Coronavirus Following a Familiar Pattern, Blaming Deaths on the Virus, But Is a Virus Really the Culprit?
February 8, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
Investigative journalist Jon Rappoport cites an interview with an AIDS researcher who revealed that Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo, purportedly the co-discoverers of HIV, failed to publish proof of an isolated virus. This casts doubt on whether the virus even exists. He says the Chinese Coronavirus is following a similar pattern where deaths are blamed on a virus that may not have been properly isolated, identified, or proven to be causing illness. Rappoport calls for an open, published debate among researchers—including independent researchers who have no profit motive such as making a fortune from selling treatments for a virus that does not exist. -GEG
In my research on so-called epidemics and viruses over the last 30 years, I’ve examined a point very few people want to think about.
Does the virus being promoted actually exist?
It might seem absurd to ask that. “Well, of course it exists. Why else would experts be saying it’s causing disease and death? Why else are they developing a vaccine?”
I don’t buy that reply at face value. Never have, never will.
Let me illustrate with a short tale. —Word goes out to an elite intelligence agency that a stranger on a train is a spy, and he is dangerous. He must be captured. The Agency sends a few people to board the train.
Who is the spy? What does he look like? Unknown. The agents move from car to car looking at passengers. From “past experience” in profiling suspects, they decide their target is probably a man in sleeping car 100. They knock on his door. He opens it. They place him under arrest.
The next thing the Agency knows, a week later, the ops director says, “Boys, he was the one, we have our man. He was planning to blow up bridges. Great work.”
Evidence of guilt? Proof? Was the initial story about a spy on a train even true? Answers unknown. But who cares? The job is done.
With a purported new epidemic disease, how do researchers find the man on the train? What method do they use to isolate a unique virus that is present in the bodies of people who are sick?