ADL Training US Police Departments across the country… For What Purpose?
February 6, 2014 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Freedom4um
Are Abe Foxman and the Zionist ADL training US Police to be their private armies?
When your door gets kicked down at 3 am in the morning, you’d better have on your yarmulke, have a menorah visible and a Star of David Flag draped over one wall… or else!
Here’s a few samples on what the Zionists are teaching American cops to do:
ADL Participates in First Annual Urban Shield Training Exercise in California
Posted: November 14, 2007
An Anti-Defamation League expert participated in the first annual Urban Shield training exercise in Oakland, California.
Urban Shield is a large-scale training exercise and competition sponsored by the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office. It involves over 20 SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) teams from throughout the country, and is designed to test each team’s tactical ability to cope with a variety of real-life emergency scenarios.
The exercise took place continuously over a 24-hour period, beginning and ending at 5:00 am. It included different scenarios conducted at 22 training venues (or checkpoints) throughout Alameda County.
Two-Day Law Enforcement Training Held in Utah
Posted: January 14, 2008
Federal, state, and local law enforcement from across Utah gathered for a presentation from an Anti-Defamation League expert on right-wing extremism in West Valley City, Utah.
The training took place over two days and was held at the West Lake City Police Department Headquarters, just outside of Salt Lake City, Utah.
Approximately 150 officers assembled for the ADL expert’s informative presentation on the ideologies, symbols, and criminal activities associated with right-wing extremists in the area. The expert also discussed the proliferation of white supremacists in the anti-immigration movement, emphasizing recent trends and tactics used by extremists to exploit anti-immigration sentiment in the region and across the United States.
U.S. Military Investigators Trained
Posted: December 11, 2007
An Anti-Defamation League expert conducted a law enforcement training at the Fort Leonard Wood United States Army Basic Combat Training Post in the Missouri Ozarks in December.
Nearly 70 attendees, representing several military units, participated including the Anti-Terrorism Branch, Non-Commissioned Officer Academy, Equal Employment Office, Military Police Investigation, Basic Military Police Training, 14th Military Police Brigade, Marine Detachment, and the 1st Engineering Brigade.
Training the US Army’s Military Police? To do what, torture Iraqi’s, using the brutal tactics of the Israeli Shin Bet?
Other training sessions and the infected departments:
ADL Presents for New Mexico Law Enforcement 05/02/08 Briefing on domestic extremism for the Albuquerque FBI.
ADL Trains Law Enforcement in Wisconsin 05/02/08 Training at a Terrorism Conference sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Justice.
ADL Provides Series of Trainings to NYPD 05/02/08 First two sessions held in four-part series on domestic extremism for the NYPD in Brooklyn.
ADL Trains Law Enforcement in Idaho 05/01/08 Law enforcement from across the Pacific Northwest received training on extremism.
ADL Provides Training to Wyoming DOC 05/01/08 Two day training sponsored by the Wyoming DOC.
ADL Trains Law Enforcement in Arizona 05/01/08 Gang squad recruits in Tucson received a presentation on domestic extremism.
ADL Trains Las Vegas Law Enforcement 05/01/08 Presentation at the third Annual Gang Conference sponsored by the LVMPD.
ADL Presents to the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Command Staff 04/02/08 Presentation for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) command staff at the 2008 ICE Leadership Conference
ADL Trains Missouri Law Enforcement 04/02/08 Training sponsored by the Missouri Police Chief’s Charitable Foundation and the Missouri School Resource Officers Association.
ADL Trains Police Departments on Cape Cod 03/25/08 The Provincetown and Truro, Massachusetts, Police Departments participated in a hate crime training session.
ADL Presents Counterterrorism Course in San Diego 02/14/08
Training Held for San Diego District Attorney’s Office 01/24/08 Training on the California white supremacist subculture held in San Diego.
Training Held for U.S. Attorney’s Office in Washington, DC 01/17/08 Members of the DC Bias Crimes Task Force gathered for a presentation on right-wing extremism and hate activity.
Two-Day Law Enforcement Training Held in Utah 01/14/08 Federal, state, and local law enforcement from across Utah gathered for a presentation on right-wing extremism in West Valley City, Utah.
U.S. Military Investigators Trained 12/11/07 Military units participated in a training at the U.S. Army Basic Combat Training Post in the Missouri Ozarks.
Senior Law Enforcement Personnel Attend Anti-Terrorism Course in DC 12/10/07 The twelfth session of ADL’s course on extremist and terrorist threats was held on December 2-4, 2007.
Training Held at FBI National Academy 12/04/07 Information on extremist use of the Internet was presented at the FBI National Academy.
Law Enforcement Training in Illinois 12/04/07 Federal, state, and local law enforcement officials met in Springfield, Illinois, for a presentation on extremism.
California Law Enforcement Attend Training 12/04/07 Law enforcement officers in Ventura, California, attended a training on domestic extremism in November 2007.
Senior Law Enforcement Travel to Israel for Counterterrorism Training 11/15/07 Senior law enforcement executives traveled to Israel to learn counterterrorism tactics and strategies.
ADL Participates in First Annual Urban Shield Training Exercise in California 11/14/07 ADL participated in the fist annual Urban Shield training exercise held in Oakland, California.
Training Held for Traffic Court Judges in Seattle 11/01/07 A presentation on anti-government extremism was held for the American Bar Association’s Judicial Division in Seattle.
Law Enforcement Trainings Held in Massachusetts 10/18/07 Two extremism trainings were held for Massachusetts law enforcement.
California Law Enforcement Attend Training 10/18/07 Information was presented on terrorists’ and extremists’ use of the Internet to law enforcement in the California.
Training Held for Members of the Association for Uniform Crime Reporting Programs in Michigan 10/18/07 Members of the Association for Uniform Crime Reporting Programs received information on extremism in Michigan.
Training Held for Dallas Police Department 10/16/07 Law enforcement officers from the Dallas Police Department received information on extremists’ use of the Internet.
Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Attend Training 10/16/07 Pennsylvania law enforcement met for a training on extremism and hate crime legislation in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.
Domestic Terrorism Training Held in Western New York 10/16/07 Information on domestic terrorism was presented to law enforcement in Western New York.
Extremism Training Held in Missouri 09/26/07 Officers from across Missouri gathered for an extremism training in Jefferson City, Missouri.
Michigan Law Enforcement Attend Training 09/20/07 Law enforcement from across Michigan gathered in Livonia for a presentation on right-wing extremism.
Training Provided to District Court Magistrates in Michigan 09/20/07 A training on anti-government extremism was held for the Michigan Association of District Court Magistrates.
Training Provided to New Mexico Law Enforcement 09/05/07 Law enforcement officers from across New Mexico received a presentation on right-wing extremism and domestic terrorism.
Domestic Terrorism Training Held for Pennsylvania State Troopers 08/30/07
State troopers from across Pennsylvania received information on right-wing extremism and domestic terrorism.