Is a Political Earthquake Coming for the Democrats in October?

August 19, 2024 in News by RBN Staff

source:  newswithviews

Authored by Devvy Kidd and not AI

August 19, 2024

Members of the Democrat/Communist Party USA insist to this day Donald Trump lost the November 2020 election.  The toadies on the propaganda box (TV), cable, rags they call newspapers like the NY Times (all the news that’s fit to fake) and the Internet all parrot the same lies.

The shadow government’s paid whores like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and a slew of cowardly RINO’s all chanted the same lie:  China Joe Biden won.  It wasn’t just the presidency, but also candidates for Congress and governors who were also cheated.  And, of course, We the People.

This is it for the Communist International Party. Because of independent media in all forms (around the planet), the truth is being exposed daily on every issue you can imagine and people in other countries are fighting back against a one world government.  Even though governments are trying to censor Elon Musk’s X, Americans are fighting back in greater numbers.  There also needs to be a major house cleaning regarding federal judges.  Yeah, I’ve written about that for years.  Too many are just as rotten and corrupt as the junkyard dogs in the U.S. Senate who approve their nomination.

I’ve written about this before:  Judges both state and federal cooked up this ‘standing’ escape for cases they don’t want to hear.  Obviously, there are cases so absurd they should be dismissed, but critical cases are simply disposed of using ‘standing’ as justification. Just like 2008 with the imposter “president” Hussein Obama who was and still is constitutionally ineligible to be president.

Just like Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Ho Harris aka Kamala.  And please don’t spit out the usual attack “on a person of color” BS.  I am a human of color – Caucasian considered white.  For dullards out there white is a color on the color spectrum so we’re all “persons of color”.  Just more word smithing to promote racism by racists.

Prolific liar and the shadow government’s latest puppet, ‘Legs in the air” Kamala Harris IS ineligible to be president or VP (which she obtained that title through in-your-face fraud in 2020).  The VP is one heart-beat away from the presidency.  BOTH parents must be U.S. citizens at the time of the child’s birth.  Had the gutless Republicans stood and challenged the Electoral College vote in the 2008 selection election, Marxist Hussein Obama would never have become president to begin the fundamental “transformation of America”.  These are must reads for all Americans:

The Natural Born Citizen Conundrum, August 7, 2024

Some Additional nbC Developments | by Joseph DeMaio, August 9, 2024

All the usual DNC pimps on the Internet will tell you every legal “expert” in the universe who’s not a Republican all agree Ho Harris is eligible even though her parents were not U.S. citizens at the time of her birth in Oakland, Calif.

Ho Harris is 1,000% open borders.  I’ve been trying to get (Deceased) [D-NV) Dirty Harry Reid’s 1993 anti-illegals bill introduced by ANY Republican since 2014.

The strongest anti-illegal alien bill ever written and had it been passed by Congress who held the majority in 2017 and Trump signed it into law, the illegals invasion that began the day brain dead Biden was unlawfully sworn into office would never have happened.  Of the dozens and dozens of Republicans I’ve sent the bill to since 2014, I’ve never received a single response from one, not one.  Not even Stephen Miller, Trump’s head adviser while he was president.

One section I want to highlight: TITLE X–CITIZENSHIP


“In the exercise of its powers under section 5 of the Fourteenth Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Congress has determined and hereby declares that any person born after the date of enactment of this title to a mother who is neither a citizen of the United States nor admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident, and which person is a national or citizen of another country of which either of his or her natural parents is a national or citizen, or is entitled upon application to become a national or citizen of such country, shall be considered as born subject to the jurisdiction of that foreign country and not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States within the meaning of section 1 of such Article and shall therefore not be a citizen of the United States or of any State solely by reason of physical presence within the United States at the moment of birth.”

Neither of Ho Harris’ parents were U.S. citizens at the time of her birth and neither was that narcissistic habitual liar die hard Marxist, Hussein Obama.

Dirty Harry was speaking about the legal fiction called ‘anchor babies’.  Another big fat lie Congress has refused to stop; the big magnet for illegal women from whatever country.

In 1776, only about 3% of the colonials were willing to fight to birth this constitutional republic.  I can assure you as someone who is involved 7 days a week (for 31 years now), the number today is much higher.  Forget the UnReachables who either don’t know the end game, pay no attention to what their elected officials are doing to ruin their lives until it’s too late, are conditioned like cattle to accept what’s proclaimed on election day, or those too busy to get facts and truth and go back into la-la land.

