Lahaina (Maui) Destroyed by Directed Energy Weapon – No Proof
August 28, 2023 in News by RBN Staff
source: newswithviews
By: Devvy Kidd
August 28, 2023
Within 24 hours after the monster fire that destroyed the city of Lahaina on the island of Maui on Aug. 8, 2023, my email box started filling up. FACT: A DEW or Directed Energy Weapon is what started that fire. It looks exactly the same as the fire in Paradise, California on Nov. 8, 2018, which also destroyed that city!
How many individuals doing videos and commentary on the Paradise ‘Camp Fire’ have ever been to Paradise, California? Like Lahaina, Paradise had a lot of people squeezed into a relatively small amount of land; it’s amazing there weren’t more deaths. I know the area very well. The fire which destroyed Paradise was 100% caused by faulty distribution electrical lines and their proximity to trees and dry timber. Complaints were on file a week before the fire about those distribution lines. PG & E did nothing.
It was a disaster just waiting for a spark which came, but not from speculation about directed energy weapons. The sparks came from those distribution lines, like throwing dry timber onto a bon fire. Not to mention very limited escape routes in and out of Paradise. My late mother lived in nearby Oroville. I’ve been to Paradise many times to take her shopping. Satellite images were key in showing when and how the fire started.
There was no conspiracy and no directed energy weapons regarding that avoidable disaster. PG & E was entirely at fault and they’ve paid big time for it. The final timeline and investigation report is on line if one takes the time to look.
In the end, Butte County sued PG&E who plead guilty for 84 felony counts of involuntary manslaughter and another felony count of unlawfully causing a fire. They filed for bankruptcy. PG & E also then began replacing 10,000 miles of their electrical wires underground but it will take decades and tons of money. But at least it got started.
Sirens. Aug. 17, 2023: California town of Paradise deploys warning sirens as 5-year anniversary of deadly fire approaches. A big issue with these fires is electrical. From the referenced article above: “The new sirens, similar to a tsunami warning system, are being incorporated into the city’s emergency services, which include mass cell notifications, an emergency call center for people to call, and an AM radio station to broadcast public safety information. Paradise’s siren system can be controlled manually, over the internet, or by satellite. The towers’ power is hard-wired underground, but each siren also has a solar panel that can store two weeks worth of power.”
No take over by real estate tycoons or rich people to build mansions. It’s taking years. Many improvements for safety have been made with more underway.
I’ve been to Malibu several times. Go to their historic welcome facility. In the past nearly 100 years more than 30 huge fires have done massive damage. Malibu has a well-documented history of fires caused by negligent forestry management, sparks from any number of sources including distribution electrical lines fed by those dangerous Santa Ana winds.
That elicited another angry email: PG & E was in on it. Sure, they were. Where’s the proof? Now I’m supposed to take as FACT the U.S. government – or someone – used a DEW to start the Lahaina fire with only video clips and commentary on videos or articles? Directed Energy Weapons are very real, no question about that technology. Just go look at Lockheed Martin’s web site. I am very much aware of HAARP; been around a long time, I have. Weather modification? Yes, no question about that and I started writing about the aerosol spraying of our skies back in December 2004.
However, I submit to you that gross incompetence, lack of any real emergency plan, refusal to address and fix real issues regarding fires in that one area on Maui (Lahaina is 7.8 miles total land; total land mass for Maui is 727 miles), very strong winds and mass confusion led to such horrific destruction and the loss of who knows how many precious lives.
Lahaina, August 15, 2023: (Emphasis mine) In deadly Maui wildfires, communication failed. Chaos overtook Lahaina along with the flames – “Hawaii’s Attorney General Anne Lopez said her office will be conducting a comprehensive review of decision-making and standing policies surrounding the wildfires.
“The Associated Press created a timeline of the wildfires, using information from multiple sources including the county’s announcements, state and local Emergency Management Alerts and interviews with officials and survivors.
“The timeline shows public updates on the fires were spotty and often vague, and much of the county’s attention was focused on another dangerous, larger fire in Upcountry Maui that was threatening neighborhoods in Kula. It shows no indication that county officials ever activated the region’s all-hazard siren system, and reveals other emergency alerts were scarce.
“In the hours before the wildfires began, however, warnings about high winds were frequent and widely disseminated by the county and other agencies. A hurricane passing far to the south was expected to bring gusts of up to 65 mph (105 kph), residents were told on Monday.”
Aug. 18, 2023, Were DEW “Laser Planes” Used To Start The Fires In Maui? (Video) – “Videos have been circulating online showing strikes coming from the sky and eyewitness accounts from Maui residents are backing up those videos. It appears that the general consensus is that the deadly wildfires that spread through Maui were not natural disasters, but rather, deliberate acts using a Direct Energy Weapon or DEW.”
Short video (2:22): Viral images claiming to showing the cause of the Maui fires are not true. Those videos spread around claiming proof DEW’s were used – the so-called strikes coming from the sky (not a single one reported in Paradise) are actually old video shots taken years ago exposed by using reverse image research. They are not a DEW. Another lie plastered all over the Internet as “proof” a DEW was used. As for witnesses, the smoke was so thick you couldn’t see the sky. They very well could have seen electrical wires shooting massive sparks, possibly from transformers, even cell towers. I can imagine the searing fear everyone there was experiencing as the fire swept their town. Total chaos.
