined them.

A meme is also rather much like a parasite in search of a host. The more hosts the parasite attaches itself to, the more parasites can breed and spread their infection that much faster and more widely amongst an infected population.

This is how meme wars are thought to be a success or a failure. Once deceptive, occluded language takes hold of the public mind, its spread can be likened to a plague or a pandemic…

… or else it can “wither away and die on the vine.”

One or the other.

And so, therefore, the only way to finally stop a meme [or even a memeplex] from spreading its harmful effects amongst an already heavily infected population is to make the spreading of such nonsense… wildly unpopular… by calling it out, stigmatizing it, and then shaming all those who are just too lazy… but who too often unthinkingly employ it… so as to appear hip or cool…

… because they are simply just not clued in… as they are unwittingly made dupes and useful idiots to the cause… or else they’re just success driven… and know definitely… of that which they frequently speak… and repeat… over and over again.

The important thing here to remember is that, whether one is a dupe or a shill, the result is often the same…

… but that sunshine remains always… the best disinfectant!

This is what it means to be engaged in a meme war. What is at stake… in a long series of battles for control of the public mind… is the war itself.


On FACEBOOK… search:

communitarian buzzwords

This is an example of what you’ll find.

Julianne Romanello

Sept. 17, 2022


YA GOTTA RECOGNIZE THE BUZZWORDS! If you see the buzzwords, steer clear!  There are hundreds of these words that are repeated over and over again through any and all Reset programs.

Agenda 21 buzzwords. Just a few…


Change-Agents, Thought-Leaders

Environment,  Ecosystems, Pathways

New Economy, Access, Person-Centered

Equity, Inclusive, Vibrant, Diverse

Consensus ,Community Engagement

Affordable Housing, Inclusion are Zoning

Friends of …  Future of…

Action, Data-driven, Evidence-based

Protected, Verified, Trusted,

Preserve, The Most Vulnerable

Quality of life, Opportunity

Comprehensive X, Y, Z, Wraparound Services

Benefit of all, Equitable, Whole-Person

Sanctuary, Migration, Immersion

Social Justice, Criminal Justice Reform

Watershed, Carbon-Neutral, Zero Emissions

Facilitator, Convener, Backbone Organization

Strive, Thrive, Hive Mind, Hexagons

Traffic Calming, SMART Urban Planning

Triple Bottom Line, Community Value

Best Management Practices

Outcome Based Education, Result-oriented

Endangered species, Invasive Species

Restoration, Conservation

Public/Private Partnerships, P3s

Community Input, Listening Sessions,

Community Feedback, Surveys

Common good, X, Y, Z for all

Regional, Urban Centers, Light Rail

Collaborative, Global, Bottom-Up, Glocal

Inter-disciplinary, Project-based

Stakeholder, Innovation, Entrepreneurship

International Baccalaureate, Experiential

School to Work, P20 pipeline, Workforce Dev

Historic Preservation, Green New Deal

Vision, Visionary, Bold, Transformational

Fourth Industrial Revolution, 4IR

Economic Development, Economic Growth

Sustainable Medicine, Value-based,

Cost-effective, Personalized X, Y, Z

Livable Communities, Hubs, Co-Work Space

Redevelopment, Opportunity Zones

Urban Revitalization, Choice Neighborhood

Sustainable Communities Strategies

HUD Regional Planning Grants

Community Development Block Grants

Partnership for Sustainable Communities (HUD, EPA, DOT)

Strong Neighborhoods, Co-Housing

Neighborhood Revitalization

Asset Based Community Development

Common Core, STEM, STEAM

Direct Instruction, Personalized Learning

Life-Long Learning, Talent Pipelines

Reinventing Government

Communitarian, Responsive, Equitable

Resilient city, Resilience, Adaptable

Hope, Joyful, Love, Grit, Empathy

Efficiency credits, Cap and Trade

Human Capital, 21st Century Global Citizens

Rethinking, Reimagining, Re-envisioning

New Frugality, Universal Basic Income (UBI)

School Vouchers, School Choice

Education Savings Accounts

Income-Sharing Agreements

Transition, Reset, Next-Generation

Digital Transformation, Connectivity

Business as Usual, Rowing in Unison

Transit Oriented Development

Community Oriented Policing

Complete Streets, Place-based Initiatives

Planned Future, Inclusive Capitalism

Priority Development Areas

Priority Conservation Areas

Code Enforcement Ambassador

Environmental justice, Circular Economy

Intergenerational Poverty, Trauma

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)