Early voting will start in a couple of weeks for the Nov. the election.  Way far ahead of Election DAY.  Once voted, people can’t change their vote.  Think the cover-up of Hunter Biden’s laptop and all his criminal activities as well as dad, fake president (for now), China Joe Biden didn’t help sway the vote for pedo Joe? A lot of Democrat voters felt betrayed; they were played by not being told the truth by the media whores, but they had already “voted early”.

Personally, I think there’s going to be an earthquake event for the Democrats next month, I could be wrong.  Perhaps sooner because the coup they pulled to boot Biden and replace him with nitwit Collectivist/Marxist, Kamala Harris and a looney tune running mate for VP, Tampon Tim Walz, is falling apart.  Only the leeches, socialists and communists want ‘Legs in the air” Harris for president.

Even their whores in the Mockingbird media are starting to turn on Ho Harris which is a bad sign:

Harris’ price control plan will cause ‘bread lines’ and recreate ‘The Walking Dead’ economy: CNN commentator, Aug. 17, 2024 // ‘We’ve Seen This Tried in Venezuela, Argentina, the Soviet Union’ – CNN Turns on Kamala Harris, DESTROYS Her Dangerous Price Control Scheme (VIDEO), Aug. 16, 2024 //  Why Kamala Has Peaked, August 4, 2024 –  Too many more for one column, but mark my words, more is coming from the media scum.

Some members of the prostitute media are complaining bird-brain Harris refuses to give pressers. Her handlers and you can bet a number of “left” media mouthpieces have surely realized by now that if two sparks touched between Ho Harris’ ears, she’d electrocute herself.

Kamala Harris on the hot seat for ‘hiding’ from American people and her ‘Kamalanomics’ plan to increase taxes – The vice president and Democratic presidential nominee has faced resounding calls to conduct interviews with the media, August 17, 2024.  Quick -someone find a basement to house Ho Harris because every time she opens her mouth out comes mumbo-jumbo.  Perhaps this is the problem:

Trump Campaign Posts About Kamala Harris “Serious Drinking Problem” Rumors, Aug. 18, 2024.  As the author writes: “Note: The allegations made by the Trump campaign and others at this point are speculation and rumor. However, being that they were made on the record by the Trump campaign, other anonymous allegations have been included in this report to provide examples of what is being observed about Harris’ performance at official events.”

But if you watch the montage of short video clips in the article above, that’s how drunks act.  Laugh (in Kamala’s case it’s a cackle) at the most inappropriate time and are known to be either ‘easy going drunks’ or mean SOBs.  Harris’ turn-over of staff over the decades puts her in the latter category.

Others are now openly but subtly telling their pitiful audiences Ho Harris is scared sh*tless to debate Trump.  No question about that. Despite the ‘fixers’ in the Mockingbird media, the brainless on The View and the Hollywood Trump haters, Ho Harris and Tampon Tim who wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped him in the face are in trouble.  Trump will chew her up and spit her out if he stays on issues.  J.D. Vance is very intelligent.  Tampon Tim won’t stand a chance against Vance in a debate.  Gov. Walz is one of the worst liars and truly hated by a lot of people in his state over how he handled the COVID hysteria and his lack of brain matter not to mention his Stolen Valor lies about his miliary service.  Despicable.

WOW! Dirty Harris Campaign Edits News Headlines with Google Search Ads to Make it Appear Major News Outlets Are On Her Side – Without Their Knowledge! Aug. 13 2024.  Cheating is their only game plan. // Economist James Rickards on Kamala and Walz: “They’re Marxists… They’re Trying to Destroy the United States and a Lot of Tradition and Culture All at Once” (VIDEO), Aug. 16, 2024

Obama economist trashes Kamala Harris’ price control plan: ‘This is not sensible policy’ – ‘The biggest hope is that it ends up being a lot of rhetoric and no reality,’ Jason Furman said.”  August 2024. Clearly in violation of federal law but then again, we have no U.S. Attorney General. Merrick Garland is a hateful, envious POS who will do anything to promote the agenda of the Communist Party USA while destroying Donald Trump whom he obviously hates.  // Harris Wants to Give $25,000 for Home Down Payment to First Generation Buyers – As a fake president, she would have ZERO constitutional authority even if she tried to use an EO.

Biden-Harris administration using taxpayer money to mask Medicare premium hikes before election: critics – ‘The program is in a death spiral,’ former domestic policy adviser to former President Trump says.” This will really hurt senior citizens.

WAYNE ROOT: My Message to Red State Attorneys General: Indict Vice President Kamala Harris and VP Nominee Tim Walz Today: “They need to step up and indict Democrat VP nominee Tim Walz for “Stolen Valor.”

