A Government In Rebellion

August 13, 2017 in News by RBN Staff

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The USA is a failed state. It was charged at its founding to protect and defend the borders. Fail. It was charged with securing the rule of law. Fail. It was charged with securing the right of the people to be secure in their papers and effects. Fail. It was charged with protecting a citizens right to a fair trial, a thing lost in the current judicial system of trumped up charges and plea bargains. Fail. It was charged with requiring the popularly elected House of Representatives with making all legislation, that does not exist where 90% of all new legislation is considered “rules” and “regulations” and is originated and passed in committees of bureaucracies. Fail.

There is no area in which one might look where the language and intent of the Constitution is honored. This is more than just a problem, it is indicative of a failed political state. That there are those who benefit from this dysfunction is a fact, but it is not indicative of a functioning government. It is a government evolving from its intent to the opposite of its intent. Yes, it functions, but not to its purpose, which is to say if a tire is blown, with a big hole in it, it might still be used as a child’s swing, but it no longer functions to its purpose.

The only purpose of the United States government is to deal with foreign powers, including native Indian tribes, settle disputes between the states and provide for the common defense. There are a few other responsibilities, but small in nature compared to those. It was not intended to have a say in every day activities of the people, to take a piece of every bit of commerce engaged in throughout the states. It was not intended to be the last say in every dispute. It was not intended to decide what cultural mores would be in effect in every state in the land. It certainly was not intended to produce government agencies with the ability to kill citizens with impunity at the behest of political officeholders. All of this and more is taking place. Why?

The United States Government is devolving from a government largely controlled by the population to a government bent on control of the population. That is a failure and until the American people come to understand that this is a government that has failed in every aspect of its charter, it will continue to devolve. There is no reconciliation available to a government impervious to the will of the people. This is what is on display when the president is attacked for pursuing the goals for which he was elected. It is a governmental rejection of the will of the people. And, since the government is only empowered by the consent of the governed, it is a government in rebellion against the people.

The people, therefore, are rightly empowered to rebel against the government. With the ultimate and intentional subversion of the will of the people through impeachment and removal of individuals given the consent to govern, the government bureaucracies will be in open rebellion against the people, a condition encouraged and supported in all collectivist governments, but wholly intolerable to those who claim to be a REPUBLIC.