Racial segregation, Drivers of Inequality

Deficit model, What-Works, Common-Sense

Structural Racism, Mental Health

Opportunity Mapping, Integrated Systems

Health Disparities, Population Health

Collective Impact, Leadership, Mentoring

Community Capacity, Equity Indicators

Social Determinants of Health

Asset Based Community Development

Mandatory Volunteering

Sustainable Communities Initiative


From 2020: Our Common Destiny:

Communitarian Buzzwords

sustainable ANYTHING / change / transformation animal or earth rights / human rights / assets

goals larger than self / asset-based development as above, so below / peace / social justice

balance / balancing / justice / important values values / best use / livability / health / safety

democratic process / microcosm /macrocosm citizen participation / privacy / transformation citizen responsibilities / new sense of commitment

civil society values / new sense of volunteerism FOOD SECURITY / FOOD SOVEREIGNTY

protecting the future / sustainable communities climate change / action / environmental stewardship community rights / quality of life / ethics

community building / rights / responsibilities rule by consensus / crime prevention

civic organizations / stakeholder councils economic engine / safety / green tech / sustainability

principles & aesthetics of SUSTAINABLE DESIGN

Agenda 21/2030 buzzwords. Just a few…


Change-Agents, Thought-Leaders

Environment, Ecosystems, Pathways

New Economy, Access, Person-Centered

Equity, Inclusive, Vibrant, Diverse

Consensus ,Community Engagement

Affordable Housing, Inclusion are Zoning

Friends of … Future of…

Action, Data-driven, Evidence-based

Protected, Verified, Trusted,

Preserve, The Most Vulnerable

Quality of life, Opportunity

Comprehensive X, Y, Z, Wraparound Services

Benefit of all, Equitable, Whole-Person

Sanctuary, Migration, Immersion

Social Justice, Criminal Justice Reform

Watershed, Carbon-Neutral, Zero Emissions

Facilitator, Convener, Backbone Organization

Strive, Thrive, Hive Mind, Hexagons

Traffic Calming, SMART Urban Planning

Triple Bottom Line, Community Value

Best Management Practices

Outcome Based Education, Result-oriented

Endangered species, Invasive Species

Restoration, Conservation

Public/Private Partnerships, P3s,

Community Input, Listening Sessions,

Community Feedback, Surveys

Common good, X, Y, Z for all

Regional, Urban Centers, Light Rail

Collaborative, Global, Bottom-Up, Glocal

Inter-disciplinary, Project-based

Stakeholder, Innovation, Entrepreneurship

International Baccalaureate, Experiential

School to Work, P20 pipeline, Workforce Dev

Historic Preservation, Green New Deal

Vision, Visionary, Bold, Transformational

Fourth Industrial Revolution, 4IR

Economic Development, Economic Growth

Sustainable Medicine, Value-based

Cost-effective, Personalized X, Y, Z

Livable Communities, Hubs, Co-Work Space

Redevelopment, Opportunity Zones

Urban Revitalization, Choice Neighborhood

Sustainable Communities Strategies

HUD Regional Planning Grants

Community Development Block Grants

Partnership for Sustainable Communities (HUD, EPA, DOT)

Strong Neighborhoods, Co-Housing

Neighborhood Revitalization

Asset Based Community Development

Common Core, STEM, STEAM

Direct Instruction, Personalized Learning

Life-Long Learning, Talent Pipelines

Reinventing Government,

Communitarian, Responsive, Equitable

Resilient city, Resilience, Adaptable

Hope, Joyful, Love, Grit, Empathy

Efficiency credits, Cap and Trade

Human Capital, 21st Century Global Citizens

Rethinking, Reimagining, Re-envisioning

New Frugality, Universal Basic Income (UBI)

School Vouchers, School Choice

Education Savings Accounts

Income-Sharing Agreements

Transition, Reset, Next-Generation

Digital Transformation, Connectivity

Business as Usual, Rowing in Unison

Transit Oriented Development

Community Oriented Policing

Complete Streets, Place-based Initiatives

Planned Future, Inclusive Capitalism

Priority Development Areas

Priority Conservation Areas

Code Enforcement Ambassador

Environmental justice, Circular Economy

Intergenerational Poverty, Trauma

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)

Racial segregation, Drivers of Inequality

Deficit model, What-Works, Common-Sense

Structural Racism, Mental Health

Opportunity Mapping, Integrated Systems

Health Disparities, Population Health

Collective Impact, Leadership, Mentoring

Community Capacity, Equity Indicators

Social Determinants of Health

Asset Based Community Development

Mandatory Volunteering

Sustainable Communities Initiative

Julianne Romanello
Oct. 11, 2020




Hearts Over Hexagons
Julianne Romanello, PhD
Tulsa, Oklahoma


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