December 22, 2019 in News by RBN Staff

by Mac Slavo

In a major threat to what’s left of press freedom, establishment journalists are calling for Big Tech to censor those who won’t parrot the government-approved official narrative. Journalist Sulome Anderson has publically called for censorship of a site because it’s an independent news source.

Anderson publicly requested that Google de-rank the independent news site The Grayzone. Anderson, who, according to her bio on her Twitter page, has published with news outlets such as The Washington PostNewsweekNew York Magazine, and Foreign Policy, labeled a recent article by Grayzone contributor Rania Khalek as “dangerous”. For her part, Khalek called Anderson’s comments to Google a “dangerous threat to press freedom.”

Khalek’s article, which Anderson specifically took aim at, is part of a two-piece investigation into alleged U.S. and Gulf states attempts to co-opt and influence the ongoing anti-corruption protests in Lebanon, according to Sputnik News.

Khalek writes that:

“By joining the roadblocks around Beirut, the protesters have inadvertently allowed themselves to be used by these US-allied parties. Whether they know it or not, the media-friendly artists and students at the ring road in downtown Beirut have given cover to the Lebanese Forces roadblocks in the north and the [Progressive Socialist Party] and Future Party roadblocks in the south.”

Rania Khalek


Who decides which protests are worthy/unworthy? And why?

It’s all about location!

Protest against a government the US hates and you’ll get the hero treatment in US media.

But protest against a US ally and you’re a rioter.

Watch my handy guide:

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Anderson lashed out against the article, calling The Grayzone a “conspiracy theorist website” worth of Google’s power-hungry censorship:

“It’s Not a Conspiracy Theory… It Is Happening Right Now”