Join us in Montrose Colorado, Nov 21
November 20, 2015 in Current Events, News by RBN Staff
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Please Join Our Vigil for Peace and Justice
AT: A Night For Israel
Where: On public ground outside of the Montrose Colorado Pavilion. 1800 Pavilion Drive, Montrose CO
When: Saturday night, November 21, 2015, from 5:15 PM -7:00 PM
Why: Come to communicate a call for peace and Justice to those attending A Night For Israel, a free program where no one else will defend the right of the imprisoned Palestinian people ( the Philistines of the Old Testament) to live in peace and justice.
This program is sponsored by Praise Him Ministries, of Ridgeway, Colorado, which bills itself as “ a non-denominational, events-oriented ministry” that says it “believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired, inerrant WORD of the Living GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” and that claims to be “of one mind and one accord in Jesus Christ.” Unfortunately the right of the 3.5 million Philistines in Israel will have no defender there but us.
Praise Him Ministries has allowed itself to become an apologist for Israel, and to be used, probably without knowing it, to justify Israel’s brutality toward its minority populations of Philistine citizens, including some 1.5 million virtual prisoners locked inside the Gaza Gulag. Jesus, who told is to love all men, even enemies, will be left out of A Night For Israel.
Please come and provide a call to conscience to this expected large crowd of Western Slope Coloradans, attracted by the free admission to an entertainment show featuring a Broadway lead vocalist.
Night for Israel is presented in cooperation wth John Hagee’s Christians United For Israel, a group that openly promoted war in the Middle East. A bible concocted guise for Israel’s imaginary land rights has reservation-i-zed and imprisoned the entire Palestinian population of Israel. This well meaning crowd deserves to hear a small voice for peace and the right of all men to live.
Come, make you voice heard. Signs and hand out literature will be provided.
We Hold These Truths is Pro-Jesus, pro-peace, and pro-life. We are firmly against fighting offensive foreign wars for the secular state of Israel, or for any other state. Please avail yourself of the resources about Christian Zionism on our website and watch our award winning movie, Christian Zionism – The Tragedy and The Turning Part 1.
Advance information call 602 741 4650; at Vigil call David 303 885-7372