“The law is on the books. Walz lied, committed fraud, misrepresented his military service, and purposely misled the voters. He committed “Stolen Valor.” You have plenty of witnesses willing to testify- including his battalion leader, his troops, and even his military clergy.

“Walz is “fair game.” The rules have been set by Democrats. Any Republican AG or DA, with the support of their red state voters, can indict whoever they choose. No one can stop them.”

The shadow government in all their arrogance have made a HUGE mistake kicking China Joe to the curb and installing a very low IQ “woman of color” to be their next selection.  But, in a way they had no choice as China Joe’s dementia is well into the first stages of Altzheimer’s and could pass away anytime; all those shots to keep him standing up right.  So, while hair sniffer Joe’s relaxing on the beach NATO is trying to drag us into a war with Russia (pure insanity) and the fake VP Harris is out there auditioning for bozo of the month, just who the hell is in the Offal Office taking care of serious issues and fulfilling his job as Commander-in-Chief?

Every day of the week I surf both “left” and “right web sites. There’s a whole lot of very angry voting Democrats who are PO’d big time Ho Harris is automatically handed all the delegates while their voice now means nothing.  The Democrat/Communist Party aka DNC opens their horse and pony show today in Chicago.  Businesses in and around the arena have been busy boarding up and losing income because violence is on the menu.  The pro-terrorist supporters (who defend Hamas and “free Palestine”) will be there in big numbers not to mention the usual parade of fools carrying banners glorifying communism.  I know because I covered the 1996 San Diego and 2008 RNC Convention, Minneapolis/St. Paul. You have to see it in person as I did.  Just sickening.

Dems Given Security Warning Ahead of DNC as 100,000 pro-Hamas Agitators are Set to Descend on Chicago, “Very Concerned”.  “Officials” are wailing they aren’t prepared for what might happen – a repeat of the 1968 Democrat/Communist Party USA Convention in Chicago.  Here’s a film clip of that disaster.

The shadow government running the show behind the curtain are, I’m sure, praying Democrat and independent voters run out and vote early following the carefully crafted behind closed doors convention.  Personally, I am against early voting unless you’re military and the ballot has to travel thousands of miles or even a long-haul trucker.  Early voting gives the cheating Democrats time to get more phony ballots printed.

Uh oh….

“Several Bombshells” – Far-Left Author Bob Woodward to Drop ‘October Surprise’ on Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, Aug. 17, 2024 – “Bob Woodward, a far-left author and Washington Post editor, is set to drop an ‘October surprise’ on Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.

“Far-left author Bob Woodward’s forthcoming book about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will drop several bombshells on October 15.

“Per RealClearInvestigations reporter Paul Sperry: OCTOBER SURPRISE: A source close to Bob Woodward says his forthcoming book, “War,” about the Biden-Harris administration’s inner workings will “not be kind to Biden or Kamala” and will drop several bombshells on Oct. 15 when Simon & Schuster releases the tome … developing…”

The bottom line is something has to happen soon because Ho Harris’ honeymoon is over and Tampon Tim stinks like a baby’s diaper who has diarrhea. Anything could happen at that convention regarding all those delegates and back room deals.

Trump – if we can stop him from losing again by cheating – is like a freight train barreling across this country (with tens of thousands of attendees) with a running mate whose intelligent and very relatable to the general population – except females who demand the “right” to kill their unborn baby with a beating heart.  Planned Parenthood offering free abortions, vasectomies at DNC, The mobile health clinic will roll into Chicago, Aug. 19-20.

READ:  Harris seized evidence of abortionists’ lucrative butchery of babies. Activist reveals who helped him fight back, Aug. 15, 2024“Pro-life citizen journalist and Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden published undercover videos in 2015 showing Planned Parenthood officials callously talking about butchering, playing with, and trafficking baby parts…

“Daleiden further explained to “Blaze News Tonight” that thanks in part to Greene and in large part to the perseverance of his team, “the cover-up plan by Planned Parenthood and Kamala Harris has not been totally successful. They tried to bury these facts and this evidence for the past eight years, but it’s all starting to come out, and you can see exactly what they were so afraid of the public being able to see for themselves.”

Yes, see for yourself a human baby after an abortion at 7 weeks.

Watching Ho Harris lie through her teeth and doesn’t have a single original thought in her empty head is akin to seeing a proctologist.  In a fair election the dirty traitors behind the curtain know damn well Trump would win by a major landslide.

