Democrat Party Operatives Warn Media Not to Criticize Kamala Harris
August 17, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Need To Know | Fox News and Washington Times
Democrat operatives, pretending to be advocates for women, sent a memo to media organizations cautioning against criticism of vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris, under the threat that critical coverage will be declared racist and/or sexist, and that can destroy journalists reputations. They wrote, “We intend to collectively and individually monitor coverage and we will call out those we believe take our country backwards with sexist and/or racist coverage. As we enter another historic moment, we will be watching you.” The women who signed this warning include Democrat operatives like Valerie Jarrett, individuals associated with Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List, and NARAL. -GEG
Media organizations have just been warned by the Democratic Party machine that they better be very, very careful with how they cover Joe Biden’s vice presidential choice — just revealed to be Kamala Harris. Any criticism of the expected woman will be considered racist and sexist, we are told. Oh, they wrap up that threat in a word salad, but that’s the bottom line: There should be second and even third thoughts about any criticism of Mr. Biden’s VP pick.
An actual memo went out from an ad hoc group of Democratic operatives (pretending to be advocates for women) to media organizations with orders on how to proceed with their coverage. The fact that they expected this partisan missive to be accepted and adhered to by media entities tells you all you need to know about the problem with today’s legacy media.
For decades, the Democrats have enjoyed a pliant media. Ranging from covering up for John F. Kennedy’s affairs, to ignoring Hillary Clinton’s health and corruption issues during the 2016 race, the media certainly have never needed such a public reminder about their duty to handle a Democratic politician like a fragile, and special, golden egg. So why now? Because identity politics demands it, and with news now disseminated beyond the broadcast networks and just a few loyal newspapers, Democrats need to reinforce the need for media protection in order to gaslight the public about their real agenda and inherent incompetence.
Hiding Mr. Biden in a basement has been absurdly accepted by the media. Unable to toss Ms. Harris into a literal basement, they’re now trying to construct a virtual bunker for her.
The implication of the memo was any critical coverage deemed unfair (and all would be deemed so) will be declared racist and/or sexist. They even invoke George Floyd’s name for extra impact, “Our country — and your newsrooms — have learned a lot since the [death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody] and the subsequent protests for racial equality that his death spurred … We know from public reporting that many of your newsrooms had internal conversations about your coverage, your diversity and your editorial judgments,” it read in part.
“A woman VP candidate, and possibly a Black or Brown woman candidate, requires the same kind of internal consideration about systemic inequality as you undertook earlier this year …” They write, “We are here to help you with this challenge … We intend to collectively and individually monitor coverage and we will call out those we believe take our country backwards with sexist and/or racist coverage. As we enter another historic moment, we will be watching you.”
That’s subtle. Said no one ever.
The women signing onto to this warning include Democratic operatives like Valerie Jarrett — the Obama associate and surrogate for the Biden campaign, multiple individuals associated with Planned Parenthood, Hilary Rosen — a longtime Hillary Clinton operative, and representatives from other Democratic and liberal entities like Emily’s List and NARAL.