COVID-19 Reportedly Killed 31,000 Americans, But Drop in Flu Deaths Is Ignored

April 20, 2020 in News by RBN Staff

Source:  needtoknownews

The CDC has reported that flu cases and deaths across the US have dropped sharply as COVID-19 cases have increased. Critics contend that patients with seasonal flu and pneumonia are being categorized as coronavirus cases.Dr. Richard Ruhling, a NeedToKnow.News reader, contributed the following comment in response to our post last week that the 2017-2018 flu killed 80,000 but there was no hysteria or panic. He wrote, “The same might be said for the 106,000 killed by Adverse Drug Reactions in hospitals reported in Journal of AMA, 4-15-1998, and 199,000 killed by Adverse Drug Reactions as outpatients seen in the Western Journal of Med, 6/2000.” He said there was a 2.7-fold increase in those deaths in the Archives of Internal Medicine reported for 1998-2005 in the Sept 10, 2007 issue. This increase in adverse drug reactions made medical care the leading cause of death, more than heart disease or cancer, but not even mentioned in the CDC list of top 10. -GEG

As COVID-19 cases increase in the United States, flu activity continues to decrease sharply, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

While the U.S. flu season is ebbing, it’s still not over.

“Influenza-like illness activity, while lower than last week, is still elevated,” the CDC said Friday.

The overall severity of this season’s flu remains moderate to low.

The CDC estimates that so far there have been at least 24,000 deaths from flu, 39 million flu illnesses and 400,000 hospitalizations.



Health Care Providers:  activity is increasing in the United States. While  activity is decreasing, some flu viruses continue to circulate in the US.

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