Crashing Oil Prices and the Conspiracy to Free Us from Debt Slavery
January 31, 2016 in News by RBN Staff
Christina Sarich, Staff
Waking Times
With cheap gasoline at the pump, and increased interest rates, you’d think we were just recovering from a bad financial hang-over, but something much more sinister is at place. Don’t worry though, there is a happy ending. A revolution is happening before our eyes.
Oversupply is not the reason that oil is dropping in price faster that Exxon Corporation can say “uh-oh.” Canadian oil is dropping even lower, in some cases to $8 a barrel. Russia is not suffering from these falling oil prices, either, as the mainstream press would convey. Similarly, despite the recent Fed hike in the US interest rate, which is the first in more than a decade, this does not herald an economic turning point, at least not for the debt-slavery system that is currently in place, but that is crumbling. The magic-money system of debt and quantitative easing based on the petro-dollar is on its knees. This was an act of desperation.
Falling oil prices are not driving Moscow to expand its austerity program in an attempt to balance an expected deficit of $38.6 billion in 2016. You can be sure President Vladimir Putin was at least three chess moves ahead of tumbling oil prices. Marek Dabrowski, co-founder of the Center for Social and Economic Research in Warsaw and a professor at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics, recentlyran the numbers on the oil-exporting economies and discovered a paradox. Russia is not even close to being the most oil-dependent of these countries.
It gets even more interesting though. China has announced that the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is up and running as promised late last year. Members of the bank include China, Russia, Denmark, Egypt, Iran, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Kuwait, and others – noticeably absent is the United States of America.
Moreover, the BRICS Bank, headed by Russia, is also moving forward. A recent Forbes article, titled, “With Russian Official Said to Head BRICS Bank, Will Dollars Get Dissed?” invokes the underlying theme of the silent revolution happening under our noses.
Add to the picture – commerce between Europe and North America has literally come to a halt. For the first time in known history, few cargo ships are in-transit in the North Atlantic between Europe and North America. All of them (hundreds) are either anchored offshore or in-port. NOTHING is moving, reports ZeroHedge. Some claim that shipping companies are demanding to be paid in Chinese yuan, and this is why no goods are moving.
Add these little tidbits:
- The Swiss National Bank decoupled from the Euro.
- Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts claimed the Federal Reserve doesn’t have any more gold. That’s why they could only give Germany 5 tons of the 1,500 tons it’s holding. In fact, when Germany asked for this delivery, the Fed said no.
- China has been dumping US debt.
- Commerce – that is dry goods going from other countries to the US as measured by the Baltic Dry Index, has been greatly slowed if not stopped.
- China and Russia have been buying up physical gold.
- 12,000 oil-smuggling trucks have been caught taking Iraq’s ‘liquid gold’ into Turkey for use via ISIS.
- Russia now has access to cheap oil from Iran.
- Countries have been clamoring to exit the cabal banking system propped up by US Mafioso banks and criminal drug cartels, as well as a rigged stock market.
- The US Stock market took a nose dive at the beginning of the year.
- As Matt Taibi wrote for Rolling Stone last year in an article titled, “Everything is Rigged, Continued: European Commission Raids Oil Companies in Price Fixing Probe,”: “the European Commission regulators yesterdayraided the offices of oil companies in London, the Netherlands and Norway as part of an investigation into possible price-rigging in the oil markets. The targeted companies include BP, Shell and the Norwegian company Statoil. The Guardian explains that officials believe that oil companies colluded to manipulate pricing data.”
- Read the rest of the story here