Trump turns down intel briefings, rightly senses a trap: ‘I don’t want them’

August 23, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff




Former President Donald J. Trump is again eligible to receive classified intelligence briefings now that he’s the Republican nominee,  but he’s turning them down and for a very good reason.

Since his first stint in the White House, the GOP nominee now fully understands the dastardly dirty tricks that are the stock-in-trade of partisan intel operatives and their partners in the corrupt media, and he fully appreciates how quickly a briefing could be turned into yet another lawfare trap.

“I don’t want them, because, number one, I know what’s happening. It’s very easy to see what’s happening,” Trump said in an interview with the Daily Mail after he wrapped up a rally in the key battleground state of North Carolina, his first outdoor event since nearly having his head blown off by a would-be assassin’s bullet last month, pivoting to criticism of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

“We have an incompetent leader, and we have two incompetent leaders,” he said. “We have a Marxist that’s going to try and be president, and this country is not ready for a Marxist or a communist president, and that’s what she is. She destroyed San Francisco, she destroyed California, and this country is not ready for it.”

“So I don’t want that, because as soon as I get that, they’ll say that I leaked it,” Trump added, returning to the briefing.

“So the best way to handle that situation is, I don’t need that briefing. They come in, they give you a briefing, and then two days later, they leak it, and then they say You leaked it,” he told the outlet, expressing justifiable suspicion that his enemies would exploit the briefings to entrap him.

“So the only way to solve that problem is not to take it I don’t want it understood,” he said. “I’ll have plenty of them when I get in.”

The briefings have been traditional for nominees since 1950 when they were introduced by Democrat President Harry S. Truman in the early 1950s during the early days of the Cold War.

Earlier this year, Barack Obama’s knuckle-dragging ex-CIA boss John Brennan, now an MSNBC employee, said that there are those in the intelligence community who could withhold information from Trump, choosing to engage in brazen Deep State sedition.

“Now, I’m pretty certain my former intelligence colleagues will provide briefings that are not going to do any type of damage to sources and methods in terms of providing information to Donald Trump that he could misuse,” he told network colleague Nicolle Wallace, suggesting that the spooks would pick and choose what info to divulge.

Brennan is just the type of guy who would set Trump up and then leak to the media. There are many more just like him who are working within the intel agencies that have been polluted by partisanship and serve as de facto arms of the Democratic Party.

But they won’t get the chance, because Trump is too smart to play the game.