How Do They Not Understand the Obvious?

July 12, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff


By Je suis Spike for RBN

Those who keep telling us that Donald Trump can win in 2024 if his voters turn out early and/or use mail-in ballots are either part of the corruption, (like so many people whom President Trump hired turned on him during his first term), and are giving false hope, or they are, well, morons. How many of you have heard these morons say that Trump can win if only we can get enough people to vote for him such that the opposition cannot cheat enough. “Cannot cheat enough.” My stomach hurts from laughing and crying at that, and, as well, it makes me so nauseous I could throw up knowing that some believe it is true and are falling for it.

As the people allow the news media to determine who the President is via simple words such as “Fox News/ABC News/The Clinton News Network/MSLSD now project that [Fill In A Name] is elected President,” the truth does not matter. The actual vote totals do not matter.

That announcement matters.

The truth gets steam-rolled. Look back at the moment on Fox News when Arizona was called for Joe Biden as Bill Hemmer was explaining the voting in Arizona to that point. He was incredulous at the call. (I cannot find the video online. Maybe you can. I figure it’s been memory-holed.)

The people will overlook a 155% eligible voter turnout and shrug their shoulders with a thought of, “I never saw that before, oh well,” as the razor thin margins are announced. And if that is what it takes for Biden to win, this is what the vote-counting criminal element in our the government will do.

Because they are dishonest and seek power for the sake of power and because they know that the truth will have them suffer consequences they’d rather not suffer, there is no level of cheating that this criminal element will not commit. There is no level of chaos they will not employ. There is no amount of misery the people can be made to suffer that the leftists will not utilize. In short, if God isn’t in this election, the Democrat candidate, whomever he/she/it/they is/are will win.

But never fear, I do not believe that Joe Biden will win an election in 2024; I seriously doubt that there will even be an election.

History teaches.


Je suis Spike