Revolutionary Violence and the Left

July 22, 2024 in News by RBN Staff

source:  lewrockwell


July 22, 2024

Democracy is not the best political system, and its defects have been amply exposed in Hans-Hermann-Hoppe’s great book, Democracy: The God That Failed. But we do live in a democracy, for better or worse, and in this system, the winner of an election is entitled to take power. The Left doesn’t accept this. If they oppose a candidate, they will subject him to venomous hatred and suggest that it would be a good thing if he was killed. We saw this is the barrage of anti-Trump attacks shortly before his attempted assassination, such as brain-dead “President” Joe Biden’s call to put Trump in a bull’s eye. I’ll cover some of these threats to Trump later, but first, I’d like to give some historical examples of how the Left operates in “democracies.”Barry GoldwaterBest Price: $4.46Buy New $5.25(as of 12:25 UTC – Details)

In the 1930’s, the rightist Calvo Sotelo gave a fiery speech in the Spanish parliament denouncing Communists. The notorious Spanish Communist and prostitute Dolores Ibarruri got up and yelled “You have given your last speech!” Sotelo was assassinated shortly after that. Here is an account of the assassination: “That same day, and after that intervention by Gil Robles, deputy José Calvo Sotelo, leader of the right-wing Spanish Renovation party, took the floor, pointing out the government’s responsibility in the face of these disorders exposed by the CEDA leader. Calvo Sotelo, who was possibly already threatened with death, stood up to the left: “I say what Santo Domingo de Silos replied to a Castilian king: ‘Lord, you can take my life but you cannot do more. And it is preferable to die with glory than to live with vilification.‘”  To give us an idea of the level of bullying on the left at that time, in that same parliamentary session, the communist deputy Dolores Ibárruri, “La Pasionaria”, sentenced Calvo Sotelo: “This man has spoken for the last time.”   Truck number 17 then headed towards the General Directorate of Security. Along the way, his captors pulled his American jacket back to immobilize Calvo Sotelo so that he could not defend himself. Finally, a socialist who was sitting on the fourth bench of the van, Luis Cuenca Estevas, a member of the PSOE youth and ‘La Motorizada’, fired a shot in the neck of the deputy, with exit through the left eye and loss of brain mass, according to the forensic doctors, doctors Piga and Águila, in the autopsy carried out on the morning of the day 14th.[1936]” See here.

Although, fortunately, this doesn’t involve an assassination, we saw an example of how the Left operates during the 1964 presidential campaign. The Left denounced Barry Goldwater, who in domestic politics was a moderate anti-New Dealer, as a “fascist,” “Hitler” and “insane,” Clearly, the voters wouldn’t be allowed to select him, and you can be sure that if his prospects for victory had looked better, they Left would have targeted him for death. Here are some examples of how the Left compared Goldwater to Hitler: “• Martin Luther King, Jr.: “We see dangerous signs of Hitlerism in the Goldwater campaign.”

  • Civil rights activist Roy Wilkins: Goldwater’s election “would bring about a police state.”
  • California Governor Pat Brown: Goldwater’s acceptance speech “had the stench of fascism…. All we needed to hear was ‘Heil Hitler.’”
  • Jackie Robinson: “I would say that I now believe I know how it felt to be a Jew in Hitler’s Germany.”
  • San Francisco Mayor John Shelley: The Republicans “had Mein Kampfas their political bible.”

Many in the press happily joined the chorus. Columnist Drew Pearson, for example, wrote that “the smell of fascism has been in the air at this convention.” The Chicago Defender ran the headline: “GOP Convention, 1964 Recalls Germany, 1933.” Not to be outdone, Daniel Schorr of CBS News simply made up a story—or passed along a rumor too good to check—that Goldwater was in touch with the right wing in Germany. The London Observer, usually a sober publication, found “disquieting similarities” between Hitler and Goldwater. The media made much of a trumped up “poll” of 1,189 psychiatrists who thought Goldwater was “psychologically unfit” to be president. (Goldwater later won a libel suit against the magazine publisher behind this stunt.)” See here.

