Christian Zionism Is a War Based Religion

March 1, 2017 in News by RBN Staff


Source: WHTT

In this compelling podcast, Chuck Carlson, Tom Compton and Craig Hanson delve into various aspects of this war based religion including numerous, prominent evangelical Christian leaders like Henry Blackaby, Chuck Colson (deceased), Bill Bright (deceased) of Campus Crusade, D. James Kennedy (decesead), Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Conference, Ted Haggard, John McArthur, Dr. Wayne Grudem (author of “Politics According to the Bible“) and John Hagee who have blessed the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, both before and after the wars started. They’ve gone so far as to say these wars are “just wars” according to their intrepretation of the Bible. WHTT’s Chuck Carlson warned his fellow Baptists in 1990 about not going to war against Iraq (“Iraq: Americans Prepped For ‘War‘.” Also, before the 2003 Gulf War on Iraq, WHTT opposed going to war, again (see here). An excellent article from 2004 in exposes evangelical Christians who support unjust wars:  Pro-War Christians Should Come Clean. (32 minutes)