Attorney for accused terrorists in California mass shooting claims facts don’t add up
December 7, 2015 in News by RBN Staff
Family attorney claims spark more conspiracy theories
By Alex Thomas | Email Author
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SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (INTELLIHUB) — Since the moment Sayed Farook and his wife were identified by authorities as the terrorists who killed 14 people and injured over 20 more many have questioned their motives as well as how they were able to carry out such an attack without any outside help.
Now, in an interesting interview with CNN, Farook’s family attorney has put forward many of those same questions as well as revealed multiple interesting details that the mainstream media has so far refused to cover.
It is important to note that the attorney could very well just be putting things out there in order to save face for the family and possibly confuse the American people. With that being said, it would be insane not to at least cover the recent statements made by attorney David S. Chelsey.
Chelsey is first asked by CNN correspondent Chris Cuomo how the family can explain how Farook apparently went from someone they knew and loved to someone who could do something so monstrous.
“There’s a lot of disconnects, and there’s a lot of unknowns, and a lot of things that quite frankly don’t add up,” Chelsey replied.
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