America Has Entered a New Level of Tyranny

November 25, 2013 in News by RBN Staff

Source: Activist Post

Information is gathered for a purpose. We attend school, gain knowledge and acquire employment. We gather knowledge about someone we are dating and then make a decision about the future of the relationship. When the government is gathering information on us which goes beyond the basic census information, then we should be asking a lot of questions along the lines of “When will the surveillance gathering being conducted by the NSA turn into outright persecution?”

The Unmistakable Pattern of TyrannyEvery advancing tyranny has two distinct stages. In the first stage, the “enemies” of the state are identified. Lists are created and distributed among law enforcement. These lists are often leaked to the public to serve as a deterrent against any thoughts of engaging in anti-government behavior. There is typically a prolonged period of demonization followed by formal labeling.

History is replete with examples when surveillance gathering turns into labeling followed by outright persecution. In fact, I cannot think of an accurate historical example of when a country engaged in a police state surveillance grid, did not eventually victimize a significant number of its own citizens.

In the second stage of tyranny, the identified groups are singled out for “corrective” action. Corrective action usually commences on an incremental basis. Following identification, enemies of the state are usually singled out for employment discrimination, travel restrictions, residency restrictions and then the inevitable incarcerations and worse begin to transpire. This pattern happens every time following the establishment of a police state in America. America does indeed meet the denotation of a police state according to the dictionary.

po-lice state 


A totalitarian state controlled by a political police force that secretly supervises the citizens’ activities.

Once this process begins, the advancement of tyrannical persecution of the people is inevitable without a revolution. The whole process begins with unwarranted surveillance

Who Does Our Government Watch?

James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence recently released a series of declassifieddocuments which demonstrates how the National Security Agency (NSA) has been granted carte blanche to spy on American citizens.

What can an American do to end up under the watchful eye of the NSA? The recent release of information with regard to this question led to the discovery that their agency concerns extended to those who worship in a mosque, people who write and read articles which criticizes the government, speaks publicly about their opposition to various government policies, publicly profess a belief in the First Amendment and anyone who works as a journalist.

The implications of the above-mentioned groups which warrant NSA surveillance are stunning as well as frightening. Does anyone else find this very unsettling that one can become an enemy of the state for professing a belief in the First Amendment? Imagine that you are a victim of health insurance dumping and Obamacare incompetence has left you without medical insurance, you are labeled a dissident for speaking out. What about the government which claims that it doesn’t racially profile? Tell that to people of Islamic faith who have done nothing wrong and love being an American.Ask the Question

With all the historical precedents, it is amazing that nobody seems to be asking the question, “When does all of this intelligence gathering become actionable?” In other words, what is the government going to do with all the surveillance data that they have acquired? Is this an exercise in mental masturbation, or is the NSA and ultimately the government going to do something with this vast amount of personal information? Why isn’t anyone asking these questions? Once again, the answer to the first question is that there never has been a police state that did not act upon the information it gathered on the people, and I believe that time is upon America. Below, I have listed three examples of encroaching tyranny, with each example more pronounced in its intrusion into civil liberties.

The TSA and the Increase In Their Incremental Level of Tyranny

Every totalitarian government tries to make it difficult to travel, and the TSA is fulfilling their role to this end. For over a decade, the TSA has become the symbol of the state’s superiority over the individual. With the unwarranted second sexual assault practices being committed against the flying public every day, the TSA is taking their tyranny to a new level.

Have you heard about the new mini-jails that the TSA has placed at Syracuse Airport? Passengers are forced into a bottleneck as they pass through what are called pods as they leave the terminal. A futuristic, female voice gives instructions to wait inside the pod until a green light is shown and the door opens. Travelers can become electronically trapped or detained at the whim of the TSA. This is just one more example of the conditioning that the TSA provides for the establishment which is teaching the American people that your body does not belong to you, it belongs to the state.

The pods are part of a $60 million dollar renovation. The installation of these pods are most certainly headed to other major airports as well. While in the pods (i.e. jail) a passenger can be detailed for further interrogation (i.e. molestation). Some of the passengers exiting through the pods at the Syracuse airport thought the machines were performing x-ray body scans. If one is lucky enough to exit the pods, they are not permitted to re-enter the terminal. I view these pods as conditioning for future FEMA camp deportation and incarceration.

Syracuse Airport Commissioner, Christina Callahan said, “We need to be vigilant and maintain high security protocol at all times. These portals were designed and approved by TSA which is important.” Christina is also partaking in the TSA tyrannical Kool-Aid as well. Not only is this going to cause the price of flying to skyrocket, it is turning our airports into being more like prisons than ever before.

Agenda 21, Wildlands and Drones

As most awake people are aware of, Agenda 21 poses a grave threat to property rights, freedom to travel and livelihoods of many Americans. Agenda 21 advocates won’t be satisfied until all humans are living in stack and pack cities and the rural areas are devoid of all people.

In a page right of the movie, Hunger GamesEcologist Lian Pin Koh is making a case for using drones to protect the world’s forests and wildlife. Do you remember the opening scene of the movie,Hunger Games, where a drone is patrolling a forbidden wildlands area where humans are expressly forbidden to hunt game or even cross in to the area?

Under Koh’s proposal, drones will be used to track animals in their natural habitat, monitor the health of rainforests, even combat crime by detecting poachers via thermal imaging. Poachers? Is that what the UN Agenda 21 crowd is going to call me as I remain in my rural home?

Koh expands conservation efforts by promoting the use of low-cost autonomous aerial vehicles. The forces of oppression are lining up against you America.

The above two examples demonstrate how tyranny is slipped in one step at a time on multiple fronts. However, when the following is acted upon, the Great American Genocide will begin.


It is amazing how many Americans have never heard of the National Defense Authorization Act(NDAA). Under the NDAA, a person can be snatched off the street without cause, not allowed access to an attorney, held indefinitely, never charged with a crime and never released. An NSA identified enemy of the state could presumably be murdered and who would know?

I recently had a colleague tell me that my claims that America has become a police state were overblown. His logic consisted of the belief that if one is not doing anything wrong, then one should not mind being under constant surveillance. With the hundreds of billions being spent by the NSA to gather information combined with the unconstitutional NDAA legislation, speaks clearly to the fallacy that it does not hurt anything to have the government constantly spying on you. These unwarranted and unconstitutional practices have made enemies of the state out of tens of millions of Americans. Since Congress only has a 9% approval rating and Obama has slipped to a 37% approval rating, what does this say about how the matrix of the NSA will judge the majority of us?We have entered a time when the NSA enemies list of First Amendment supporters, government critics and Muslims can just disappear just like what happened with the Gestapo and KGB of the totalitarian regimes of the past.


I do not think most people know how close we are to living in an absolute tyranny. Can you imagine what life would have been like if Hitler, Stalin or Mao had the technology which is at the disposal of today’s despots?

For the first time, I truly feel I am risking my life to write these words and you are taking the same risk by visiting websites such as mine. All of us are now labeled. It does not matter whether you agree with what is written on my website, or not. You have been judged and labeled by the mere fact that you are here. It does not matter if you never visit another alternative media website or not. There is now a definitive record of your disloyalty to the state. I seriously doubt if the system perceives a citizen any differently with regard to whether we write the words of disloyalty to the state, or we merely read them. Both groups have sinned against the almighty state in word and deed and they aim to stop you before you might act against this police state.

We are one false flag event away from absolute tyranny, followed by the imposition of martial law. We are all in a lot of danger.