So, what can they do other than replace Ho Harris & Tampon Tim at the convention?  Allow Trump to win but make damn sure through human and voting machine/scanners cheating take either the House or Senate; obtain a DemonRat majority would literally tie Trump’s ability to fulfill his constitutional duties.

(I must add that while Robert Kennedy, Jr., has done a very good job regarding children’s health and vaccines, but he’s a spoiler.  Make no mistake about that.  RFK Jr., After Calling Biden-Harris A ‘Threat To Democracy,’ Asks Kamala For Cabinet Position, August 15, 2024.  Kennedy has declared repeatedly he is a life long Democrat and intends to remain one.  For political purposes he’s running as an independent for now.  A decade ago, Kennedy publicly stated several times anyone who rejects the hoax regarding “climate science” needs to be thrown in jail.  When he announced his run for president, he changed his tune and said he was really talking about corporate CEO’s.)

The next few weeks are going to be interesting if you want to call it that. Just be prepared. Prepare for Trump to be sentenced to prison on September 18

“The objective here is to enable VP Kamala Harris and the media-Democratic complex to label Trump ‘a convicted felon sentenced to prison’ as voting begins, August 14, 2024”. Never should have gone to trial but junkyard dog “Judge” Juan Merchan as well as his partners (Letticia James && Bragg) to “get Trump” have both disgraced their professions and they don’t give a damn.  No doubt Trump’s lawyers are already preparing their bail argument. Wouldn’t surprise me if Merchan set bail at $1 trillion dollars.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

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“She Lacked Professional Competence, So She Worked on It By Hiking Up Her Hemline” – Judge Joe Brown Destroys Kamala Harris in One Brutally Honest Interview (VIDEO), Aug. 3, 2024 “Judge Joe Brown: She’s a piece of sh*t. I was in California. She lacked professional competence, and she worked on it by hiking up her hem line when she needed influence rather than researching. She’s always tried to do the casting couch to get where she wants.”

Gee, what a great example of a female who loves to blabber on about female empowerment.

Short video clip:  Kamala Harris is a communist (Everything you’ve busted your butt for would be distributed to those who do nothing but suck off government programs that are unconstitutional.

Bombshell Report: Biden-Harris DHS Freed At Least 99 ‘Terrorist Watchlist’ Migrants into U.S., Aug. 5, 2024

Communism Works Through the Democratic Party, August 16, 2024

Kamala Harris Holds Rally in Cracker Box with Maybe 250 People in NC – Describes How High Food Prices Are Under Her and Old Joe… You Can’t Make This Up!, Aug. 17, 2024

Latino Political Organization Offers $1,000 Cash Incentive to Voters Who Publicly Endorse Kamala Harris: Report, August 14, 2024

Mario Apuzzo, Esq. was an expert on the issue of natural born citizenship, history and the Constitution for those interested.  Unfortunately, he’s no longer with us but his legal analysis is spot on according to history:


What to Tell the Birthers Bashers by Mario Apuzzo – “You are poorly informed on the constitutional issue involved with Obama’s eligibility to be President. The primary issue is whether Obama is an Article II “natural born Citizen,” not whether he was born in the U.S. When drafting the eligibility requirements for the President, the Founding Fathers distinguished between “Citizen” and “natural born Citizen” in Article II, sec. 1, cl. 5 and in Articles I, III, and IV of the Constitution.

“Per the Founders, while Senators and Representatives can be just “citizens,” after 1789 the President must be a “natural born Citizen.” The Founders wanted to assure that the Office of President and Commander in Chief of the Military, a non-collegial and unique and powerful civil and military position, was free of all foreign influence and that its holder have sole and absolute allegiance, loyalty, and attachment to the U.S. The “natural born Citizen” clause was the best way for them to assure this….(read the rest)

And speaking of being lied to by government agencies (FDA, CDC, FBI, CIA), there’s a fairly new web site focusing on 9/11, Truthlink.  It is the main issue of my column last week: Trump Will Release Remaining JFK Assassination Files – What About 9/11?

“Our” government has lied to We the People about WACO, TWA Flight 800, KAL 007, OKC, the so-called Russian Dossier paid for by Hildebeast Clinton’s campaign to ruin Trump, the attempted assassination of Trump last month and they’ve been lying to the world about 9/11 for the past 23 years.

Truthlink’s web site is one of the most comprehensive on the organizations (and names) working to destroy our republic.  Nearly daily postings give very deep dive investigations into who these evil doers are and you will be shocked.  Many will be in denial because trust shattered most of the time never recovers.