CIAs role in financial markets EXPOSED by documents release
January 19, 2017 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Zero Hedge | by globalintelhub
The CIA is under pressure from a lot of individuals and groups that question the agency’s relevance in today’s world, even Jack Ma dropped the comment at Davos that $14 Trillion was ‘wasted’ on wars over the years. As we explain in Splitting Pennies – Understanding Forex – The CIA has been a currency manipulator and agency-employee for the banks, since inception. Now, we have the evidence. Due to overwhelming public pressure, the CIA released 13 Million files online which are more than 25 years old, you can search this treasure trove here: Access CIA Crest archive by clicking here.
Bear in mind that, this is a view ‘back in time’ in an age before computers, we can only surmise based on facts and evidence how the agency is involved in FX operations today. Notably, they were the hand twisting the Swiss arm in 2011 that led to the final destruction of the world’s only ‘real’ currency that had any value intrinsically; the Swiss Franc. Now let’s go back to 1957 to examine our first case example:
This entire document can be seen here in PDF. Although the operation here seems benign, the controlling of a client-state assets can be key in acheiving whatever goals set out, whether intelligence goals or economic ones. In the case of Egypt, part of the ‘non-aligned’ movement during the post WW2 and Cold War period, in question was mostly their dealings with the Sino-Soviet Bloc, not their internal problems per se. This is interesting as it follows a theme relevant today, that of blocking Russia’s economic success in order to gain a global advantage politically.
In this example, the CIA is ‘concerned’ that Egypt will ‘settle debts’ with ‘discounted goods’ purchased from western countries. Sounds like a reasonable deal – but the CIA doesn’t play fair. It’s the ‘do as I say, not as I do’ approach, it’s OK for the CIA to topple foreign leaders and seize the assets of foreign countries, but if another country does it, they are accused of ‘aggression.’ This double standard has been an old CIA trick since the days of spying and confidence tricks began. It also was the beginning of the CIAs ‘banks not tanks’ approach to foreign policy which was used for the greater part of the last 70 years since WW2. For example, if the CIA could control the assets of a foreign country and thus crippling them, it was akin to invading their most critical city successfully. Although this is a no-brainer (so it seems today) in previous times such methods were not feasible to implement. But the CIA grew and evolved in a time of modern communications leading to where we are today, in a flat world based on instant electronic communication around the world.
For a more modern example, here’s the smoking gun regarding Iraq:
A bizarre political statement by Saddam Hussein has earned Iraq a windfall of hundreds of million of euros. In October 2000 Iraq insisted on dumping the US dollar – ‘the currency of the enemy’ – for the more multilateral euro. The changeover was announced on almost exactly the same day that the euro reached its lowest ebb, buying just $0.82, and the G7 Finance Ministers were forced to bail out the currency. On Friday the euro had reached $1.08, up 30 per cent from that time. Almost all of Iraq’s oil exports under the United Nations oil-for-food programme have been paid in euros since 2001. Around 26 billion euros (£17.4bn) has been paid for 3.3 billion barrels of oil into an escrow account in New York. The Iraqi account, held at BNP Paribas, has also been earning a higher rate of interest in euros than it would have in dollars.
So now that the CIA has released 13 Million files and will continue to release more every year on the Crest archive, it will provide investors, historians, authors, academics, bankers, and others the evidence they need to research and confirm what we already knew: The CIA is an agency-employee that works for international banks first, and US Citizens second.
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