HUGE ELECTION UPDATE: Data Supporting the Reported Results of the 2020 Election Does NOT Reconcile with Data in Voting Machine Files – Something Is Very Wrong
July 15, 2022 in News by RBN Staff
source: gatewaypundit
By Joe Hoft
Published July 15, 2022 at 8:00am
After the 2020 Election steal, we knew things were very wrong. Now as experts dig into the 2020 Election results, the final results don’t seem to reconcile with anything.
We learned in 2020 that American elections are a mess. Now here we are a year and a half later and we are uncovering more evidence that the final results in 2020 never should have been certified.
We reported within days of the election and since then that the final numbers made no sense. This was highlighted in our work surrounding the Drop and Roll.
The Edison data used in the above video has since been dug into much deeper. Draza Smith and Jeff O’Donnell are two data experts who began looking at this data. They made numerous observations after doing so as noted in the article below. Some key points are:
- Edison data with state totals are provided to mainstream media outlets like the New York Times showing reportedly up-to-date results of the election for each state
- There is a separate stream of Edison data based on county reporting that goes to the state
- The state data supplied to the media and the county data supplied to the state don’t mirror each other and don’t agree until very late in the process – results should be the same for all reporting at all times
- In the 2020 Election all results for all states went to zero and then when the numbers were reported again the state and county data nearly matched
- Before the ‘Edison zero’ moment, there are differences between the Edison state and county data
- State data was always below the county data (except with DC)
- After the ‘Edison zero’ the state and county data are very close
- Ultimately both the state and county data come to an agreement
- The state data appears almost completely fictional to paint a story to the public
- The county data may be fictional as well to some extent but appear not as off as state data.
- Some county data obtained does correlate with Edison county data and some doesn’t with state reporting more likely related to an algorithm or pre-determined value
- Battleground states actually had more refined reporting down to the precinct level rather than county level as in other states
- The ratio of Trump to Biden votes appears preset for each state before the election
- But when Texas and then Florida went to Trump voting had to stop while they rearranged the remainder of the swing state votes
- The Edison zero moment occurred after Florida was called for Trump
- All states show this pattern
- There may be some type of controller that manages the votes – a device similar to ones used in multiple industries
- Jeff O’Donnell “I have probably done a fairly deep dive on 12 different states and I have found unacceptable, unacceptable things in all 12. Even in my worst nightmares previous to this election, I never dreamed that anything like this on such a massive scale could happen. We need answers to so many questions.”
- Draza Smith shared: “Everything we’ve put together with the idea of how things happened here, played out exactly the same way in the California recall election. Why did all those people…go in and vote and be told, oh you can’t vote, you’ve already cast a vote…So the things that we’re seeing happening are falling into line that it’s the same, it’s the same, it’s the same. We need to start demanding the answers as to why the same, the same, the same.”
- We need an audit of our time stamps. We need to get a better idea of how a ballot goes from the voter, to the tabulator, to the state and Edison and eventually to the New York Times.
Based on personal experience, having performed hundreds of audits around the world, when performing an audit of any data set, you want to make sure your data is complete. You can do this by reconciling your data to reported results.
The county results reported in the Edison data don’t agree with the state results. They should. So another data set to compare these results to was needed. This is where ‘Cast Vote Records’ come in.
“Cast Vote Records” are inventories of votes recorded in the voting system. These records can be downloaded onto a spreadsheet and they show all votes for each ballot counted in the election through the election system. Each row represents each ballot tabulated in the election and which tabulator it was cast on, what image number it was given, what type of vote it was, ballot type or precinct, and what all the votes were for the races on that ballot.
Below is an example of a Cast Vote Record report provided by Erin Clements from the New Mexico audit. Each row in the spreadsheet represents a ballot with the votes for each ballot:
Unfortunately, and perhaps by design, the Cast Vote Records do not include time stamps for when the ballots were cast or tabulated. The Cast Vote records in the order they are provided from the voting system do not agree with the Edison data.
Numerous states were reviewed and none of the Cast Vote Records for any state agreed with the results for the state reported through Edison.
Erin Clements shared that the order of the votes in the Cast Vote Record is impossible to achieve in most counties. Votes are clearly being shuffled and possibly made up altogether. Small, red counties don’t necessarily show shuffling, but ballot stuffing in absentee ballots for some races usually pops out.
It is also impossible to tie the order of the votes in the CVR to the election night reporting we saw on TV. It may be because TV reporting is almost completely made up? Draza Smith and Jeff ODonnell have shown that the election night reporting appears to be based solely on the number of ballots that are reported at any given time with ratios of votes reported using an algorithm to manipulate the public’s perception of how the election is going.
To understand this, it’s helpful to look at Rhode Island’s data because it’s the only state that processes its entire election on one computer, so all the ballots are stored in one Cast Vote Record. These graphs are from Draza Smith. The first graph represents what was reported on TV with a huge jump in Biden votes after Florida was called for President Trump.
The Cast Vote Records show a different picture. These charts should agree.
According to the Edison data charts President Trump was in the lead all night, then there was a massive injection of Biden votes after Florida was called for Trump – just like we saw in MI, PA, GA, etc.
When taking the records as stored in the state’s Election Management System (EMS) you’ll notice that the Biden votes that were injected at the end of counting on TV are now spread out so it doesn’t look like there was a massive Biden ballot dump.
If elections were honestly counted, reported, and recorded, then the two plots would have the same shape. But they don’t. In Rhode Island, it looks like the Dominion software shuffled the last-minute stuffed votes into the record to spread them out and make them look natural. So if anyone checks the Cast Vote Record later, it won’t look like obvious ballot stuffing.
This was found to be the same in multiple states and in all the records reviewed. None of the Cast Vote Records agreed with the Edison data.
At this point – in the 2020 Election the Edison data that was used to report the status of the election results across the country, can’t be reconciled to anything.
So when is somebody going to JAIL for this???