You can see in one of the videos below – above the burning area – it’s nothing but dry weeds just waiting to become a disaster. Some people claim the hurricane was too far away to have caused a spark that set off the fire. Not true, but there are those who are absolutely convinced a DEW was used and nothing is going to change their mind.
Go look at this short video from 2018 – Lahaina Fire (Emphasis mine.) “In 2018 Hurricane Lane caused multiples fires near Lahaina Maui in the Puunoa Neighborhood just north of Launiupoko. It was reportedly sparked between 1230am and 1:00am by downed electrical lines caused by hurricane force winds. The fire also spread into Lahaina Town where it jumped Honoapiilani Highway near Dickenson St. A third fire broke out near Kaanapali.” Why no outcry it was a DEW back then?
You have to understand winds, fires and gross mismanagement of forests and areas like Lahaina. In the case of Lahaina, it’s not much different than some of the huge fires in Malibu, Calif. So breathtakingly beautiful but those Santa Ana winds can cause a fairly ‘small’ fire to become a massive burn-to-the-ground fire in minutes. Look at wind that day:
Maui wildfires: Survivors describe how wind “funneled” fire right into Lahaina
Hawaii Officials Were Warned Years Ago That Maui’s Lahaina Faced High Wildfire Risk – Very detailed. That whole area is constantly fighting brush fires. Lahaina brush fire 5.29.20. PC: Maui Fire Department.
Maui, Yellowknife, Teneriffe, Rhodes: Who is Behind the Spate of Wildfires Caused by Arson?, Aug. 25, 2023 – “For years now, people have intentionally set fires all over Maui. As Maui Mayor Michael Victorino noted just last year, fire and police suspect someone is intentionally setting them. Just a couple weeks ago, Hawaiian police responded to two fires on Maui. One started by an unattended cooking fire, the other, apparently, intentionally set. Shortly after which point, according to investigators, quote, a male operating a green all-terrain vehicle was seen leaving the area.”
Canada, Greece, 2023 – use a search engine for fires/photos and you’ll see the aftermath looks much the same for all of them – including Lahaina – because I spent the time looking. Up in Canada, some of those huge fires were arson; four juveniles were charged for some of them.
This is an excellent video (7:35) because one can actually see the obvious fire hazard due to extremely dry terrain. You’ll also see the narrator getting buffeted by high wind:
Never Before Seen Footage of Lahaina Fire from Highest Point (While it’s burning)
This is also an important video. You’ll see the layout, where burned and not burned. It is worth the 18:13 to watch. Very typical for fire patterns:
DAY AFTER FIRE FOOTAGE: 4K Drone Lahaina Maui Fire – Longest & Most Detailed Aerial View
That particular house is a visual shot which has become “proof” all over the Internet the fire was caused by a DEW. Really?
How Did This 100-Year-Old House Survive Maui Wildfires? Sensible precautions by the owner saved that house. More “proof” Oprah and other celebrity’s mansions were spared is another lie plastered all over the Internet. Oprah’s mansion is in the Kula District 25 miles from Lahaina. Go look at the map or this map. There was a huge fire burning near Kula the same day so her mansion and others actually were in jeopardy. Oprah opens private road for Maui fire evacuation – July 2019. That island is plagued with fires, just like Calif.
On Maui, another fire is burning but capturing less attention than Lahaina: “About 25 miles away from the painstaking search for victims in Lahaina, scores of people are struggling with losses of their own in Kula. The Upcountry Fire, as it’s called, moved with explosive speed. The wind whipped it up a gulch behind Kyle Ellison’s home on the edge of Haleakala National Park, one of Maui’s natural gems.”
Maui Police Blocked Escape Routed as told by FISH from Front Street Found ALIVE! (The explosions he mentions were caused by gas stations.) That’s what I’m talking about regarding criminal negligence.
This reminds me of all the “facts” spread around after 9/11. FEMA’s Prior Knowledge of 9-11 Put to Rest. I filed a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request: “But does any of this prove or disprove the theory that Mr. Kenney arrived in NYC the night before the attacks? I finally received a reply to my FOIA appeal, which, I believe, puts the matter to rest…The documents from FEMA can be viewed by |clicking here.|”
Flight 93 Lawsuit filed, Sept. 26, 2006. Another FOIA I filed. “At this point in time, what we have is speculation that Flight 93 landed at Cleveland based on a press release later withdrawn.” Months went by and only after I informed the FAA I was going to file a lawsuit did they provide proof Flight 93 did not land in Cleveland. Another conspiracy theory dead. I will say the FAA’s attorney I dealt with was very courteous, upset my FOIA wasn’t processed correctly and true to his word send the documents to me overnight mail.
