The US is Playing a 4D Chess Game in the Middle East That No One Understands

October 27, 2019 in News by RBN Staff


Trump is rapidly ramping up troop deployments in preparation for what could be one of the greatest wars of our generation.

The decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria has been somewhat of a nightmare for the Trump administration. Either that, or the story in and of itself has served as a useful distraction from other issues.

 At first, the media hit Donald Trump hard for potentially allowing a genocide of the Kurdish allies it had previously backed to defeat ISIS in parts of Syria. Anyone who knows anything about history will know that this isn’t the first time the U.S. has been accused of abandoning its Kurdish allies.

Largely missing from any serious commentary on the issue is the fact that U.S. troops had illegally invaded Syria to begin with, eventually taking over close to one third of Syria’s territory.

 Also missing is the fact that U.S. troops stationed in Syria were effectively a barrier between the Assad government and the Kurdish population, preventing any sort of meaningful peace being reached between the two. Turkey’s incursion, it seems, is made up of Sunni radicals who are still hellbent on unseating Assad.