Assange: Up to 100,000 pages of Clinton documents to come

September 9, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

via: Washington Examiner

WikiLeaks could release as many as 100,000 pages of new material related to Hillary Clinton before the election, Julian Assange said Thursday, thanks in part to new sources who stepped forward after the organization leaked internal emails from the Democratic National Committee.

“We have tens of thousands, possibly as many as a hundred thousand, pages of documents of different types, related to the operations that Hillary Clinton is associated with,” the WikiLeaks founder said in a radio interview with Sean Hannity. “There are some, several … in response to the DNC publications, a lot of people have been inspired by the impact, and so they have stepped forward with additional material.”

 Assange said his organization released internal DNC documents just before the party’s national convention because that was when staff finished vetting them, but that he hoped to have the newest documents out well before November.

“It’s quite a complex business to sort things, to index them, make sure they’re presentable, to see what the top initial angles are that come out,” he said. “We’re a small shop. We’re here around the clock. We understand quite much the time pressures that people have, and how significant it is to try and get that out. We worked like hell to get the DNC publication out before the DNC, the day before the DNC.”

“I am very confident we’re going to get this material out before, long before, the day of the election,” Assange said.

Assange said Tuesday that the first wave of Clinton documents would hit either this week or next week.