Judge Jeanine Pirro slams Sen. Kamala Harris for likening ICE to the KKK: ‘The law is the law’
November 19, 2018 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Conservative Institute
During the opening segment of her Fox News show Justice with Judge Jeanine on Saturday, former judge and prosecutor Jeanine Pirro blasted Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) for likening the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency to the racist Ku Klux Klan (KKK).
“This is America. The law is the law. Respect it, honor it. Fear it,” Pirro said. “Any questions?”
Fired up!
Pirro’s remarks came after Harris implied that ICE uses racially-motivated violence to force political change — much like the KKK — during a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing last week to confirm President Donald Trump’s latest nominee to run the immigration enforcement agency.
“Are you aware of the perception of many about how the power and the discretion at ICE is being used to enforce the laws? And do you see any parallels?” Harris asked acting ICE Director Ronald Vitiello.
Pirro took exception to that characterization, arguing that ICE should not be demonized simply for upholding American laws. Watch her full scorching monologue below:
The inconvenient truth
If Harris has a problem with ICE, argued the Justice host, then she should take action and reform the law as a public official. By comparing a federal law enforcement agency to a hate group, Pirro contends that the senator is only “planting seeds of fear, resistance, and resentment against ICE among people who have no right to come here, who have already broken our laws to get here.”
“Don’t gin up people into a frenzy suggesting ICE is like the KKK with images of burning crosses and lynchings of innocent African-Americans in likening it to innocent Mexicans and Central Americans,” Pirro added before bringing up an inconvenient truth for Harris about her party’s ties to the KKK: “As a woman who is half African-American, you of all people should understand the history and the role of the KKK played through the Democrat Party.”
The early Klan didn’t just target recently freed blacks with lynchings and terror campaigns. The hooded terrorists also intimidated and murdered Republican Party leaders and abolitionists who sought equal rights for African-Americans. Despite Democratic attempts to obscure their relationship with the KKK, there is no denying that the two groups had overlapping political agendas in the Reconstruction and Post-Reconstruction South.
“Con” job
Pirro went on to insist that Harris was engineering a “con” job on the American public. She said that if illegal immigrants are afraid of ICE, then America’s laws are doing their job.
“And they’re scared?” Pirro asked. “People should be afraid when they violate our laws. The people though who should be afraid are innocent Americans at risk in sanctuary cities and states where illegals who are also criminals are given safe haven. Your con puts those American citizens in jeopardy.”
Pirro then flashed a number of images across the screen of the recent victims of illegal immigrant murderers.
“How about having a dose of reality and not your perception nonsense? Take a look at these pictures,” she said. “Kate Steinle, Mollie Tibbetts, Nisa Mickens, Kayla Cuevas and the scores of American citizens killed by illegals.”
Later, Pirro was joined by Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway, who agreed with her host regarding Harris’ controversial comparison.
“This is what happens when people have absolutely nothing substantive to offer aspirationally for their 2020 campaign. They can’t seem to figure out how to defeat Donald Trump,” Conway offered. “So they try to do it by having these viral moments, trying to embarrass and harass and harangue people under oath.”
And conservatives like Judge Jeanine aren’t standing for it.