There are conspiracies perpetrated by “our” government, but one must obtain proof, not just speculation. In the column above I mentioned the FOIA battle by Robert B. Stinnett, author of Day of Deceit: The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor took 12 years of court battles. In the end, Stinnett won and the official documents he requested were released proving FDR WANTED the Japanese to strike first. And they did. Mine: FDR and the Pearl Harbor attack
The incompetence shown on Aug. 8, 2023, in Lahaina is beyond reprehensible and I think some actions taken by local and county officials could be considered criminal negligence.
Hawaiian couple suing power companies over Lahaina destruction amid historic Maui wildfires, Aug. 13, 2023 – “The lawsuit accuses the power companies of ignoring weather warnings and keeping their power lines energized despite the dangerous conditions. The plaintiffs say the companies “inexcusably kept their power lines energized during forecasted high fire danger conditions.
“According to the suit, the National Weather Service had issued a High Wind Watch and Red Flag Warning, cautioning that energized power lines could make a fire develop more rapidly.”
If you watch the video below you’ll see residents of Lahaina speak out about the situation with local government, serious water issues, keeping vultures away from buying up the land and more. Which, by the way another conspiracy theory the land is going to be purchased by the state for ‘smart cities’, debunked. Go to 2:30 seconds when the residents start speaking English. Lahaina families hold press conference to address community, disaster response and the residents making sure government lackeys understand Lahaina is not for sale. In fact, their governor is considering a moratorium on all land sales to protect the people in that area and warning residents not to make hasty decisions to sell they might regret later. Real estate developers try to capitalize off Maui wildfires
People have been very generous in giving to help the people of Lahania. Jeff Bezos (Amazon) donated $100 MILLION dollars for them. That is a serious chunk of money; population in 2022: 13,700. Our fellow Americans over there are still grieving and recovery efforts are still on-going. I have no doubt the victims of the fire will get answers even if it requires lawsuits. Pray for the dead, missing and loved ones trying to sort out their lives turned upside down.
I have seen no proof or evidence a DEW caused that fire, the same as Paradise, California. For those who have questions about the use of a DEW on Lahaina, do the grunt work. Military grade nano thermite was found in the dust at the Twin Towers by four people who then turned the samples over for scientific evaluation: Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe – “Based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.”
Alaska Airlines Flight 261 crashed into the ocean on Jan. 31, 2000, off the California coast, Port Hueneme. Immediately, there were all kinds of articles on the Internet about how that commercial air liner was shot down by our military. Another conspiracy driven by people who didn’t even take the time to either go to the site or obtain factual information regarding military flights. I drove to the crash site (I still lived in Sacramento) at Port Hueneme to speak with locals and the restaurant owner. There is now a beautiful memorial where the plane hit the water; not sure if the restaurant is still there.
I went to see the PIO (Public Information Officer) at Port Hueneme Naval Base which is part of Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC). I still had Colonel designation on my Jeep Cherokee; bases don’t use them anymore. Very informative regarding flights and so forth.
When I got home, I filed a FOIA with the FAA. I wanted a video of Flight 261. I did receive the VHS which I still have and watching the tracking you can clearly see other civilian planes who watched that tragedy unfold. The final evaluation of what happened: the crash was caused by acme nut threads and screw. Tragic and so avoidable.
Headlines like this are one of the reasons truth seekers are called conspiracy nuts: EXPOSED! – They’re All In On it – Maui Massacre – Published Today. That 15-minute video provides ZERO proof or evidence of a DEW or who “they” are. What the host should do is file a FOIA to get satellite images.
For those who have questions about the use of a DEW on Lahaina, it’s probably too late to get uncontaminated soil samples but file FOIA’s to all the agencies involved over there. Use FOIA’s to obtain very specific data/information from DoD and DARPA and any other agency you think might have documentation. You can also file with the State of Hawaii: State of Hawaii Dept of Defense Freedom of Information Act Requests/Uniform Information Practices Act.
Yes, it can take a while to get a response, just like my FOIA’s above. Sometimes it takes a lawsuit like Judicial Watch files all the time. Find evidence, find proof so that those responsible, if it turns out to be true, are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
OK just do a simple search on burned cars, The Polyesters/plastics petroleum materials burn really hot, just got to ignite the fumes of the gasoline and or the tires. 2014 Zimbabwean Minister’s Pick Up gets stolen and burned, no glass most of engine is gone, metal melted beyond just the rims just some thugs with lighter fluid or gas soaking the interior & a gas soaked rag in the tank :FIRST HAND explanation for at least some of the structures not burned, heroic PRIVATE fire fighting by KIMO CLARK I wish I had a better link and I would download this but the way I did do it seems not to work now? he wouldn’t say it, others have, he saved entire neighborhoods.
Of course there is no proof of directed energy starting fires. That’s why it’s the perfect pyro-terrorist tool. No evidence on the ground as to ignition. So it’s convenient to concoct the tired old narrative that power lines or power stations are at fault. Also blame hurricane winds when it was 800 miles from Maui. Weather reports show modest winds before the fire, but using multiple simultaneous ignition sources, the heat starts furnace winds. Normal fires don’t spread to the concrete breakwall and melt dozens of cars engine blocks and wheels. That takes higher temperatures. Also boats in the harbor don’t suddenly burst into flames when the winds are blowing the embers inland. Sounds like a convenient narrative.