Now, let’s look at the man of the hour—Donald Trump. We all admire his heroic reaction to the attempt to kill him, but the Left had been threatening him with death long before his fateful speech at the Pennsylvania rally. Here is a good account of many of them. I admit that when I was researching this article, even I was surprised about how many of them there are: “Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, has been involved in numerous security incidents, including assassination threats and attempts. The first known attempt occurred before Trump was the official Republican nominee, at a campaign rally during the 2016 presidential election. The latest attempt, which is being treated as an assassination attempt, occurred at a campaign rally during the 2024 presidential election.

2016 Las Vegas rally incident

On June 18, 2016, Trump was giving a speech at the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino in Las VegasNevada as part of his presidential campaign. During the speech, Michael Steven Sandford, a 20-year-old British man, attempted to grab a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officer’s pistol. The officer quickly subdued Sandford and he was arrested and handed over to the United States Secret Service, where he expressed his desire to murder Trump, claiming if he (Trump) were on the street tomorrow, he would try this again. Sandford was later sentenced to 12 months and one day’s imprisonment, along with being fined $200. After becoming eligible for early release, Sandford was released and deported to the United Kingdom in May 2017.

2016 Reno gun scare

On November 5, 2016, three days before the presidential election, Trump was speaking at a rally in Reno, Nevada when a man in the crowd screamed ‘gun’, causing Trump to be rushed off stage by security and the man to be tackled by surrounding members in the crowd. The man, identified as 33-year-old Austyn Daniel Crites, was subdued by Secret Service agents and searched, only to find that he was unarmed. Crites, who was a Republican that opposed Trump, was holding up a sign shortly before that stated ‘Republicans against Trump’; Crites stated others attempted to grab the sign and were booing him. After the scene was cleared and identified as safe, Trump returned to the stage minutes later and finished the speech without incident.

2017 forklift attempt

On September 6, 2017, in Mandan, North Dakota, Gregory Lee Leingang stole a forklift from an oil refinery and attempted to drive it toward the presidential motorcade while Trump was visiting to rally public support. After the forklift became jammed within the refinery, he fled on foot and was arrested by the pursuing police. While interviewed in detention, Leingang admitted his intent to murder the president by flipping the presidential limousine with the stolen forklift, to the surprise of authorities, who suspected he was merely thieving the vehicle for personal use. Leingang pleaded guilty to the attempted attack, stealing the forklift, related charges and several other unrelated crimes on the same day. Consequently, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. His defense attorney noted a ‘serious psychiatric crisis’.Barry M. GoldwaterBest Price: $3.71(as of 04:59 UTC – Details)

2018 ricin attempt

On October 1, 2018, an envelope laced with ricin was sent to Trump before being discovered by mailing facilities. Several other letters were sent to the Pentagon, all of them labeled on the front with ‘Jack and the Missile Bean Stock Powder’. Two days later on October 3, a 39-year-old Utah Navy veteran named William Clyde Allen III was arrested and charged with one count of mailing a threat against the president and five counts of mailing threatening communications to an officer or an employee of the United States. Allen pleaded not guilty to all charges.

2020 ricin attempt

On September 20, 2020, Pascale Cecile Veronique Ferrier was arrested in Buffalo, New York while attempting to cross over the border to Canada. Ferrier, who is Canadian, wrote in a ricin-laced letter to Trump that he should drop out of the ongoing 2020 presidential election along with calling him an ‘ugly tyrant clown’. She is charged with eight counts each of prohibitions with respect to biological weapons and making threats via interstate commerce and faced up to life in prison. On August 17, 2023, a US court sentenced Ferrier to nearly 22 years in prison for sending a letter containing lethal ricin to then-President Donald Trump.

2020 Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot

In October 2020, it was reported that Barry Croft Jr, a Delaware man who was arrested for his involvement in the kidnapping plot against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, included Trump in a list of politicians he wanted to hang In December 2022, Croft was sentenced to 19 years in prison.

2024 assassination attempt

On July 13, 2024, a 20-year-old man named Thomas Matthew Crooks fired shots into a Trump rally from an elevated position outside the venue while Trump was giving a speech near Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump was bleeding from his right ear after the shooting. Crooks, as well as a rally attendee, were killed, while another two were left in critical condition.” See here.

Let’s do everything we can to ensure that while we are living in a democracy, we can choose somebody that the Left wants to kill.